How Do I Feel

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Your P.O.V

I started blushing a bright red as Ciel pressed his lips on mine. I soon wrapped my arms around his neck kissing him back.

Soon we both pulled back just a little and I looked up into his eyes. "C-Ciel..."

"(Y/N) your so beautiful and so amazing," he pulled me closer, "please be mine."

I looked up at him in shock. "I-I don't know I have to think about it cause once Sapphire's contract is finished... I take her soul and I'm gone."

He nodded and let me go opening the door. "Please think about-" he stopped and stared at shock at something behind us. I turned around and my jaw dropped. Sebastian had my master against the wall and half naked making out with her.

"GET A ROOM SICKOS!" I screamed smiling.

Sapphire yanked away from him crossing her arms over her chest and so red she looked like a tomato. Sebastian was blushing two "Sorry we got a bit carried away." He said

"We can all see that now go get Lady Sapphire out of here Sebastian." Ciel said. Sebastian bowed and picked up Sapphire walking away.

I giggled and looked at Ciel. "Well then I think you should put a leash on your butler so he doesn't act like a horn dog." I giggled more and blushed when Ciel pulled me close.

"But that would mean he'd have to put a leash on me two." he whispered in my ear. I turned an even brighter red looking up at him resting hands on chest.

"That depends Ciel what if I'm not ready for that yet." I said.

"I'll wait for you to choose as long as you wish I'll wait." he said and lead me to my room.

"Thank you for letting us stay and... thank you for letting me think about whether I want it or not." I looked up at him.

"Of course (Y/N)." he smiled and leaned down kissing me softly and slowly as I kissed back. He then let me go and went to his room.

I blushed and went into my room and stripped down keeping just a shirt on opened up the curtains to let the moon light into the room and crawled into bed.

I heard moans from another room and almost gagged I knew it was my brother and Sapphire thanks to my good hearing. I'll need to ask Ciel if we can go buy me an iPod or something tomorrow so I can listen to music instead of ugh that.

I turned on my side looking out the window sighing. It would be weird for me to sleep I can force my body to but I usually never sleep. So I got back up and went to a small desk in the room and started sketching.

An hour later I finished drawing and stood up then froze. Something was watching me. I walked over to the window and looked outside but as soon as I did the presence was gone. I frowned deeply and just kept watch for a couple more seconds then headed down to the kitchen for a drink.

I ran smack dap into a body way taller than me. I looked up to see a man dressed in all red with glasses and red hair a shinigami. "Who are you and why are you here." I muttered getting ready to grab my knife from my bra.

He pouted sitting on the floor crossing arms over his chest. "Im Grell Suttcliff, and your master is with my Bassy!" He pouted even more if that was possible.

"Well I don't think he's your Bassy originally he's mine since he's my brother plus he's happy with Sapphire so let them be happy." I got my drink then looked at him. "Hey did you feel another presence on the property and did you see anything?" I asked.

"I sensed something but I saw nothing I'm sorry." Grell said.

I sighed and just looked out the window and muttered to myself, "I will find out who you and what you want and I'll kill you if I have to." with that I walked back to my room and went to bed.

Ciel x Reader. Sebastian's SisterWhere stories live. Discover now