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Your P.O.V

"Are you absolutely sure you wanna do this Sapphire?" I asked her.

She nodded saying, "I'm sure even if I die from it Id rather try to see if I'll be able to spend the rest of my life with Sebastian." she hugged his arm tightly looking up at him as she said it.

He smiled wrapping his arm around her waist and I looked at her nodding slowly. "Alright then come on." I said softly walking to her room with her. Once we got there she laid on the bed and I sat next to her holding her hand.

"Remember this is gonna hurt a lot and I'm so sorry for the pain your gonna get from it. Your like family to me and I hope you survive but I'm worried at the pain you'll go through too." I said looking down.

She squeezed my hand gently saying, "Your like a sister to me (Y/N) and I love Sebastian. Ciel is family too I want to change so I can be with you all together no matter the cost. As soon as you do what you have to you can leave the room."

"I'd still have to come back in every hour to check on you." I said taking a shakes breath, "Alright close your eyes Sapphire and let's get this going."

She closed her eyes and I closed mine focusing on transferring half of my soul into hers. My soul will regenerate since I'm demon but the half of my soul that went into her will fight with her human one to try and take over. Its a painful process and can kill her but hopefully she will survive. She has to.

Getting up she starts to instantly scream tears coming to my eyes I run out of the room to Ciel running into his arms crying. "I-I do-don't w-want h-her to d-die!" I sobbed gripping his shirt.

He rubbed my back holding me close resting his chin on my head. "Shhh it's ok babe she will survive she's a strong woman just like you are." he said holding me tightly.

Looking up I nodded sniffling and looked at Sebby to see him pained at hearing the screams. Walking over I wrap my arms around him hugging tightly laying head on his chest.

Sebby wrapped his arms around me sighing hugging me back and I could feel him slightly shaking and I knew he was as scared and worried as I was about the chance that Sapphire might not survive.

We knew one thing for sure the longer the process took the better of a chance she would survive. If it ended to quickly we knew she would have died and despite how it sounds we where hoping that the process would last longer even if it brought we pain.

Every hour one of us would go in to check on her and put a wet cloth on her head so she wouldn't over heat. Every time we walked in there we would all come out more stressed then before.

I started pacing Ciel's office cause I couldn't stand sitting down and waiting while Sapphire was in another room screaming from the pain. I felt the worst out of everyone cause it was my soul inside her doing this not theirs.

After almost eight hours the screaming finally stops. Sebastian, Ciel, and I all looked at each other before walking towards her room. I slowly opened the door and stepped in expecting the worst walking over to her bed I put my ear next to her mouth to see if she was still breath.

Holding my breath I listened carefully and sure enough I heard her breathing I fell back into a chair with a sigh of relief and smiled looking at Ciel and Sebastian showing she was ok now.

They both looked relieved and Sebby came over kissing her hand gently sitting on the bed next to her. Deciding to give him alone time with her I stood up and grabbed Ciel's hand walking out of the room with him holding his hand as we headed to the library.

Sitting down in his lap I laid my head on his should closing my eyes. I felt extremely tired from all the stress I swear if I had gotten anymore stress my hair would have turned white.

"Hey are you ok (Y/N)?" I heard Ciel ask me rubbing my back.

"I'm fine Ciel I'm just happy that she's not screaming anymore and that she's alive I would have blamed myself if she didn't." I said quietly.

"Babe if she didn't survive you shouldn't have blamed yourself you where only following what your master and friend asked of you." he said kissing my head.

Nodding slowly I closed my eyes and soon fell asleep.

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