What Just Happened?

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You're P.O.V

I could barely stay awake the pain was so much. The chains I'm bind in hurt me I wanna get out I wanna leave... leave everything go back to the demon world....

I heard a door come down and I looked up seeing Sebastian walk in I was so relieved to see him but I was also worried and scared.

"So you've finally come to save your dear little sister cousin?" Mitchell said

"Yes I have let her go Mitchell it isn't worth it to bring a fight into this. Just let (Y/N) go and you will leave just fine." Sebastian said.

"I don't know dear cousin I think I may just keep her I mean she is very beautiful. The only reason you kept her from me is so that I can't have her." Mitchell said.

I stared at him confused"What in the hell are you talking about?"

"Oh little cousin we aren't actually related I acted like I was your cousin so I could get close to you. I want you to be mine and I'll take what's mine. I saw the way the boy hurt you how Elizabeth hurt you." he leaned where his lips where right against my ear, "I can take you away show you what real love is."

I stared up at him. Why would I want to be with him he stalked me acted like a cousin and is now torturing me. "If you loved me you wouldn't have hurt me like this."

"Oh but my dear this was a show so that I could get your dear brother Sebastian in here and watch him suffer as I take the only person he actually cares about away." Mitchell said

"Just let my sister go and you won't be hurt. Can't you see she doesn't want to be here?" Sebastian said.

"Oh but she does wanna go with me after all your master broke her heart didn't he?" Mitchell said smirking

"I-I wanna go back I have a contract I need to keep." I whispered quietly.

"(Y/N) don't say that you know you wanna leave the heart ache behind." he said.

"I know but I gotta finish it please let me go when it's over I'll let you have me." I said.

Sebastian looked surprised and worried about me and Mitchell smiled and let me go I fell to the floor and whimpered in pain. Sebastian ran over and picked me up running as fast as he could back to the mansion. When we stopped Ciel had stopped behind us I didn't even know he was around my senses where messed up he had a hold of my master or sister or whatever.

"(Y/N)! Are you ok please tell me your ok!" Sapphire said.

"It's ok I'll be fine I heal quickly." I said giving her a fake smile. she nodded and walked off.

"(Y/N)?" I heard Ciel say.

"Ciel please I don't wish to not talk today tomorrow or ever again." I felt tears sting my eyes and I was surprised slightly demons never cry, "Big bro please take me to my room" I said softly.

He nodded and carried me up to my room helped my clean and bandage my cuts before laying me on the bed he kissed my head and left.

I stared up at the ceiling letting a few tears fall down my cheeks. Why do I love Ciel so much he loves that girl Elizabeth. They used to be engaged or still are I guess. I hate my feelings I need to shut them off. I sighed turning on my side letting these thoughts run through my mind as I closed my eyes trying to get sleep to heal my wounds faster.

I sorry I no update fast I know I'm a horrible person! 😢 but I try to update faster

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