Lost Memories

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Your P.O.V

I looked up at the boy I had just called Ciel. I don't know how I know him but I do and I can't tell what I feel for him... What's wrong with me.

There was a knock on the door and I looked seeing Sebastian walk in... Wait who's Sebastian? He looked at me and gave me a closed eyed smile. "You're ok now little sister your safe." he said.

Little sister? Am I really his little sister? I looked around slightly confused and what is going on I tried to search my mind for memories to why I can't remember who they are. All I can remember is their names.

"Sebastian I need to speak with you alone." Ciel said and stood up walking out of the room with him shutting the door behind them.

Quietly sliding out of bed I leaned my head against the door listening. "She knows our names but she doesn't remember who we are. I don't know what to do Sebastian the girl I love only knows my name she doesn't remember anything else between us." I heard Ciel say.

My eyes widened in shock and I covered my mouth to hide a gasp. He loves me Ciel loves me how could I not know or not remember this I feel terrible. I walked back over to the bed crawling into it covering my head with a pillow trying to block out the world.

I can't remember anything... I need to figure out why I can't remember and how to get my memories back. Hearing the door open I but down the pillow and looked up to see Ciel. He looked so sad and heartbroken it made my heart break. He cleared his throat, "I'm gonna tell you a couple things on who you are. First, you're name is (Y/N) Michaelis. That butler you just saw is your brother that has been with me for two hundred years. Second, obviously your a demon considering I just told you, you're brothers been here that long. Third, you have an on going contract with a girl named Sapphire right now who is also dating your brother. Finally, there are two men who are pinning after you but taking their time your cousin and the Doll Maker who says that he was one of your contractors a long time ago." he finished saying.

I stared up at him blinking in confusion all the information he gave me swirled around in my head like a highway. I couldn't believe any of it how could I? It all seemed so crazy to believe but it had to be true... right? I mean Ciel looks like he means it.

Sitting up I rubbed my arms nervously looking at him. "Ciel this is so much to take in I don't even know how to feel. You have to understand that's so hard to believe I don't know if I ever will believe it but I'll try because you look so serious." I said softly.

He looked at me with so much hurt in his eyes I about started crying for hurting him. Getting up I ran out of the room wiping tears from my eyes running to the gardens. I knew these halls so well most people would be confused I should to but this feels like I have known this place forever.

Getting to the gardens I went to a quiet spot where no one would find me and I fell to my knees crying. "Why did I have to lose my memory? Why do I feel this way about Ciel? Can I love this boy I don't even know?" I whispered covering my face with my hands.

After about thirty minutes I sat up wiping a away the tears and looked around. I was under a big oak tree and surrounded by tons of flowers from roses, to lilies, to orchids and so on. Smiling slightly at how beautiful it is I later on the ground laying my head on my arm. I started watching all the animals walk around in the flowers watched the bugs go on with their everyday lives. Sighing softly I closed my eyes falling asleep feeling peaceful for once this whole day.

Slowly opening my eyes I looked around and smiled guilty. It was midnight Ciel had to be worried about me by now. Getting up I started walking back I looked up at the sky looking at the moon and smiled. "Despite loosing my memory I can't help but feel happy it's so peaceful and beautiful." I said softly giggling quietly.

"Not as beautiful as you." I jumped and turned to the side seeing Ciel.

I blushed and looked at my feet. "I'm sorry I can off like that Ciel." I whispered.

"Only thing that matters is you're safe." he said walking over to me. I looked up at him about to say something when he wrapped his arms around my waist pulling me lose to him.

Blushing a deeper red I stuttered. "Ci-Ciel wha-what a-are y-you do-doing."

He chuckled softly and kissed my head gently then my cheek and down to my neck. "I don't care if you can't remember me I'm not losing the girl I love." he said and started kissing my neck again.

Biting my lip hard I tangled my fingers in his hair. "Ci-Ciel I think we should get my memories fi.. ah!" I said surprised blushing a bright red cause Ciel had bit my neck hard enough to leave a mark and I know it.

He pulled back smirking giving my lips a quick kiss. "I'm all for getting your memories back. But at least this way," he said rubbing his thumb over the spot on my neck he just bit, "people will know you're my girl."

I don't think my face could have turned any redder but before I could reply there was a scream from the mansion. Looking at Ciel he grabbed my hand and we both started running towards it.

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