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Things that leave her cold when she is burning in the heat;
Silly things you'll think they are, to her it means defeat.
Too much heavy handiness
Being patronised
You not noticing the pain, that blazes in her eyes
Being treated with contempt
Only talking on your terms
Probing into territories, opening the cans of worms
Withdrawing after closeness
Careless in your wit
Messages sent by mistake, she takes another hit
Overstep the boundaries
Deflection of your flaws
'Treat them mean to keep them keen', a phrase that she abhors
Not holding a door open
Witnessing your disrespect
Thinking you're above someone, she will challenge and object
Pretending you're the nice guy
Hiding all your lies
Your actions not matching your words, will turn her love to ice
Unhealthy competition
Uncontrollable obsession
Edited perfection, will result in cold rejection
Smothering, your hold
Makes her skin crawl with the cold
Obtuse and stubborn arguing, is really getting old
Do you think she's nice?
But you're not happy til she's ice
Does it make you feel a man?
As you make her feel frozen
Saying yes but meaning no
Advertise the yes to someone else
Pushing her away while making everyone else melt
Insult to her intelligence
Betrayal of her trust
Discarding all her secrets shared in that moment of her lust
She's already burning
Like a beacon in night
No need for your gaslighting
Freezing her in solid fright
You haven't got the courage
To handle all her fire
Striking matches pointless, from the bitter wind of liars
She swims in seas of sweat
Which set in floating icy snow
How you left her cold is something you won't ever know
As the alcohol is warming deeply within
It won't prevent the cooling of the icy soul of him
Her presence raises temperatures
You're too far gone to feel
Frostbitten hearts numbed sadly
Trapped in cold walls of steel

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