Alex's POV
Alicia says "I was told to bring you in here just to get info, I do this for everyone, don't take it personally." I say "I'm not taking it personally" and we chuckle and she says "are you on any medication, if so what?" I say "I take testosterone" and she says "for?" I say "Im trans, I'm not doing it to get ripped" and we laugh and she says "how much and when do you take it?" I tell her how much and I say "every two weeks" and she nods saying "ok, for how long have you been doing this?" I say "about a year I think. Almost a year, like ten months? Around there" and we laugh and she says "ok, anything else?" I say "nope" and she says "ok" and keeps asking me questions about me and health and shit. She then lets me go back and everyone is in their room so I just go into mine. I say "oh my god, fuck me, my ribs hurt so bad" groaning and Jack says "you alright?" I say "yeah, somewhat, she's letting me keep my medication so that's good" and he says "that's good" yawning. I grab a big tee shirt and boxers then I fold the sheets open on my bed so I can come out and get in my bed. I go in, shower after difficulty of getting my binder off, then I put boxers and a tee shirt on, thank god for giving me a small rack, almost no rack, then I roll into bed. I say "this bed is comfortable or a bed just feels nice in general." Jack says "both" and we chuckle and my phone rings and Jack says "booty call?" I chuckle saying "man, I wish, it's my mom" and we chuckle and I answer saying "hey" and she says "hey, did you take testosterone?" I say "no, I'll do it in the morning" and she says "you know you feel really shitty if you do it in the morning." I say "you're right, tomorrow night?" She says "don't procrastinate, go do it" and I say "fine, I'll still feel like shit tomorrow, I love you though" and she says "it'll be more bearable, let me know if you go to school tomorrow, I love you too, bye" and she hangs up. I say "ugh, time to shoot up with steroids" quietly and I dig in my bag for my drugs and I groan saying "this is going to be fun." Jack tiredly says "what are you doing, babe?" I blush saying "medication" taking all the shit into the bathroom and he says "you doing drugs?" I say "something like that" and he says "ok" making me chuckle and I shut the door. I fill a syringe then I clean a spot on my thigh with an alcohol swab then I stab my self strategically. That's basically what a shot is. I say "fuck, I'm gonna be so horny tonight" groaning then I chuckle at myself then I go to lay in my bed once I clean up. I bite my lip and I say "that really fucking hurt for some reason" and Jack says "I'm sorry" making me blush. He's so fucking hot, Alex, it's the hormones, no, I'm a fucking whore, no, you aren't, it's the hormones. Fuck me, it's hormones and me being horny already before hand. I lay on my back and Jack says "I never got your name" and I chuckle, blushing, and I say "Alex" biting my lip. He says "you're so cute" and I say "I think you're tired" and he says "I am but I know you're cute" biting his lip. I bite my lip, blushing, and he says "tell me something" quietly and I say "I am so fucking horny" and we laugh. He says "must be nice" and I say "no, it fucking sucks" and we laugh and he says "it's only bad when you can't get off." I say "I can't, that's why it sucks unless you don't mind cause I'm that desperate" and we chuckle. I say "you're so fucking hot" and he says "are you trying to get me in bed with you?" We laugh and I say "a little" blushing and he takes it literally and lays next to me saying "I'm in bed with you now." I say "shut up" and he goes to get up and I say "no, stay" quietly and he says "you look like a little burrito" and I say "burritos are great." He says "I fucked a burrito once" and we laugh and I say "why?!" He says "lost a bed and was curious" and I say "but why?!" We laugh and he says "why not?!" We chuckle and he turns onto his side to face me saying "you're cute" and I say "stop" blushing and biting my lip. He says "you are, don't deny it" quietly and we talk and flirt for hours then he goes to bed. About an hour later I quietly say "are you awake?" He says "yeah" and I turn the light on. Fuck it, I'm just gonna say it, I say "come here" and he says "why?" I say "because" quietly and I sit up, sitting criss cross on the edge of the bed. He sits next to me and I quietly say "this might be the hormones talking but can I kiss you?" I don't want anyone to know I'm still transitioning here but he can be an exception. I'm just really horny and I have a roommate thats a hot guy and I'd love to get to know him first but man I'm desperate. He says "sure" and I slowly kiss him and he mumbles "what are you doing to me?" I mumble "no clue" as he kisses me and I rest my hand on his chest and he does the same to me. I say "no hands on my chest please?" He mumbles "sorry" and I go back to kissing him and he trails his fingers down my sides making me flinch a little at the pain. He mumbles "are you ok? Am I hurting you?"

The Flavor Of Your Lips Is Enough To Keep Me Pressing [JALEX]Where stories live. Discover now