One week later
Alex's POV
Smut starts
I moan and yawn, waking up to Jacks head in between my thighs. Oh my god, what an angel, I am so horny, thanks T, love you the most. I was so tired last night that I just fell asleep but I was still horny, so if I keep getting woken up like this every now and then, might as well put a fucking ring on it. He mumbles "god, you're so wet" pushing a couple fingers into me and I moan at the feeling of his fingers. He kisses and licks softly as he moves his fingers and I just feel so good, I'm so tired but this feels amazing. I don't have to do anything, this is great. He runs his fingers over my thigh and I shiver, just closing my eyes, he smiles, and keeps going with what he's doing. I just take it in and relax and moan quietly at the pleasure and I mumble "oh my god, I love you" biting my lip. He mumbles "I love you too" still moving his fingers inside me and I mumble "oh my god, that feels so good. Right there" and he smiles as I moan and he adds another finger making me moan, my back arching. I grip his hair and I moan mumbling "mmm, fuck, you're so good with your mouth" as he moves his tongue and fingers. I bite my lip and I just run my fingers through his hair just letting him do his thing cause my god, he knows what he's doing. I mumble "fuck, I'm gonna cum" and he mumbles "cum for me" against my thigh and I moan saying "I'm cumming, fuck." I push his head down slightly, moaning, and I cum saying "fuck" biting my lip and I shiver as he keeps moving. I mumble "come here" and he leans up to kiss me, pulling his hand away, and he smiles, licking my lip softly, then there's a knock on the door.
Smut ends
I'm breathing heavily still and I say "what?!" Rian says "lets go!" I say "fuck off, I'm staying here, I feel like shit and I'm not giving you Jack yet!" Jack chuckles, kissing my neck, and he mumbles "I love you" against my neck and I mumble "I love you too" still breathing unevenly. I say "fuck, that was really good" kissing him and he mumbles "you're handsome" rubbing my side and I blush, kissing him. I mumble "you have to leave or you'll be late, angel" and he kisses me mumbling "fine, I'm getting up" and he goes to get ready. My breathing evens out and I mumble "fuck" and I call May cause I know she has a day off today. She says "yup?" I say "hey, wanna order food and hang out in like an hour?" She says "yeah, lets do it, I'm starving, I'm not gonna eat then we'll eat a fuck ton of food and I say "what do you think we should get food?" She says "would it be weird to order a fuck ton of IHOP?" I laugh saying "no, that sounds so fun" and we laugh and I say "I'm fucking hungry, text me what you want, I'll call" and we chuckle. She says "I'll pay for my shit" yawning and I say "ok, you do that" and we chuckle and I say "ok, just send it over when you're ready" and she says "ok." I say "I'll see you in an hour" yawning and she says "deal, k, bye" and I say "bye" and we hang up and Jack lays next to me saying "who were you talking to?" I say "May, were hanging out later" and he kisses me saying "k" running his fingers through my hair. I bite my lip and I mumble "I am ordering so much food cause I'm so hungry" and we laugh and he says "I love you" and I say "I love you too." He mumbles "ok, I gotta go" kissing me and I say "let me get up" yawning and he chuckles and I get up, putting sweatpants on and that's it. Fuck a shirt, I don't have tits to show anymore, so fuck a shirt. I still have bruises from wearing a binder after a week of not wearing one, it's so dumb but I don't think I care. We go to the hallway and Oli says "hey, sexy, who beat you up?" I say "something we call a chest binder, bruises still haven't gone away" yawning and he says "ok, making sure no ones beating on you" kissing my cheek. I say "I can hold my own, Oli, if I couldn't you'd be the first to know" and he says "promise?" I say "promise" chuckling and he says "I gotta go, I'll see you later?" I say "yeah, of course" and he jogs down the hallway and Jack hugs me from behind and I smile, biting my lip. Will says "you look cute" walking down the hallway and I chuckle and Jack kisses my cheek mumbling "I'll see you later, baby" and I mumble "k, love you" and he mumbles "love you too." He kisses me and leaves and I go back into my room, shower, put on sweatpants and a tee shirt, and I lay on my bed. I order all the food and May gets here around when the food gets here. She says "oh my god, I'm so hungry" sitting on my bed across from me and she says "I wore my stretchy pants, I'm ready to stuff my face with pancakes" and we laugh. I say "what got you a break today?" She says "I don't have any classes today, we were testing this week" and I nod saying "got it" and there's a knock on the door and she gives me her money, I go get food from the guy, pay him, and we sit on my bed and eat.

The Flavor Of Your Lips Is Enough To Keep Me Pressing [JALEX]Where stories live. Discover now