Alex's POV
He rubs my back saying "tell me about this Jack guy" and I say "he has a pretty face and has a nice mouth" and he chuckles. I say "mmm, he has a nice mouth" dreamily and he says "better than mine?" I say "yes" blushing and he says "really?!" I say "mmmm, it's nice" and he says "you're horny" and I say "no, I'm tired, I was horny last night and probably will be tonight" chuckling. I yawn and he kisses my forehead saying "tell me more" and I say "he's cute and that's all I know" and he says "didn't take you for a fuck on the first date kind of guy." I say "I'm not but he was pretty and down and I was definitely into it and I knew it wasn't a one time thing so I went for it." Will nods saying "yeah, that sounds like you" as I draw shapes on his chest. He says "when are you getting surgery?" I say "my doctor said I can and gave us a referral, they don't know when though. Hopefully this year though, have you heard from Zack?" He says "not for a couple days, no, why?" I say "I wanna see his face" yawning and he says "give him a call then" and I say "later" and he nods. We hang out till the end of school then I go back to the dorms before his mom gets home and I get in trouble for keeping him out of school. His mom loves me but she doesn't like it when I keep Will out of school and when I get to the floor everyones hanging out in the hall as they seem to do. I bite my lip and I lean against the wall next to Jack and Andy says "I found him" and we chuckle and Jack says "go find Rian now, fucking gazelle." We chuckle and Jack turns to me saying "hi" and I say "hi" quietly, biting my lip, and looking up at him. Oli comes skipping down the hallway saying "Rian's got a boyfriend, Rian's got a boyfriend!" I say "tea, I'm listening" and we all chuckle and Andy says "Lonny, what are you doing behind me, honey?" This cutie named Lonny that I have not met quietly says "I'm staying here" and Andy chuckles saying "ok, babe" squeezing Lonnys hand. Rian comes onto the floor with Zack, my best friend, saying "Oliver, shut the fuck up!" Oli says "don't shoot the messenger" and we laugh and I mumble "Zack will kick your ass if you aren't careful, Oli." I jump on Zack saying "quit going MIA on me" and he says "you scared me, you can just text me ya know?" I say "you know I don't text first, Zack! Unless I want something of course, you look good, oh my god, I miss your face" and he puts me down, me hugging him. He mumbles "you alright?" I mumble "took T last night" and he says "got it, I can always tell when you're off." Oli says "I don't think you have a boyfriend anymore Rian" and I mumble "you gotta tell me all about this tonight" and he says "ok, there isn't much too it." I pull away saying "well, I got a lot to tell you, sister" and he says "alright, buddy" poking my hip and I say "don't do that, it's fucking weird." He says "fine" rolling his eyes and Oli says "yeah, Rian, you're out of a boyfriend" and I say "no, he can have him, boyfriend went MIA on me, and expects me to text first" rolling my eyes. Zack says "shut up, Lex" and I say "don't Lex me, Zachary" and we laugh and people chuckle. Rian says "guys, this is Zack be nice" and I go back to standing next to Jack and Zack says "have you seen Will?" I say "yeah, hung out with him today, boy" and he says "hung out, ok" sarcastically and I say "I promise, I'll call him." Zack says "do it" and I call Will, put him on speaker, and he says "calling me so soon, did you get bored of pretty boys mouth?" I say "oh my god, you're on speaker, and no, Zacks doubting me, did we fuck earlier?" Everyones just laughing their asses off and Will says "shut the fuck up, Zachary, we didn't do anything, you should believe Alex more than me, I'm the dumbass here." Zack says "I know, I like to annoy you" and Will says "come on, man, I was jerking off!" We laugh and I say "ok, shut up, bye love you, Will" and he says "bye, love you too, Lexi" and I say "don't call me that" and I start walking down the hallway, him saying "sorry, it slipped. I'm sorry" and I say "its ok, I promise, k, bye" and he says "bye, I didn't mean it, I promise" and I say "I'm not thinking about it, it's ok, I promise." He says "ok, I feel bad though" and I say "don't, its ok, I promise, Will" and he says "ok, I'll see you soon, Alex?" I bite my lip saying "yeah, I'll see you later" smiling and he says "bye" hanging up. He is the sweetest when he slips up on anything, it doesn't bother me anyway if someone slips up a little bit, the full name is worst, so I'm not triggered. It's still a moment where it takes you aback a bit though, I take a deep breath, and I go back to the group. Jack looks at me and I nod mumbling "I'm ok" and a girl comes skipping down the hallway saying "ooo, Rian got a boyfriend, Rian got a boyfriend! That ones cute too" pointing at me and I blush and the guys chuckle and Jack says "well, if it isn't a demon" and the girl says "shut up." She stands in front of me saying "I'm May, were besties now" and I say "Alex, ok" chuckling.

The Flavor Of Your Lips Is Enough To Keep Me Pressing [JALEX]Where stories live. Discover now