Alex's POV
Jack and I are just cuddling and I say "how long have Josh and Oli been together?" He rubs my back saying "like the summer before sixth grade, so five six years and never broke up once, they're meant to be together." I say "is he proposing?" Jack says "no, promise ring, it's beautiful, covered in diamonds" kissing my forehead. He says "Oli has commitment issues with everyone except Josh, he doesn't trust anyone except him, he's always had a mental battle with himself but whenever Josh is there, theres only one voice he can hear and that's Josh's, it's crazy listening to the difference in his voice when he talks about Josh versus anyone else." I say "do you have a picture of the ring?" He says "yeah" and pulls out his phone and shows me the ring.

Ring ^^^^^I say "ooo, that is not cheap looking" and Jack says "Oli spoils the shit out of Josh with whatever money he has on him" and we chuckle

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Ring ^^^^^
I say "ooo, that is not cheap looking" and Jack says "Oli spoils the shit out of Josh with whatever money he has on him" and we chuckle. I mumble "they're cute" and he mumbles "so are you" against my head and I run my fingers over his stomach. My phone rings and I groan, kissing Jack, then I answer it, putting it on speaker, then saying "hello" straddling Jack and sitting up. Mom says "you coming over this weekend? Family is taking over the house" and I say "ok, can I bring someone?" I trail my fingers over Jacks stomach and chest and mom says "sure, who are you bringing?" I say "I'm not bringing Will again, we know how that went" and she says "so it's a surprise?" I say "yeah" biting my lip then I say "tomorrow is the weekend" and we chuckle. Mom says "right, forgot, just be here before noon tomorrow, Alex" and I say "I'll set an alarm" and we chuckle. Mom says "ok, see you then" and I say "bye, love you" and she says "love you too, Alex" and we hang up. Jack says "what's happening tomorrow?" I say "family thing and you're coming" and he says "ok" and I lean down to kiss him and I mumble "I'm so tired. I'm gonna change then I'll come back to cuddle some more, k?" He mumbles "I'm coming with you" and I chuckle and I change in the bathroom with him sitting on the sink counter even though the point of changing in the bathroom is to be away from him. Ya know, were tired, it's fine, and he mumbles "I hate seeing your ribs covered in bruises" kissing me. I say "it's ok, that's why I'm taking it off, it's just the pressure from the binder, and he trails his fingers up my sides mumbling "does it hurt?" I say "yeah, a little, but I'm ok" and he wraps his arms around my neck mumbling "ok" kissing me. Jack mumbles "I worry about you, baby" and I mumble "I know, I'd let you know if I had something happening to me" kissing him. He mumbles "promise?" I mumble "promise" against his lips, squeezing his hand softly, and he says "you're so cute" and I mumble "mmm, you are too" and we eventually go to sleep.
The next day
I wake up before Jack and before my alarm, thanks anxiety. I get dressed and showered then I cuddle with Jack for a little bit and he mumbles "mmm, you smell good, good morning, handsome." I mumble "morning, angel" kissing him and he lazily trails his fingers over me, half asleep, and I mumble "you gotta get up, babe" and he mumbles "I know." I bite my lip saying "mmm, you're sexy" watching his back as he gets out of bed and he flips me off making me chuckle. When he's done showering we do our final things before going to my house. Jack says "so, what's your family like?" I say "opinionated, British, but really nice" and he says "so Oli?" I say "yeah" and we chuckle and I kiss him then we go inside and I say "I'm back!" I get a few cheers and everyone chuckles and everyones just hanging out in the kitchen, probably arguing about something. I say "what were you guys talking about?" Mom says "you hooligans grades" and Jack says "hopefully not mine, mine are pretty terrible" and we all chuckle. I say "you're a weirdo" chuckling, squeezing his hand, and he says "I didn't know that already" sarcastically and I roll my eyes. I say "well, how are my grades?" Mom says "they're good, you're doing something right so far" and I say "good" chuckling. I say "how's Ethans grades though?" My aunt, Ethan's mom says "they're fucking shitty" and we laugh and Ethan walks into the house and I say "speak of the devil." He dramatically says "Alex!" I say "Ethan!" We laugh and I hug him, quietly saying "I heard your grades suck, what's happening?" He mumbles "ADHD, can't focus" and I say "do you need help?" He mumbles "no, I'll get on it, I'm still passing" and I say "ok, child" and he says "I'm two years younger than you!" I say "child" and everyone chuckles and Ethan says "fine, be that way" and I say "where is your boy, Ethan?" He says "what are you? Fall Out Boy?" We laugh and like no one gets it except Jack, Ethan, and I and Sam, maybe my favorite person ever, comes into the house, quietly saying "what's happening?" Ethan hugs him from behind and I say "are you guys official yet?" Ethan says "platonic" and Sam rolls his eyes mumbling "platonic, says my ass hurting this morning" and I laugh, literally the only person getting and hearing it. Sam and I laugh our asses off and Sam says "platonic, we don't know her" and we all laugh and I say "we don't know her." Jack says "we're platonic right?" I say "shut up" and he laughs saying "I was kidding" and I say "I know" chuckling then I say "I hoped so or we'd have a problem and we live in the same room together so we'd definitely have a problem."

The Flavor Of Your Lips Is Enough To Keep Me Pressing [JALEX]Where stories live. Discover now