Alex's POV
I mumble "a little, I'm ok though" in between kisses and he says "where do you want my hands?" We chuckle and I say "I have to tell you something if were going farther than just this." He says "tell me" kissing my neck and I bite my lip saying "I'm trans and I just took hormones like two hours ago, so I need to get off like three times before I'm satisfied and it fucking sucks."
Smut starts
He says "ok, let me take care of you then" against my neck just biting gently, most likely not giving me hickeys, good, I don't need to wear those around tomorrow. I'm probably not going to school tomorrow, I'll feel like shit tomorrow probably. I bite my lip as he kisses my neck and he moves me to lay on the bed on my back and he checks me out then goes back to kissing me. Jack pushes my shirt up and I mumble "are you sure?" He mumbles "I don't care what you look like, Alex, just focus on me, babe" and I mumble "ok" and he pushes my shirt off, kissing down my chest and stomach. He licks a stripe up my stomach and I shiver, him smiling against my stomach, and I rest my hand on his shoulder. He pushes my boxers off and starts kissing my thighs and I moan quietly. He mumbles "you're so handsome" kissing my inner thigh, god, this feels so good. He slowly kisses up my inner thighs and he licks my clit slowly and I moan at the feeling. I say "fuck" and he mumbles "these walls are thin, I hope you're good at being quiet" against my thigh and I mumble "I'm not good at it but I can" as he licks gently. I say "fuck, that feels so good" quietly, pulling his hair, and I shift my hips slightly. He inserts a couple fingers into me as he licks my clit and I mumble "f-fuck" running my fingers through his hair. He moves his fingers and I shiver and moan, only focusing on the feeling of his mouth and hands on me. I push his head down a bit, moaning, and I cover my mouth, trying to quiet my moans. I say "oh my god, that feels so good, right there" moaning and he keeps doing everything the same as he was  and I say "oh my god, I'm gonna cum, fuck" gripping his hair. He looks up at me and my eyes roll back in pleasure as I go over the edge and I mumble "oh my god, f-fuck" pulling his hair lightly. He kisses up my stomach and I moan quietly, coming down from my high.
Smut ends
He does that to me for at least an hour almost, then he kisses me for a little bit, goes back to his own bed, then we pass out.
The next morning
When I wake up he's not here. I bite my lip and check the time. It's eight in the morning, people are yelling at each other to get the fuck up. I shower and get ready and I go out in the hallway cause I'm curious and they are all just yelling at each other to get ready. I chuckle and I get a phone call and I go back into my room saying "what's up?" Will, my weird fuck buddy/friend, says "surprised you didn't call me last night, find a new guy to get you off?" I say "a little, can I come over?" He says "to fuck or to hang out?" I say "maybe both" and he says "I have school" and I say "skip" and he says "fine, come over whenever" yawning. I say "give me a couple hours." What the fuck did I do last night? I fucked a guy and told him I was trans a couple hours after meeting him. Fuck, ok, whatever, I'm over it I guess. He says "k, bye" and I hang up and I go back into the hallway after checking myself out in the mirror. I'm gonna hang out with Will for a couple hours then I'm gonna come back and eat a bunch of food cause by then I'll be super hungry, stupid hormones, make me hungry, horny, and tired all at once. I nervously look at Jack as he walks down the hallway and he makes eye contact with me. I bite my lip and he stops in front of me, quietly saying "your secret is safe with me, babe" and I blush, feeling most of the weight come off my shoulders. I bite my lip and Rian says "its my favorite person!" He stands in front of me saying "hi" and I laugh saying "hi" quietly and he says "you coming to school today?" I say "I don't think so, I'm not feeling too hot" biting my lip and he says "I'll let the office know for you" and I say "you're an angel" yawning. Oli walks by saying "don't give him the ego boost, he doesn't need it, love" and Rian says "he's being nice to me, shut up, Oliver." I chuckle and Oli says "lets go, dumbass" grabbing Rian's arm making everyone chuckle and they leave, most likely giving to class. Rian says "don't call me a dumbass" and Oli says "shut up" making the few people in the hallway laugh. I bite my lip and I go back into my room to put on a beanie then I skateboard to Wills house. I drop my board when I get inside and he pulls me into a hug saying "how are you feeling?" I say "ok, stomach hurts a little, and I'm just tired" and he says "cuddle?" I nod and we go to his room and he pulls me closer to him saying "how's the new school thing?" I say "its good, everyones really hot and nice" yawning and he chuckles.

The Flavor Of Your Lips Is Enough To Keep Me Pressing [JALEX]Where stories live. Discover now