Alex's POV
I say "no, the self titled album is the best" and mom says "I think it's Enema Of The State" and Jack says "its Take Off your Pants, go away." Dad says "California is pretty good" and Tim says "Nine was pretty good too" and I say "go fuck yourself" yawning. I say "Nine isn't even in the equation, fuck off" and we all chuckle and Ethan says "guys its Take Off Your Pants" and Sam says "it's self titled" and Tim says "fine, Dude Ranch is pretty great." I say "that doesn't have Travis on it, how could you?!" We laugh and I say "no, that's a good album but which is the best?" Jack says "with Dude Ranch we got Dammit, Apple Shampoo, Josie" and I say "but with the self titled album we got Always, I Miss You, and Feeling This, Jack." Jack says "but with Take Off Your Pants there's Rock Show, First Date, Stay Together For The Kids, Happy Holidays, Reckless Abandon, Anthem Part Two, therefore its the best one." I say "but with Enema Of The State we got Dumpweed, Aliens Exist, Going Away To College, Whats My Age Again, Dysentery Gary, Adams Song, and All The Small Things and so many more, Jack." Jack says "fine, that's the best album" and I say "it has all the good songs on it" and Jack says "and The Party Song, Wendy Clear, Mutt, Anthem, Don't Leave Me" and I say "wow, what a nerd you know all their songs." We laugh and Jack says "I have a Blink tattoo, I'm supposed to" and I say "you do?!" He says "yeah" and I say "I haven't seen it?!" Jack says "you don't pay attention I don't think" and I say "I don't think I do" and we laugh. Jack says "its like right here and I'm never wearing a shirt, how do you not?" We laugh and I say "I pay attention to your face" poking his cheek and he makes a face at me. We all chuckle and I lay my head in his lap and he says "hi" and I say "hi" playing with his fingers boredly. Ethan says "awww, how gay" and I say "shut up, make your move on your man already, Mr. Platonic" rolling my eyes and Jack bites his lip, chuckling. He runs his fingers through my hair and I chuckle saying "were all gay here, honey, don't be scared of the gay, go watch Brokeback Mountain or something." We laugh and Jack says "my sister and I watched that together for the first time we watched it" and I laugh saying "that's not smart." Jack says "she was thirteen, she's fine" and I say "that's fair, I watched Call Me By Your Name at like eleven, so fair." We laugh and my mom says "what?!" I laugh saying "shhhh, it's fine" and Jack puts his hand flat on my face and I laugh saying "what are you doing?" He says "just seeing if my hand is as big as your face" and were all just laughing and I say "you're a fucking weirdo" licking his hand. He says "you're the one that just licked my hand, that's pretty fucking weird, Lex" and we laugh. He moves his hand to my thigh and I sit up, leaning against him, and he moves his hand to my back, drawing his fingers up and down my spine. I bite my lip, sitting criss cross, and resting my elbows on my knees. Jack says "I have homework" and I say "for what?" He says "math" and I say "I think you might want to do that" and he says "I know" ruffling my hair. We all hang out for a little bit and everyone eventually starts going home and Jack and I hang out for a little bit. I say "I'm showing you my room" getting off the floor and he chuckles saying "ok" and mom says "no doing it in my house!" I say "I know!" Jack chuckles quietly and we go to my room and I say "welcome to my room" falling onto my bed and he lays next to me. He kisses me and I smile mumbling "you're cute" running my fingers through his hair and he mumbles "you're cute too." He kisses my forehead then buries his face under my chin and I chuckle, rubbing his back slowly. He kisses my neck and I bite my lip, running my hands through his hair, and he kisses me. I smile saying "I think you're pretty" and he mumbles "you're my handsome boy" yawning and slowly kissing my neck. I slide my hand into his back pocket and he straddles my thighs and I mumble "you're such a weirdo, you're so cute" kissing his cheek. I mumble "you're like a big cat" and he smiles against my neck saying "meow" yawning and I chuckle, threading my fingers through his hair. He flops down next to me and I chuckle, him pulling me to him, and he says "you're cute" kissing my cheek. I mumble "you're cute" poking his nose and I move my fingers over his side and his back slowly and I mumble "you're mine." He mumbles "mine" kissing my cheek and I say "mine" kissing him and he mumbles "I really like you" and I mumble "I really like you too." He kisses me and just wraps his arms around me mumbling "I want you to be mine forever" against my neck. I mumble "you're mine forever" against his head, trailing my fingers up his side, and he mumbles "all mine." I mumble "mine" squeezing his hip then moving my fingers to his back mumbling "you're my boy" and he kisses my cheek. We hang out in my room for a little bit, then we hang out with my parents for about an hour, then we go back to the dorms. Its funny how our friends haven't caught onto our dumbasses yet, as soon as I shut the door I push Jack against the wall. I smile, kissing him, and he moves his hand to my back pocket and his other gently on my chest. We hear a few whistles and a couple 'fucking finally' and I mumble "guess I jinxed it" and Jack chuckles. I rest my head on his chest and Oli says "didn't take Jack for a bottom" and Will says "oh, Jacks not a bottom." I say "stop exposing me" and Will says "you're too much of a slut to be a top, Lex" rolling his eyes and I mumble "he has a point" and Jack says "he does" and I say "you aren't supposed to agree" and we just laugh our asses off.

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