Alex's POV
I spilled everything out Zack and he did the same, Rian and him aren't official, told him about the Jack thing, and now were filled in. Right now, I'm just laying on my bed, clothes, shoes, and binder still on. I say "Jack" and he turns to me saying "hm?" I say "you seemed in your head, you alright?" He says "yeah, just tired" yawning and I say "come here" and he lays next to me, burying his head under my chin. I smile, running my fingers through his hair, and he says "I know we just met but I feel attached to you and I never wanna let you go." I say "I'm not letting go if you don't" resting my hand on the back of his neck and gripping the back of his shirt gently. He smiles, kissing my neck as he just leaves his head there, and my phone rings. I answer saying "hello?" Mom says "I got your surgery scheduled" and I say "for when?!" She says "about a month" and I start tearing up a little saying "oh my god, I love you so much, yay!" Mom chuckles saying "I love you too, are you making friends?" I say "yes, I actually am, I have to do the roommate thing though" and she says "well, are they cute?" I say "yes, he is, he's a cutie" and she says "ok, I gotta go, I'll see you later, buddy?" I say "yeah, later" yawning and she says "bye" hanging up. I say "oh my god, yay!" Jack says "what?" I say "I'm getting top surgery next month!" He says "I'm so exited for you" kissing my neck then leaning up to kiss me. I say "don't get me excited for it, I have to wait a month" and he kisses me saying "I'm still excited for you." He straddles me instead of just laying on top of me and I say "ok, that's better" kissing him and he keeps kissing me, me wrapping my arms around his waist. Something doesn't feel right, I like what's happening right now but something doesn't feel right. I peck his lips saying "can you get off of me for a second?" He kisses my neck mumbling "ok" and I go into the bathroom and I check my boxers and I got my period, literally how the fuck?! I've been on testosterone for months, fuck this. Oh my god so gross, fuck, I feel so disgusting, I was doing so well. God, it feels weird and gross, oh my god, I could cry, I was doing so well, I feel like I'm transitioning backwards already. I say "Alex, you're fucking crazy, you aren't transitioning backwards, fuck!" I hear Jack sit against the door saying "are you alright, baby boy?" I say "can you do me a favor?" He says "yeah, what is it, handsome?" I blush saying "can you get me size two tampons please, preferably unscented?" He says "yeah, can you give me twenty minutes?" I say "yeah" and he leaves and fuck, I feel so terrible right now. I just sob, I can't, Alex, you're being over dramatic but I hate it and it makes me feel dysphoric. This wasn't supposed to happen, I'm gonna call my doctor cause he's my dude and I've been going to him forever so were at the point of texting and calling. I call him and he says "hey, kid, what's up?" I say "hey" my voice cracking a little and he says "you doing alright, buddy?" I say "should I worry about getting my period?" He says "did you take T yesterday?" I say "yeah" and he says "up your dose by point three next time ok?" I say "ok, why?" He says "it's about the time where we would start upping the dose at this point in your transitioning anyways." I say "ok, will this be a normal length period?" He says "yeah but it might not be steady" and I say "ok, thank you" and he says "yeah, man, totally, I'll see you later, Alex." I smile saying "bye" and we hang up and Jack comes back, opening the bathroom door slightly to hand me a bag, a pair of clean boxers, and the big tee shirt I was wearing last night. I say "oh my god, you're such an angel" getting changed and remembering how to use a tampon, just kidding. I leave the bathroom and cuddle up to him in his bed and he mumbles "you're cute." I mumble "I'm not really feeling it" and he mumbles "you're my handsome man" kissing my forehead as he pulls the sheets over us. I blush and he kisses my cheek mumbling "and no one will ever change that" and I blush even more, why is he so sweet? I say "you're cute" moving my hand to the side of his face then brushing my hand through his hair and he smiles. I mumble "I want a kiss" and he kisses me when I look up at him and I rest my hand on his hip and moving my hand up and down from his hip to his upper thigh. Jack mumbles "you're the cutest" against my lips and I mumble "you're cute too" kissing him. He says "you" poking my nose and I say "you" poking his nose and we chuckle and someone knocks on the door. I kiss Jack mumbling "go get it" and he jokingly mumbles "you go get it" and I kiss him, moving back to my bed. Jack says "Rian why?!" I chuckle and Rian says "were going swimming at night cause were vampires" and I chuckle quietly. Jack says "fine, lets do it, give us a few minutes" and Rian says "ok" and jack shuts the door saying "you coming?" I say "I guess so, I got nothing better to do" yawning and getting up. I put a binder back on and my clothes from earlier too and converse then I'm good. Jack says "come here" and I stand in front of him and he says "you're cute" and he kisses me. I grab my leather jacket and he rests his hands on my hips, kissing me, and I bite my lip.

The Flavor Of Your Lips Is Enough To Keep Me Pressing [JALEX]Where stories live. Discover now