Alex's POV
May and I watch movies all day until Jack comes in, immediately pulling his shirt off, and lays on top of me. I chuckle saying "hi?" He says "hi" and I say "what happened?" He says "we had a test today in like everything, it was dumb" and I say "I'm gonna have to make those up, gross." He nods mumbling "it was terrible" and I rub his back saying "it couldn't have been that bad, babe" and he mumbles "I'm not good at focusing on tests, I just can't." I kiss him saying "I'm sure you did fine, babe" and May says "I'll see you guys later" chuckling and Jack straddles me and pulls himself impossibly closer to me. I smile, rubbing his side, and I mumble "how do you think you did, angel?" He mumbles "terrible" and I mumble "I'm sure you did great, baby" kissing him and he mumbles "mmm, I don't know." I say "you're so smart, Jack, I'm sure you did well on all of it" kissing him and he buries his face in my neck. I mumble "just breathe and relax, angel" running my fingers up and down his spine and he sighs, closing his eyes. I mumble "you're cute" and he presses closer to me and I smile, kissing his cheek, and he smiles against my neck, yawning. Jack and I hang out together for a little while by ourselves then all of our friends decide to come and hang out in here all at once. Literally they all try to walk through the door all at once and I laugh at their stupidity and I say "there's one door, guys." Jack chuckles and they figure out the door and I say "fucking dumbasses" and we laugh and Jack kisses me and I say "hi." He says "hi" and we chuckle and he says "you're cute" kissing me and Will lays his head in my lap saying "hi" and I say "hi" ruffling his hair. I say "your hair is soft" running my fingers through his hair and he says "I just washed it." I say "mmm, its nice" and Jack rests his head on my shoulder and I say "hi" kissing his cheek. I run my hand through Jacks hair and he mumbles "I love you" against my neck and I mumble "I love you too." I kiss him Zack lays his head on Wills stomach, laying on the bed, and I say "this is how many people you can put on a bed without someone falling off." We chuckle and Rian lays on top of Zack and Zack says "ok, hi?" We laugh and Jack kisses my neck saying "ya know, I'm really tired" and we chuckle and I say "take a nap then, babe." I run my hand through his hair and he lays his head on my thigh, burying his face in my hip, and I bite my lip. I say "what are you doing, Jack?" He mumbles "I don't know" yawning and I move my hand to his cheek saying "ok, babe" chuckling. I rub his side saying "I love you" and he mumbles "I love you too" and we chuckle and Oli says "you must have nice thighs, Lex, if everyone wants to lay on then" and I chuckle. I say "I just have nice thighs" and we laugh and Will says "your thighs have never ruined my day" and Jack flicks his forehead and we chuckle. Josh comes in and Oli says "I think you have competition with who's gayer, love" and Josh says "shut up" and we all chuckle, all that's still fully present in the conversation anyways. Rian says "you aren't comfortable to lay on at all" and Zack says "whoops?" Will says "I'll swap with you" and I laugh saying "why is this even a conversation?" I hear a knock on the door and I say "everyones in here, who is that?" Jack mumbles "I'll get it" getting up, kissing my cheek, and going to the door and May says "it's death" and we laugh. I say "bruh, why?" We laugh and Andy says "he's hot" and Lonny rolls his eyes, poking his side, and Andy says "rude." Lonny says "give me a break" and we all chuckle and Jack says "I found a child in the hallway!" Then I hear Ethan say "I'm two years older than you, Jack" and I say "the child can come in if he doesn't get triggered by gay" and we laugh. Ethan says "I'm not a child" coming in and laying in between the two beds and I say "how's Sam?" Ethan says "good, hows Jack?" I laugh saying "Jack, how are you, baby?" Jack gives me a thumbs up and I say "that's your answer" and we chuckle. I say "have you asked Sam out yet? Your love life is so boring" and he says "and yours isn't?" I say "oh yeah, ok" sarcastically and I say "come on, just say be my boy to him or something, you love each other!" Ethan says "shut up, Lex, he doesn't like me" and I say "you shut your fucking mouth, he's in love with you, you're in love with him, and he isn't making a move, so you gotta do it, buddy." Ethan says "dude, he doesn't like me!" I say "yes he does, look, I'll ask him" pulling my phone out and Ethan says "fine, I'll do it." I say "told you" rolling my eyes and he says "shut the fuck up" and Oli says "don't wait, it's not worth your time, love, especially when you know it'll work out. You'll regret waiting, so just don't do it" and Andy says "it's not a good idea and don't steal my throne of being the king of waiting." We hang out for a while and Jack and I are cuddling in my bed and he says "what do you want to be when you grow up?" I rest my head on his chest and I say "were already pretty much adults, Jack, theres no more growing up to do angel" and he says "you know what I mean" kissing my head. I smile saying "I want to be a teacher, I like teaching people and telling people what to do" and we laugh then I kiss him. I say "you?" Jack says "I don't know."

The Flavor Of Your Lips Is Enough To Keep Me Pressing [JALEX]Where stories live. Discover now