Time skip a month
Alex's POV
I say "I am so hungry and tired" yawning against Jacks chest and he says "well, you can't have any food, baby, are you nervous?" I say "a little, I'm sure I'll feel ok when I get there though" kissing him and he wraps his arm around me mumbling "you trust your doctor and he's going in with you, he's not going to let anything bad happen to you, baby." I kiss him saying "I know, just anxiety getting to me more than it normally does" and he mumbles "I get it" rubbing my back. I say "I gotta get up and shower" yawning and he buries his face in my chest saying "can I come with you?" I chuckle saying "yes" and I get up and I go to turn the shower on and he rests his head right in the middle of my chest. I chuckle saying "what are you doing, angel?" He mumbles "taking it in while I still can" and I laugh saying "oh stop it" chuckling. He licks a line up the center of my chest and kisses me and I smile saying "you're so weird but I love you so I don't care" kissing me. He mumbles "you're cute" and I mumble "mmm, so are you" moving my hands to his hair as I kiss him. I just start pulling his boxers off and he does the same to me and I pull him closer saying "I think you're cute" and he mumbles "you're my handsome boy." I smile against his lips and he licks my bottom lip and I chuckle, pulling him into the shower and he kisses me and I say "I love you" and he says "I love you too." We finish showering and we get dressed and he mumbles "you ready?" I nod saying "yeah" smiling and he kisses me saying "you'll do so well" and I smile saying "you aren't leaving are you?" He says "I'm never leaving you" kissing me and we leave the room after we grab our phones and I grab a bottle of water. I get a few tired cheers when I go into the hallway and we chuckle and Oli hugs me saying "I'm gonna be thinking about you." I say "I'm not dying, love, I'll be back tonight" playing with his hair and he says "I know, I'm just thinking about you, and I hope it goes well." I say "you're so sweet" kissing his cheek then pulling away and Will hugs me saying "I am so happy for you, baby, you have come so far with this, and I'm so proud of you, babe." I say "you're going to make me cry, stop it" and he says "well, if it makes you feel better I made a slideshow of every year we've been friends to show your transition." I say "oh my god, stop it! You didn't!" He says "I did, Zack helped me, and were all watching it later" and I laugh saying "ok, I might be high but that's fine. Oh my god, I'm so hungry, I'm gonna get everything chopped off then I'm eating, I love you all, I'll see you later, guys." Someone hugs me from behind and its not Jack saying "you guys are going soft, stop doing that" and I say "were gay, we can't control it, Zack" leaning against him. I sarcastically say "have you been working out?" He rolls his eyes and I say "I'll see you later, ok?" He nods and says "I'm proud of you, babe, you've come so far" and I say "oh stop, I know what you've done" and Zack says "he told you?" I laugh saying "yes, ok, I gotta go, guys" and we chuckle and we talk for a few minutes then Jack and I go to the hospital. Jack says "you ready?" I nod and I kiss him and we go inside, they make me take a pregnancy test because I can get pregnant even if its a small chance. I got nothing for them, I haven't had anything to drink in like twelve hours, but they need it, so what can I do? My mom meets up with us and we get pulled into a room with my surgeon I'm guessing and my doctor. I say "oh my god, I'm so fucking hungry" and mom says "suck it up" and my surgeon says "well, we can get going now and get you eating in like five hours but it'll feel like barely two hours to you, hows that?" I chuckle saying "fucking deal, you can do that?!" He says "yeah, if you can take an IV easily, and we have no problems" and I say "deal" and the surgeon leave the room and my doctor says "why haven't I met this guy yet? He's hot stuff" and we chuckle and I say "that's Jack, he's a weirdo" and we chuckle and he sits in one of the chairs saying "ok, you ready?" I say "yeah, I'm ready" and he says "when did you take T last, buddy?" I say "last weekend" and he says "ok, how are you feeling just in general?" I say "I'm doing good, I learned my friends made a slide show of pictures from every year we've been friends, and I have to watch it later" and we chuckle. He says "Will and Zack?" I chuckle saying "yeah, how's your man?" He says "my man is aright, how's yours?" I chuckle saying "I don't know, Jack, how are you doing, honey?" He says "I'm good, tired" giving me a thumbs up and I chuckle saying "well, he's alright" and we chuckle. I say "how are you?" He says "I'm good, ok, do you want me to tell you what's happening or do you want to just let it happen?" I say "tell me about it" and he says "were going to give you an IV with anesthetic in it after you talk to the mastermind for a little bit. Then you'll go under, we'll do the thing, then you'll be in recovery for about twenty minutes to an hour depending on when I want to let you leave, then you'll be out, any questions?" I say "no, I'm ready, lets do it" and he says "great, I'll be back in a few minute with Mr. Mastermind" and we chuckle.

The Flavor Of Your Lips Is Enough To Keep Me Pressing [JALEX]Where stories live. Discover now