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Ten years later
Alex's POV
A teen comes up to me saying "how does this work?" I say "what do you mean?" He quietly says "I couldn't pay attention, I have ADD not that that's an excuse, I just couldn't pay attention. Could you explain it again?" I say "that's alright, I completely get it, so what you're going to do is you're correcting the grammar in the paragraph, ok?" He says "ok, that's why the grammar looked fucked" and I say "it is fucked, you're a smart kid, I believe in you" and everyones looking at me with the face of 'omg, the teacher swore. I say "oh no, your teacher swears? Scandalous" rolling my eyes and chuckling and I say "now if you tell, I tell on you, got it? Got it" and we all chuckle and I pull out my guitar and mess around singing about random things and making everyone chuckle. I say "I wanna take a nap, is anyone else down?" I am the worst teacher ever, hand out class work, then distract everyone. They all nod and I say "I'm getting smacked if I sleep on the job, I'm dead, dude, thats it" and we laugh. I sing about not wanting to drive home and Jack says "five dollars and you won't have to" and I say "that's expensive" looking at him. I say "you scared me, quit doing that" and Jack says "well, I'm not sorry" and I say "fucking dick" and Jack says "fucking weirdo" and I say "Jack swearing in front of students?! Scandalous, me calling a teacher by their first name? Scandalous" and Jack rolls his eyes saying  "you're so weird" and I say "you didn't know that already?" He says "oh, I did just making sure you remember, boy" and I say "don't boy me, that's strange" and he says "why?" I say "I don't know, I'm just trying to be mean to you" chuckling and he says "you're so mean" sitting on my desk. I say "I'm clearly the best" rolling my eyes and Jack says "are you sure?" A kid says "do we have homework?" Jack says "no" and I say "yes" at the same time and I say "you aren't helping me, Jack, I was kidding, no one has homework" cause this bitch is having his way with his man all weekend, we don't want to grade shit. Jack says "what are we doing this weekend?" I say "well, I plan on being anti social in my bed" and he says "so I'm not coming over?" I say "you're coming over, dumbass, we live together" rolling my eyes. That question is code for 'were fucking all weekend, right?' We gotta keep it rated R at the max, we can't have X rated in front of children, our relationship is pretty private that most students don't know were together even though we live together. Jack says "I get to go home early" and I say "why?" I start grading shit so I can give it to these guys and he says "I have no class after this." I say "but why?" The class chuckles and he says "everyone in that class said they couldn't make it" and I say "fucking how?" Jack chuckles saying "someones jealous" and I say "I wanna go home and nap" chuckling and Jack says "you use your brain too much" sitting against the side of my desk. I say "I teach English, you teach people how to like music and play guitar, I have to use my brain." He says "I don't have much brain to use, Lex" and I say "you graduated, high school and college the first time, I did fail freshmen year, so you have some kind of brain in your thick skull." A kid says "how can you fail freshmen year then teach freshmen's?" I say "wouldn't I be the best to teach it if I learned it twice?" Jack says "you have a point there" and I say "I'm right sometimes" rolling my eyes and Jack says "how did you fail freshmen year?" I say "transitioning, being insecure, not having a binder, and I was high for a good portion of it" chuckling. I say "rough year, rough year" chuckling and Jack says "that sounds terrible" and I say "it was bad" chuckling and a kid says "whats the biggest rule you've broken?" Jack says "I did get arrested when this guy was hitting on you" and I say "you did do that" chuckling. I say "that was brief though, you didn't even get put in a holding cell. Fuck, I don't know" chuckling, any of the rules I can think of are not too appropriate for school but they aren't illegal. I say "that guy wasn't just hitting on me, he was on me like all up in my grill" chuckling. I say "too bad he was hot" and Jack flicks my thigh saying "shut up, he was average, and he had a punchable face." I bite my lip saying "yeah, you're right" yawning and Jack says "I'm gonna go home, I'll see you later?" I say "yeah, could you do me a favor?" He says "how much am I getting paid?" i grab a sticky note and I write: a blowjob and cuddle? Jack says "more, I get that every night" and I take it back, cross it out, and I write: fine, since I'm nice, you can edge me for an hour and I'll give you a blowjob. I give it back, biting my lip, and he says "hmmm, what do you want me to do for this then?" I say "my laundry" innocently, smiling, and Jack groans saying "a little more in pay" and I say "fine, two?" He says "ok, deal" checking me out briefly, putting the sticky note in my waistband and walking away. I say "I'm not a stripper and this isn't a dollar" and Jack shrugs and walks down the hallway making me chuckle. I say "god, he is such a fucking weirdo" and I finish my day of teaching then I finally get to go home and I take my clothes off and lay next to Jack in our bed. I say "mmm, I missed you, angel" wrapping my arms around him and he mumbles "I missed you too, handsome" kissing me and I smile saying "I love you" combing my fingers through his hair. Jack says "I love you too" kissing me deeply and pulling me closer than ever before. Who would've thought me being horny in a dorm room the first time we met would've brought this onto me? Hey, mayb being horny comes in handy sometimes or I just got lucky to have this angel in my life. Jack says "I'm never letting you go" and I say "I won't if you won't" him slowly kissing me until I feel high.

The Flavor Of Your Lips Is Enough To Keep Me Pressing [JALEX]Where stories live. Discover now