Alex's POV
Of course everyone decides to hang out in our dorm, great, its fine. Rian says "I'm hungry" and it's like one in the morning and no ones tired. I say "mmm, me too" and May says "ugh, I think I started my period" rubbing her forehead and groaning. I say "tampons are in the bathroom under the sink" and she says "fucking why?!" I say "long story" and she says "you're amazing" going to the bathroom. I lean against Zack, yawning, and he mumbles "you should take your binder off, babe, it's been all day" and I say "I know, I don't want to though" and he says "later, ok?" I say "I don't sleep with it anymore, Zack, it was pushing my ribs in, remember?" He says "yeah, I remember, I was just checking, making sure you weren't slowly puncturing your lungs." I say "I'm not, I'm being better than I was" and Andy says "I still can't wrap my head around how Rian still hasn't seen Batman." I say "you and me both" and Oli says "I still can't wrap my head around how you haven't stole Rian's boyfriend fully yet." I chuckle saying "I would've done that years ago if I wanted to" and Zack says "you would've seduced me probably" and I say "I was a confident bitch back then" and we laugh. We don't stand a chance against her anymore, no sir" and we chuckle and May comes back saying "what's the event that you needed tampons?" Ya know what? Fuck it, I say "I'm trans and kind of had a thing a few hours ago, I don't wanna talk about it" leaning into Zack more. Zack says "did you talk to a doctor?" I say "yes, twice, told me up there dosage next time then called me back just to tell me to take more like tonight" and Zack says "go take it then." I say "I will, I don't feel like stabbing myself right now, mom" and he says "fine" and I say "you're annoying" and he says "I care about you" rolling his eyes. I say "and it sucks" and he says "you would've died three years ago if it weren't for me shut your mouth" and I say "shut up" him chuckling. Oli says "still haven't figured it out" and I laugh saying "this is my dad, he keeps me in line" and we chuckle. Andy says "how long have you guys been friends anyways?" Zack says "too long" and I say "shut up, I met Will in fourth grade, and you in fifth, so five six years?" He says "sounds right, where's your guitar?" I say "that's what I forgot! I'm a dumbass" and he chuckles and Jack lays his head on my lap and I say "hi" chuckling and May says "quit acting like you're six." Jack looks up at me quietly saying "are you fine with this?" I say "yeah" running my fingers through his hair and over his cheek and he closes his eyes in contentment. I chuckle saying "you're like a cat, pet me and I'll fall asleep on you" and everyone laughs and he smiles against my thigh. I bite my lip and I just slowly run my fingers through his hair as everyone talks and he wraps his arms around my thigh, making me chuckle. I rub his back saying "what time is it?" Zack says "two" and I say "I could sleep right now" and we all agree and everyone leaves. I mumble "can you get off me, angel?" He mumbles "I'm tired" and I mumble "me too, get up, I'm gonna change, take T, then I'll come lay with you, ok?" He nods mumbling "ok" taking his clothes on and moving to my bed and I chuckle. I grab boxers, tee shirt, a syringe, testosterone, and alcohol swabs then I go into the bathroom, switch my tampon, take my binder off, take the small amount of T I'm supposed to take, change clothes, and now I'm free. I feel the T setting in but it's not so bad, I can feel its there too. Same side affects but not as bad and I go back out and lay next to Jack, him wrapping himself around me like a koala. I chuckle saying "you're the cutest" kissing his forehead and we slowly drift off to sleep after we talk tiredly for a little bit.
The next day
Smut starts
Jack kisses down my chest, waking me up, and I mumble "what are you doing?" He mumbles "taking care of you" and I smile saying "mmmm, Jack, we have school" as he takes my boxers off. I mumble "god, you treat me so well" biting my lip and he says "you're cute" kissing my thighs. I smile, biting my lip, and he kisses my slit softly. I moan quietly, running my fingers through his hair, and there's a knock on the door. I say "what?" Rian says "lets go!" I say "we have forty five minutes before we have to even leave, fuck off" tiredly and my voice cracking slightly as Jack gets me off. I moan saying "god, your mouth feels so good, best one yet, fuck" quietly. He looks up at me and I mumble "oh my god, feels so good" moaning and he smiles slightly as he licks softly and I pull his hair slightly. I mumble "fuck, you feel so good, you're so good, fuck" pushing his head on me a bit. He groans quietly and I say "f-fuck, I'm gonna cum, please" quietly and he keeps using his magical mouth. I say "oh my god, fuck! Fuck, Jack" moaning, him covering my mouth, and I say "f-fuck, you're gonna make me cum, Jack" moaning. I go over the edge and he carries on moving his mouth and I shiver saying "you're so good, f-fuck" leaving my hand in his hair. He mumbles "you taste good" licking softly and I shiver, him kissing my thighs then leaning up to kiss me.
Smut ends
I mumble "fuck, that was so good, I gotta shower" and he mumbles "you're my handsome boy" kissing my neck then he goes back to kissing me. I go and take a quick shower, get ready, and I come back out to Jack putting a shirt on, too bad, he has nice back muscles. I'm so weird.

The Flavor Of Your Lips Is Enough To Keep Me Pressing [JALEX]Where stories live. Discover now