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And yet here I am. Met once again by standing by my car at the Luca lights club, I take another breath as I feel the cool air brush my bare shoulders, from the dress I was wearing and continue to walk into the club.

At least I wouldn't see the owner because I've heard he only comes here often.

I need to start getting a life, maybe workout, glow up be more confident?

"name, age, and id" I'm greeted by a different man in black standing outside.

"Josephine," I tell him as I hand him my id when he rolls his eyes hands it to me, and opens the door as I smile at him before wandering in.

I try to remember the way I went before to get to the bar and then I see Lauren dancing again shaking a drink and swaying her hips to the flashing lights and music blasting.

"my fav! Hey what are you doing here?" she asks as I sit down at an empty seat?

"long day," I tell her.

"I've got you," she tells me as I watch her hand another girl a couple of seats away from me the drink she was shaking before picking up a shot glass and some blue juice thing.

"jellyfish shot" she yells over the music as I look at her in confusion.

"one of my favorites just take it, it will make you feel better" she nods as I pick it up and hesitantly shot it down my throat.

"that's pretty good," I tell her as she nods in excitement.

"alight ready" I turn back to her when I see her holding one up to me and another in her hand.

"same time, drink!" she says as we down them together.

Maybe she can be a real friend I trust.

"I love your dress, by the way, it's so cute and fits ama-" she stops as I see her gaze move to something else before she almost throws the glass, she's holding across the bar.

"my boss is here, if he asks, I've been working the whole time got it?" she panics as I laugh before getting it.

Why do you always have to be here?

I don't turn around just take a fake nod before ordering another drink and swinging my feet because they don't reach the floor.

"a couple of minutes, don't be late!" I hear the same voice from earlier coming closer and closer before the stop and turn a little to see him looking to the side at other women in a red dress, matching the light of the club.

I had to admit from the times I had seen him like I've thought before he was gorgeous, the ink traveling up his arms was more than I have ever seen before.

"you better be working" he glares at Lauren.

"I am!" she almost yells back.


"oh hey," he stops and leans Infront of me as I look up at him seeing his face through the red lights of the club.

"hey" I force a smile.

"you're the girl that fucked up my coffee this morning isn't it?" he looks down at me but doesn't meet my eyes.

"that's me" I almost throw my hands in the air, in excitement.

Josephine stop.

"Yeah, well you better make it better for the next times I see you," he says.

"or you can just make it yourself" I find the confidence for a slight second before regretting it.

whatever he deserves it, i've done nothing to him and all i get in return is rudeness.

"Whatever, I want you at my office by 7 am tomorrow" he informs me.

"7 am that's in like six hours!?" I gasp.

"it's not my fault you came to my club at one in the morning to hang out with your little friends" he looks me up and down.

"Okay okay fine, now can you like... leave" I shew him.

"gladly" he winks before disappearing into the dark of the hallway ahead before I throw my head down in excitement to wake up in 5 hours when I'm not even in bed yet.

"what was that about?" Lauren asks as she hands me another shot.

"I'm supposed to be working with him, it's for my job I'm not sure" I groan before taking down the shot I probably shouldn't be having.

"fuck" I almost yell rubbing my head.

"hm?" she asks.

"I keep forgetting about how I'm going to get home" how stupid can I be? very apparently

"I'm off at two, I'll bring you don't worry about it, unless you need to get home earlier," she tells me as I look down at my phone saying 1:48

"that's fine, thank you" the corners of my lips pull up into a smile.

"that's fine, thank you" the corners of my lips pull up into a smile

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