(Currently being re-written & grammar fixed outside of wattpad, I will be republishing very soon.)
Josephine Katavana, the sweet librarian you would meet on a normal day at the library, struggling with her anxiety. She thought she knew it all and h...
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my day with Josephine was incredible, not just for the nudeness or sex, but she made me feel almost comfortable with her.
I'd want to hang out with her right now, having her little soul by my side but I couldn't.
I stand next to Elijah as Adrian and kaiara sit on the couch in front of us.
"the American mafia has been wanting to see us." Adrian tells us.
I nod "I forgot what for, but yes."
"they're probably going to kill us, so were just going to have to prepare" Elijah ties into the conversation.
"well go in an hour, prepare yourselves." Adrian tells us before he walks out of my house.
Adrian was a... good friend? I guess you could say. He was older than me, I trusted him a bit like I trust Elijah, but I don't find myself trusting many people in my life.
I was in an Italian mafia I guess you could say, after high school my life kind of turned. shit, I moved in with my best friend, that didn't work out, I got homeless. Stole car's and houses or shit, it wasn't healthy, and I'm not sure if I'm even healthy at the moment.
We had to meet up with the American mafia at some point, it wouldn't end well but we needed to arrange a couple of things.
Elijah and kaiara walk out of the room, to do god knows what as I sit in my living room rubbing my hands through my hair before getting up and loading my guns and knives, getting re dressed into more appropriate clothes for the moment.
Speeding away in my car, to go to the warehouse they are meeting us at just knowing ill need a new car later on after this.
Getting to the destination I get out of the car, taking my knife in my sleeve in my leather jacket, I walk up to the back door.
A woman with tattoo's and red hair greets me at the door as I look at her, confused.
"hi" she smiles at me.
"cut the shit, what do you want?" I ask her.
"i-I don't even know why I'm here." she stutters.
"tattoos, hair, code on your wrist" I look down to her American mafia code tattooed on her wrist.
"fine" I start to walk past her before taking out my knife and stabbing it to her hip as she chokes out.
"you should get some better acting classes you bitch" I spit as I dig the knife deeper into her.
"you bastard" she gasps before falling limb in my arms, I take my victory time to carve a little heart in her arm before cleaning off my knife with my shirt as I kick down the door to another room, seeing a poker table in the middle with men sitting around it