(Currently being re-written & grammar fixed outside of wattpad, I will be republishing very soon.)
Josephine Katavana, the sweet librarian you would meet on a normal day at the library, struggling with her anxiety. She thought she knew it all and h...
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I take the stack of papers in my hand and put them in the drawer, connected to my desk.
I look back to my computer and close a couple of tabs before my office door slams open.
"guess whose birthday it is!?" she throws her hands in the air while she walks over to me.
I get up from my desk and walk over to her.
"who's?" I roll my eyes.
"yours silly!" she laughs and pulls me close to kiss me.
"mm, mm don't get me hard I'm working" I pull away when she gasps.
"I brought you lunch, well not just you, me too" she nods as I laugh, and we walk over to my couch.
"I got mac and cheese, then I got you a bacon cheeseburger," she tells me.
"oh... thank you" I look over to her when she opens her mac and cheese container.
I open up the burger that she gave me and take a bite out of it.
"mm this is good," I tell her.
"right! I saw this little restaurant place while I was walking back to my car after work and then I was like I should get lucifer lunch and so I went in but I coul-" she stops and looks back at me covering her mouth.
"I'm so sorry" she giggles.
She's fucking adorable.
I smile at her and take another bite of my burger, propping my legs on the couch and turning on the tv for us.
"ice cream?" I turn to Josephine as I drive down the road, back home.
"From where?" I question her.
"We can just go shopping to get it," she tells me as I nod and pull into, the store on the next street.
I close the car door behind me before taking Josephine's hand in mine and walk up to the store.
We walk through the isles before getting to the back and stopping at the ice cream freezers.
"mint chocolate chip?" she asks.
"cookies and crème" I turn to her.
"no mint" she pouts.
"well, I want cookies and crème."
"it's not like we're rich and we can get both!" she looks over to me.
She smacks her hand on the forehead as I laugh and reach for both of the flavors.
"come on baby" I wrap my arm around her and we go to check out.
"Hello!" the cashier smiles.
I give her a weird look at her excitement before feeling a sting in my side.
I look down at Josephine furring her eyebrows at me and pulling her fist away.
"don't be rude."
"that will be 15.00."
"for two ice cream's hell, Nah that's too mu-"
"here" Josephine pulls my wallet out of my pocket and hands her the credit card.
Oh, you little...
"Have a nice day" she forces a smile and takes the bag from her before taking the credit card and walking out.
"Remind me not to go shopping with you, lucifer" Josephine murmurs.
"okay but 15 dollars is a lot."
"can I drive" she smiles at me before giving me back my credit card.
"of course," I bend down to kiss her head.
"I love you" she hands me the bag too before running to the car swaying her hips.
"fucking hell" I mumble before opening the car door.
I get in and see her turning on the car with a big smile on her face.
"ready?" she asks as I nod.
She starts the car and starts to drive.
Whenever I'm in the car, my fears start.
When I lost my parents, and when I lost Josephine.
I look to my side and see Josephine, the beauty next to me that I somehow fell in love with.
She was beautiful and no one else could compare to her, I had seen other girls, but haven't wanted to date them never mind marry them.
But Josephine was so different. She made sure I was okay. She never gave up on me, even if she tried to, she always came back to make sure I was okay. She trusted me and I trusted her.
She captured my soul, taking it and matching it with hers, where I knew we belonged together, she pulled me in with her beauty seducing me into her stunning grey eyes and sweet personality, and that's when I knew from that time, I saw her laying on that hospital bed gone, id never let her go again. She was now my whole life and I wouldn't change that for the world. But I can promise I will love her until our souls do us apart.
"you've saved my life Josephine Katavana."
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