lucifer's life story

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On May seventeenth, in Milan Italy. Lucifer Luca Valentino was born.

He had his parents, Adelina and Christian Valentino.

He was a good kid, cried a lot though his parents complained.

Two years later, his little sister Kaiara was born into the family.

Taking time to adjust when they got older, they always played together, laughed together, and cried together. But also had their ups and downs too.

"Mom!" kaiara yells to their mom.

"yes kai?" their mom responds.

"Lucifer took the last popsicle because I told him I wanted it!" she yells.

"I can go buy some more honey" she laughs.

"But I want it now!" she wines.

"that now how you ask young la-"

"ahhh-" Kaiara yells at the top of her lungs, waking up their dad.

It was always the little things though.

When Lucifer had gotten to middle school, his life crumbled.

He got bullied because he read so much.

He got bullied because of his clothes.

He got bullied because he always sat alone.

He got tripped in gym class.

Pranked by taking away his homework so he didn't get the grades.

He went home after the long days and his parents comforted him, they calmed him down like no one else could.

He went home and read where his parents left him alone to find his happiness with fictional characters.

He went home and got into his clothes his parents bought because he asked for them.

Lucifer went home and felt safe.

"you're going to let me drive?" fifteen-year-old lucifer laughs.

"be careful! I can't believe you're letting him do this Christian" his mom laughs.

"well, be fine" his dad gets in the front and his mom gets in the seat behind his dad.

"I promise ill be careful" he laughs.

They all get in the car and Lucifer starts to drive down the empty roads, passing all the cars and stopping at the stop signs and stoplights.

"watch for the car's remember" his dad nods as he looks to his left seeing no cars and to his right.

Lucifer starts to drive before feeling his hands let go of the wheel when a car smashes into the side of the car his parents were on, the car flipping over and rolling down the hill next to him.

Lucifer didn't go to their funerals.

No one had heard from him in days.

He was in his room.

Lucifer couldn't even read to get his mind off of it, he couldn't even look at his phone.

And that when his life crumbled deeper.

When he had to start back up at school, he got bullied worse because they all blamed him.

He didn't trust the teachers enough to talk to them so he bottled his feelings up, his emotions killed him inside.

He got home and had no one to talk to, Kaiara was always locked in her room, she wasn't mad at lucifer, she was just heartbroken she didn't get her goodbyes like Lucifer didn't either.

They lived with their grandma for months before he moved in with a friend, but when they didn't get along after years, Lucifer knew he had to let Italy go. Lucifer couldn't take it anymore and got a plane ticket to Georgia.

His first night there he went to a bar, underage with a fake ID.

He met Adrian Rivers; Adrian owned the bar.

Lucifer got drunk every night and that took his thoughts and sober mind away from his death.

Lucifer moved in with Adrian and introduced him to the dark world Adrian was in.

Lucifer loved it, he got taught how to throw knives and use guns, taking out his anger on people.

Introducing him into the mafia at such a young age and introducing him into the life of sex and drugs.

Finally needing to get back into school, Adrian made sure he got into a good college, he got into journalism and started working at the bar, becoming sober for weeks before relapsing.

He hated absolutely everyone, even Adrian.

He hadn't seen his sister in years, they called every day but Kaiara didn't want to move, she was with their aunt and cousins now at a new school away from her past too.

Years later with soberness, Lucifer started his publishing office and bought a strip club. They went a lot and lucifer worked his ass off, never sleeping to get the job done.

Years later with that, he saw Josephine at his club.

He wanted her, to fuck her so bad when he saw her in that dress, but he could tell she couldn't.

He saw her in his office, and was pissed about his coffee, he was pissed at the world.

He hated Josephine, he thought she was the uptight and innocent person she was, before out of no where he started to feel a weight being pulled off of his chest as he looked at her every day, walking into his office and laughing away with her own jokes.

He fell so hard for her, but it was so dangerous for him.

He had sex, then dumped the girl.

Never started a relationship until Josephine.

And that was when he forgave the world for all it took away from him, when he met Josephine Katavana.

His now wife and mother of his future children.

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