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After a painful drive back with Lauren last night at almost three in the morning and two hours of sleep before my shower to wake me up, I'm finally up and getting dressed to meet

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After a painful drive back with Lauren last night at almost three in the morning and two hours of sleep before my shower to wake me up, I'm finally up and getting dressed to meet. Mr. Valentino? At the office for God knows what.

I pick out some dress pants in a light pinkish tan color and a black shirt putting that on and brushing out my wavy hair before putting on some light makeup and some black heels before grabbing my computer, a book, and my bag with my phone in it.

I turn off my lights in my room before walking past the hall in my apartment to grab an apple and turning off those lights, locking the door, and stumbling down the stairs to my car.


The ride wasn't as bad as before, I drove to the right place and got there at 6:55 making sure to be on time when I walk into the glass-walled building.

"good morning" I smile at the lady in the front.

"Name please?" she asks me.

"Josephine katavana, someone said to be here b-"

"7 am in Mr. Valentino's office, do you need to be shown where to go?" she asks as I shake my head.

"thank you" I walk past the office seeing the empty building and walk to the elevator because I can't walk that many stairs this early.

I get up in time to the hallway with the offices connected before overhearing loud yelling.

"bene quando il tuo cazzo morto a causa dei sistemi di sicurezza non venire da me" (well when your fucking dead because of the security systems don't come to me) I hear a deep voice rumble through the door.

"sì no lucifer merda sarei morto" (yeah, no shit lucifer I would be dead) a women's voice yells back even though I can't make out what they are saying.

"come hai fatto anche a essere sorpreso a rubare una stampa da me?" (how did you even manage to get caught stealing a print for me?)

"beh, se tu non fossi un tale cazzo e non l'ho ucciso in primo luogo non sarei in questo casino" (well if you weren't such a dick and didn't kill him in the first place I wouldn't be in this mess) a female voice beams back again.

I take a step back not hearing the rest of the conversation because I have no idea what they are even talking about before a door opens and a tan woman, with dark hair in a short black dress and heals struts away past me before I turn back and see Mr. Valentino leaning against the door.

"your early" he mumbles before telling me to come in as I walk in looking at the big office in Infront of me, the big window wall behind a nice plain desk, a fireplace, and a couch with a tv and a bigger bookshelf filled with tons of books on the side.

"quit staring or ill make you sit on the hallway floor" he groans as I roll my eyes in response earning another glare from him.

"are you alright?" I ask him while he walks over to his desk after shooting me a confused look.

"you were yelling," I inform him as he starts to grin when I slowly walk over to his couch not sitting down yet.

"I'm fine it was just Mia Sorella," he says before walking over to me with a laptop.

"my sister" he translates as I nod with a small smile forming on my lips before looking back up to see him with his grey dress pants and a cuffed white dress shirt again showing off the ink on his arms and hands while he sits down on the couch, I'm standing near.

"sit" he instructs me as I do

"not that close" he groans before moving away.

Do I smell? This man has no manners. Or it could just be me.

I scooch away a little before pulling out my computer not knowing what to do know.

"what's your name?" I ask him.

"None of your business." He flatly replies as he types something on his computer, propping his feet up on the couch right next to me.

"well, if we are going to be working together... I'd like to know your name" I smile.

He shifts his gaze from the keyboard on his laptop to me, looking up at my face "lucifer" he mumbles before I see his eyes slowly raking down me before I turn back so he only sees my side as I ignore it.

"what's your name?" he asks me.

"you don't know my name?" I ask him.

"no, I don't pay attention to that shit."

"well, maybe you should next time," I tell him.

"so, tell me your name," he asks.

"no," I answer him.

"fine, what's your email?" he asks me before I turn my computer and show it to him.

A minute later I open Pinterest just to look at some stuff before seeing a notification on the bottom of my screen, from lucifer Luca Valentino.

I look over to him and seeing his face with no emotion still typing away on his laptop.

He really doesn't show his emotions, does he?

I click on the notification and see a very long document with questions and bolding words and lots of things.

This is so long?!

"do you want me to fill this out?" I ask him to get a faint "mhm" in response.

I check the time and it's only 7:10 in the morning.

Letting out a loud huff I start 

Letting out a loud huff I start 

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