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I wake up to the cool breeze going over my bare legs, as I pull the blanket over them and groan closing my eyes again

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I wake up to the cool breeze going over my bare legs, as I pull the blanket over them and groan closing my eyes again.

I didn't want to get up this morning because my bed was so comfortable.

I end up getting out of bed and walk over to the bathroom rubbing my eyes before throwing my hair up and then brushing my teeth and washing my face.

I go back into my room and put on a casual black jumpsuit.

I get on my usual makeup and brush out my brunette hair before getting on my shoes and grabbing my charged phone and an apple then walking out of the apartment.

I take the dumb menu thing that Lucifer had given me yesterday as I get into my car Turning on some music then driving away.

I think about me having to get Christmas decorations for my apartment since it's December now and Christmas is coming up.

I get to the place it brings me to before I see a little café, and take a breath before getting out of the car and walking in.

I look around confused trying to find lucifer when I see him talking to some girl that's standing next to him.

I stand there confused again for a minute before finding a table in the back and sitting down there, not sure why I'm here or why I'm sitting down.

A couple of minutes later I see someone come over to me "is this seat taken?" he smiles as I was about to shake my head.

"yeah, it is" lucifer's taller frame stands above the frightened boy.

"oh, I'm sorry man, i-I didn't know that she was with someone, I swea-"

"Are you done?" lucifer asks as the other person walks away.

"you didn't have to be so rude," I tell him as he sits down across from me.

"I wasn't rude." He replies.

"Why am I here?" I ask him.

"I came to give you this," he tells me handing me a paper "and say I'm sorry for what I said yesterday." He tells me.

"you're sorry?" I ask him as he thinks about it for a minute before nodding.

"well thanks for whatever this is" I wave the papers "but I can't accept your apology" I look away from him.

"why not," he asks.

"well because that's not something that some people can just forget," I tell him.

"I know that, I've had anxiety before," he tells me as I look over at him confused for many reasons.

"How do you know it's anxiety? it can be something else?"

"I just know okay." He looks up to me as I nod.

"Well, I've got to go" I smile as I get up from the table and walk away, I was just going to walk around because there was a plaza and I wanted food but then I hear footsteps behind me as I panic and look behind me only to see lucifer.

"So, you're following me now?" I grin.

"Yeah. Where are you going?" he asks.

"going to look for breakfast," I tell him as he nods and catches up to me.

"don't you have somewhere to be?" I question him.

"Yeah, with you, we're supposed to be working together."

"well... I'm hungry and if I went to go work with you right now, you probably wouldn't even let me get any food." I force my smile.

"your stomach can wait."

"no, it can't, I'm a hungry woman" I regret that. As his facial expression almost changes into a smile.

"anyway..." I shake my head "you want to join me?" I ask.

"like a date, no," he answers.

His ego gives me a headache.

"not a date, just for breakfast." I look over at him looking at me.

"sure..." he finally answers me as a smile plays on my lips.

We finally get to another little café, I didn't know why we didn't just stay at the other café, but I guess I also just wanted to look around, we get into the place and I see the little tables, and the line in the front with only a couple people sitting down, either eating or working.

We sit down at a two-person table before ordering drinks and I continue to look around the place to which I have never been to before.

I look across to lucifer and see him following something with his eyes before smirking and getting up from his seat "ill be back." He tells me before I turn around and see him walking over to the men's bathroom.

"small chocolate macchiato and a black coffee." The waiter tells me as she places our drinks on the table.

"thank you."

I take a sip of my drink before pulling out my phone and scrolling around on some social media before seeing lucifer sit across from me.

"where did you go?" I ask him.

"Bathroom." He answers flatly taking a sip of his coffee.

"whatever, so why am I even supposed to work with you?" I question him.

"Well, you're supposed to be helping me with the paperwork and the graphing of the library."

"Have you ever been here?" he asks me as I shake my head.

He nods in response and takes a sip of his coffee.

"I guess I should get to work right?" I ask as I get up from my chair and he follows me.

"How did you know where I was last night?" I ask him as we walk down to the parking lot.

"I just did" he shrugs.

"anyways I've got to go, see you tomorrow?" he winks at me before I watch him walk down a step to go to a very expansive-looking car.

"what type of car is that?" I shout to him as he opens the car door,

"bugatti la voiture noire" what the hell is that.

"Have a nice day" I smile as he just gets in his car leaving me to walk the plaza to mine.

"Have a nice day" I smile as he just gets in his car leaving me to walk the plaza to mine

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character development is on its way for lucifer 🙄🖕

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