(Currently being re-written & grammar fixed outside of wattpad, I will be republishing very soon.)
Josephine Katavana, the sweet librarian you would meet on a normal day at the library, struggling with her anxiety. She thought she knew it all and h...
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I never would have thought I'd fall in love like this, my feeling's being so strong.
I didn't know what to feel.
Lucifer brought me inside and I felt my heart turn when I saw his house.
There was glass on the floor, the pillows everywhere, dishes all over the counter.
"I'll clean it up after." He silences me.
He leads me over to the living room and we sit on the couch, the living room wasn't so messy.
The silence was too loud.
I turned to Lucifer, seeing him sitting on the couch staring into the open.
"Josephine..." I hear.
"hm?" I hum in response.
"if you had... hadn't woken up..." he starts. "if you could do one thing in this world what would it be?" he asks me.
I think about it for a minute, I wouldn't know what id want to do.
I'd wants to see the city, write a book, do lots of things.
"travel the world." My voice was just above a whisper.
"where?" he tilts his head.
"To travel the world like California, Hawaii, Canada, Europe" I look over at him as he slowly nods.
"How are you?" I turn to him.
"I'm fi-"
"be honest."
"it's not about me." He shakes his head, 'I need to know how you are." He tells me.
"Please, Lucifer."
He looks up to my eyes, before his eyes flicker back to the floor.
"like shit. I tried to turn, and I made them hit your side." He stares at the floor. "if I wouldn't have just turned, I wouldn't have lost you like that, we would have gone back home happy."
There were a lot of things in that sentence.
"we would have gone back home happy."
Where was my home?
"Lucifer, we should probably talk about the... baby..."
"I don't want kids yet."
Thinking back to months ago when I asked lucifer if he wanted kids, he said he would be dead by then.
"I wasn't ready to be a mom." I look away from him.
"It was my fault; I didn't wear a condom." He shakes his head.
I stay silent for a minute, then i thought of the question I needed to know the answer too.
"If this didn't happen, And w-we found out about the baby.. would you have stayed?"
I look over to him, he looks away and looks straight.
I look around and feel my eyes starting to water, just a little bit.
"I would've." He looks over to me.
He looked hurt, guilty even.
He would have stayed.
He would have stayed with me, and raised a child with me.
"I meant what I said Josephine, i'm inlove with you. A lot acually."
I continue to look at his eyes, I nod and turn away to use my sleeve and wipe my eyes.
"I should have stayed with you, when your heartbeat came back, I'm so sorry" he leans up and puts his head in his hands.
I wasn't going to tell him it was okay and it was alright, i wanted him to stay with me, i wanted him to be there for me but he wasn't.
"Well, we can see where this takes us now... alright." I force a smile upon my lips.
He turns his head up and looks over to me. "Can you come back here tomorrow? Around noon?" he asks me.
"If you'd like.."
"do you need a ride ho-"
"no thanks." I'm quick to answer as I see him gulp.
He leads me back outside and to my car, opening the door for me before I sit down.
"I love you." I hear him tell me.
My heart aches for him, the boy that didn't get the right childhood without his friends. The boy that never fell in love, the broken boy that got tattoos to numb his pain by feeling pain.
"I love you too." I smile up to him as I see his eyes flash, in hope.
"drive safe" he bends down to kiss my forehead before closing the car door.
I take a deep breath and put my hands on the steering wheel turning on my car.
I was in love with lucifer Valentino.
I just prayed he didn't get me hurt again.
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