Chapter 15

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As we climbed up a tall hill, the tension and stress got more and more noticeable. We have less armor and weapons, and they have all the experienced fighters.

Tommy was continually blabbing about so-called "strategies", but in reality he was just boasting about our "sure victory". This didn't exactly help the gloomy atmosphere.

"Hold on," suddenly said Tubbo, reaching around his inventory and patting his back. "Can anyone pass me a bow?"

"There's no time for that right now." Tommy answered, more coldly than I think he intended to.

"I'm not very good at long range, so you can have mines." I responded ignoring Tommy, handing him over my new bow I got from Dream. "I'm more of a sword person. Plus, I was never going to use that anyways."

"Okay, if that's the case, you can have my shield." Tubbo beamed, slipping off his shield from his wrist and handed it over to me.

"Everyone shut up." Commanded Tommy.

I shot a glare at him, thinking that he wanted attention again. But when I looked up, my glare dropped intently.

Dream, Sapnap, Punz, and George all stood on the power tower with their enchanted full netherite armor and deadly sharp swords and axes. I took a look at Sapnap, and almost instantly he caught my eye. He let out a smirk when he saw my frightened face. I immediately changed my expression to my famous scowl, but the fear still shone from my eyes.

I inhaled sharply as Tommy stepped forwards, shoving me back. "I'll do the talking from here on out" he whispers to Wilbur and clears his throat.

"Gentlemen," He shouted, his head up high. "What is the meaning of this?!"

The Dream Team SMP stood motionless and silent, looking down on Tommy. It reminded me of an extremely aggressive chicken for some strange reason.

"We have to make them come down by themselves," Whispered Wilbur, making sure that they didn't overhear. "There's no way we can make them come down with force."

"We'll see about that." growled Tommy, loading his crossbow. Before any of us could stop him, he fired his shot at Dream which pathetically misses.

"Tommy, what the hell?" I whispered harshly, sharking him vigorously. "Why did you do that?"

"This is war." He responded unfazed.

In response, the Dream Team SMP aimed their bow at us. The first arrow whistled past, barley inches away from Fundy's face. Two came down a second later. Two became three, and soon enough, waves of arrows rained down on us.

The battle field was absolute chaos, with Wilbur shouting commands at everyone, while everyone was running around like panicking chickens.

As for myself, it wasn't going so well. I was fast enough to build a wall using wood planks, but the second I stepped out, an arrow would instantly fly at me. I was trapped, to say the least. Then suddenly I had an idea.

I raised my shield imitating Eret, in hopes that it can block the volleys arrows. And to my surprise, as if it was an umbrella under a rain, all the arrows bounced off.

"USE THE SHIELDS AS A COVER." I shouted at the top of my lungs, and slowly started to push forwards, ignoring the increasing arrows targeting me.

"But I don't have a shield!" Tubbo wailed, hiding behind a tree.

"Then return fire." Commanded Wilbur, dodging the arrows.

Slowly, each of the l'manburs started to shoot back. But in the chaos of the battle, I failed to notice the scent of gunpowder, and the sizzling sound right underneath my feet.

"Stand back, STAND BACK!" Screeched Tommy, diving behind a large bush.

I only had time to look down when I was launched into the air by the explosion.

To be continued...

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 17, 2021 ⏰

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