Chapter 6

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I'll think about it.

That was my answer. I'll think about it.

I don't know why I didn't say yes immediately. It's probably because of Dream. I just feel like joining his enemies would anger him, and that could result in some "I prefer not to think about" situations.

When I was about to leave and walk back to my house, Tommy wanted to escort me, just in case of Dream.

"Don't worry" I said with a shrug. "I'm probably not going to run into him."

"But it's a lot safer." Protested Tommy.

"Tommy, when was the last time you saw Dream?" I asked.

"That was, uh-"

"You see?" I said "You haven't seen him in ages! So just let me go back to my house in peace."

"Yeah, Tommy would definitely not give you peace." Tubbo put in while handing me the carrots that I asked for.

"Shut up!" Yelled Tommy "Fine, but if you do see Dream, start running in the opposite direction."

"Ok fine, mister paranoid." I teased.

[ ------------------------------------- ]

I saw him.

He was at least 24 blocks away from me.

He's approaching me purposely, and looking directly at me. At least, i think so. It's hard to tell behind that mask.

"(y/n)!" he said with a smile. "Good timing, I was just about to find you."

"Why's that?" I asked colder that I wanted to.

"Hmmm," he said with a glare that sent a chill up my spine. "Who said what about me that made you think that way?"

"Are you really that cold hearted?" I blurted out, wanting to learn more of Dream "Would you really turn people onto each other just for the fun of it? Do you really like to kill that much?"

"My dear, why would you think of such a thing?" he said with a slight smile, as if he was teasing me. He then spread out his arms. "Look at me. Do you see how harmless I am? How could I possibly hurt anyone?"

He does make sense, a part of me said.

He's tricking you. Don't listen, Shouted the other one.

"Stop it." I said while rubbing my eyes. "Your hurting my brains."

He let out a little chuckle.  "That's what I do, little one. I suppose That's because you punny little brain can't comprehend what my big one is saying."

"Will you please shut up," I said, pushing him as a joke. And I made the biggest mistake of all times and pushed to hard.

Suddenly, I saw a flash come across his eyes. He looked just like he did in my dreams, murderous, and ready to kill.

I took a step back, and as fast as a snake, grabbed my arm and squeezed it so tight that it turned purple.


"Don't. Touch. Me. Like. That. Again." He hissed. "I Don't want to get more mad at you after your little meeting with Wilbur."

"You were there??" I shouted, kicking at his legs. But it was no use, it wouldn't budge.

"Oh yes, I see everything" he said. "Even if I lost an eye-"

As if a lightning suddenly struck him, he stumbled backward, clutching his mask.

I used my instincts and bolted toward the forest as fast as I could.

"Wait, (y/n)! Stop it! We can make a deal. Be my-"

His words were cut off as I smashed though the trees

To be Continued...

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