My Standard

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*Mia's P.O.V *

When Charlie lets me into his house, my first reaction is: why so many books?

Even the centre table is balancing towers of pages. Then Charlie points out the ladder leading upstairs.

It feels more like an afterthought - as if the architect realised too late that there is enough space to make a top floor.

Charlie mutters something and enters a corridor. I wait until noises erupt. When I check, however, he tugs me away, saying, "Hey, let's go outside."

But when we get there and see cars arriving, we retreat. "They are relatives." He sits me on a couch. "Can you stay here for a bit?"

I nod. He heads out. The house goes quiet, followed by more yells, especially from a feminine voice.

As the noise quells, more comes from outside. I look out a window and see Charlie among mostly older people, laughing. One woman gives him bags while the others move to the canopy.
I help.

"Thank you," he puffs, passing the back. I follow him just as someone runs past us in barely any clothing.

"What the -"

"Where are you going?!" The same feminine voice booms inside.

Charlie informs me it is his sister talking.
We pack the bags in the kitchen, and then he gets me a seat under the canopy. When he heads back inside, eyes land on me.

Two of his Scottish-sounding aunties smile while their little children run around. When it dawns on me that Harry's niece is chasing them, I rush to the cars parked. His Lamborghini shines.

"Harry!" I wave as he climbs out. He doubles back. "Woah, hold on. Who are you?"

"Dude, it's me."

"You who?" Harry circles me. I flip him off, and he gasps, "Mama Mia!"

"Stop being dramatic."

"No. How is the college preparation?"

I sway my hand in a wishy-washy way. "How did you prepare?"

"Well, I messed around, so." He smirks. "You might not like my advice."

"Fucked-your co-singer-at-Washington type of messing around?"

"That wasn't messing around." His smirk plummets. There's a pause.

"And I fucked up. I get it," he mumbles. "Even Dalia and Kat will tell you I was remorseful - I-It was even my first time. I promise, Mia, I didn't want to hurt your friend."

I scowl at that. A part of me understands that Harry was going through a lot with Autumn still missing.

I also recall how Noah tried to remain calm throughout our call. Kean, however, cried for me to beg him for her forgiveness.

"They might get back together. He comes around during our rehearsals. He's pretty cool." Harry muses.

I rub my temples. "Duh."

Silence settles between us for a while. Then he says, "Charlie knows."


"Ya," Harry chuckles, " but you know the way he says things; he was like, 'The good news is studies have shown that our hormones -'"

"Dude!" I crack up. This boy just made a perfect mimicry of Charlie - voice, gestures and all.

Coming to think of it, he must know everything about Charlie. "Harry, how's his sister like?"

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