We kissed

104 42 57

Mia's P.O.V

"Urm, sorry for the mess." He says as we enter a spotless room.

"It's fine," I mutter, observing the way he stumbles on his words as he pulls out a suitcase from the closet. Maybe he's shy because he thinks I'll make fun of his British accent - I see people do that sometimes to the extent of looking dumb themselves.

"Um, there are...some-some shirts... " He unzips the suitcase to reveal neatly folded dresses, shirts and jeans - clothes for girls. I raise a mustard yellow cropped tee, and he clears his throat. This is when I realise his eye is on a black Nirvana shirt and scoff inwardly.

OK, Sir.

He lets me change in the washroom, which feels just as uninhabited if not more than the room. Switching shirts quickly to avoid keeping him waiting, I come out in a minute to find him reading a book.

"Thanks again." I try to tone down my grin. If he notices my struggle, he does not show it. His gaze darts to the suitcase. As he busies himself hurling it to the top of the closet, I stand awkwardly wondering if I should just leave or...-

"- Cool skateboard."

"Pardon me?"

"Your skateboard." I point at it as he whirls around. The skateboard under his study desk - with a bloodshot-eyed Pennywise graffitied on it - stares back at us. He must be a horror movie fan.

A bearly audible sound rumbles out of him. That's it. No response.

"So, you skateboard?" I grin to ease the awkward silence. He nods.


"...Do you?" he hesitates to ask.

I shake my head, thinking of something cool I can do. When it comes to mind, I chirp. "But, I play the guitar and sing."

"That's...nice." A smile spreads on his epicene face. My heart skips a beat.

Oh my goodness, this is not fair - WHO MADE THIS BOY'S SMILE LIKE THE FREAKING SIRIUS?


Charlie's P.O.V

"That's nice." I smile, nervous.

Her jaw drops.

Perhaps, I have grown two heads suddenly. I touch my hair for certainty, but that makes her gasp.

"Dude, what the f-" Her palm ceases her mouth past mid-sentence, then she drops it and clears her throat, to my perplexion.

What is she trying to say?

"-Urm, I-I will return the shirt...in school. Which year are you?"


"No way!" Her scarlet hair bounces a little too quickly. " Do you take Literature?"

When I nod, she says, "Even better. I might see you in class then."

That being said, I let her go with Sil's shirt. As she closes the door, I hear her muttering, "Even better? Geez, Mia."

So, her name must be Mia. In that case, I'm glad Mia is alright. She's nice. My only ick about her is that she thought Silver's skateboard was cool.

This ugly thing, I think, retrieving it from under the desk. I hug it. Although Sil has a lot of her stuff here, - we both do - if there is an item she can never do without, it's this skateboard, and yet, it has apparently been here since last year.

This ugly thing. How is it even here?



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