I liked you

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Hi readers, please I am not sure if the chapter before this one loads, so please notify me if it doesn't.



"What the..!" Harry jumps out of his seat dramatically. He moves forward as he surveys the damage to his white shirt - a very conspicuous splash of frizzy artificial colouring. I step away as he realises how big the stain is.

"Are you crazy? I have a gig tonight, and look how you've ruined my outfit!" He spits out in one breath, lifting his head to give me the scariest angry face I have ever seen on a fellow teen. His widened bloodshot eyes make the words even more sinister, especially how they zone in on me. It's like he is trying to look into my soul to smash it into a wall.

Even Josh is looking at me like I should be running. I return him the "do something about this pervert you call your friend. If anyone should be angry, it's me" glare.

My boss's replica for the week, Claus, rushes to the scene and immediately apologises to the jerk for fear of him scaring away customers.

When Claus gives me a side-eye, I know I am better off following him to his office than adding fuel to the fire. I hear Josh's footsteps trail behind me and into the office, where he stands aloof.

As expected, Claus asks what happened, so I narrate it to him, even going ahead to mention Josh as my witness.

"Ok, Josh, is this true?" His gaze tilts towards my ex-best friend. Josh, in turn, looks at me with wide eyes.

"Err..." His gaze steers back to Claus, and I see a flick of indecision.

"Ok, guys, really -"



" No, what?" My boss doesn't take his eyes off him, just as mine shoots at him in horror.

"Harry was not harassing her. He was just being friendly, but I understand why she's overreacting. You see, she lost her dad recently and -"

Breathe, Mia, breathe.

Don't blackout.

I start to feel dizzy. My eyes shut. I hear something.

I hear...
... my heart crushed into pieces.

...him breathing unsteadily.

... dad is coughing.

... Josh and I laugh as we race each other that Christmas day.

... He trips and falls into his father's pool.

... I ask him if he's alright and stretch out my hand. Hear him pull me into the water.

... our laughter as we splash water at each other.

Then suddenly, he draws closer.

"Have you ever wondered what it's like to kiss someone?" His innocence bleeds out of his voice. My head shakes.

"It looks yucky in the movies."

"How about in real life?" He stares at the water. I shrug.
"My dad says it's nice when it's with someone you like."

"In that case...."

And hear Claus slice into my reverie, "...Miss Summers, earth to Mia?"


"What you did there was very unprofessional. I should be firing you for this. I'm sorry for your loss, and, no, it's no excuse for what you did there," he sighs, "but I am just gonna give you like a month to, err, get better, and come back, ok?"

Then I open my eyes and see him, smiling with relief as if he was scared for me, as if he cares for me. How stupid does he think I am to fall for a charming grin after he betrayed me?

"Ok. Thank you. " I just smile and walk out; eyes fixated on getting as far away from him as possible.

"Mia... Mia," Josh calls after me. I pick up the pace, hurrying to the changing room.

Once I've calmed down, I grab my things and open the door, only to meet the traitor's good-looking face.

"Mia, I am so sorry -"

"Leave me alone," I snap, making a beeline for the exit. Unfortunately, he yells behind me.

"Look, I know -!"

"Leave me alone!" With a fiery index finger, I shove him into the wall. His body immediately jolts from my touch, but then he restrains himself to suppress severe impact.

"I know you're stressed, but you didn't have to ruin his shirt," he bursts in return, "why do you always have to bring others down with you?!"

My heart and jaw drop. I back away from him, registering every word of his last sentence, turning it over and over. There is like forever to think about this, but I want to understand now. It will hurt, but I have to get it.

"Mia," he breaks the silence in what sounds like a mixture of surprise and guilt, "I'm so sorry."

"Mia," his verminous eyes try to capture mine, but I don't budge. I still don't get it. Who did I bring down with me? Dad?
"Who did I bring down with me?"

"No one. Forget what I said," he recites, "it's a mistake."

"You can't even tell the truth for once," I laugh bitterly, "I can't believe I liked you."

Instantly, his eyes widen. He inhales, eyes reddening.

"You're horrible. Now I see it; you've always been horrible," I continue to utter from the depths of my heart.

Once upon a time, I had a crush on him. Just a crush, which I thought I could shrug off. Now, I hate him with every inch of my being, and this is precisely the kind of feeling I can not shrug off.

That said, Josh walks away, the colour drained from his face. His lack of a response taunts me on the way home.


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