No Spoilers

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*Mia's P.O.V*

Rehearsals take a lot of time. I start to realise this as whenever I return home, Aunt Lisa complains.

"You better not make this habit unless you Andrés to fire you?!"

The first evening, she says this, and I get worried because if Andrés does, I won't get to my answers concerning Dad's pills. However, after Thursday night, I  care less; after all, the club guys still don't give me any helpful information, while rehearsals become ... interesting.

There's always a topic that distracts us while we deliberate the song of the day to rehearse. If not for Kat, we can talk throughout about everything and nothing.

By Friday recess, the news comes out: "Announcement Spencer High students! In light of last Saturday's music audition, we would like to announce that participants numbered twenty-five, fifty-eight, three, one hundred and eighty-three, and forty should kindly move into the assembly hall..."

"Oh shit."

"Mia, get up!" Noah nudges me. My head sways, and he huffs, "If you follow Kean, no one will notice you."

Witnessing his girlfriend bypass the cafeteria doors, I believe him and tail her. Kean leads me through the empty boys' locker room into the assembly hall, where Dalia sits alone with her legs hanging off the stage.

"Nervous?" She motions to the set of school instruments behind her.

"Yep." Kean climbs onto the stage before me. After fifteen minutes, Kat enters wildly. She is about to say pleasantries when Miss Morrell and the female judge come through the door with no-nonsense gaits.

"Please, where's the last one?" The judge snarls. Considering the massive bag under her Rolex-clad arm and the designs on her baggy jeans, I gulp. Someone, please answer her; rich people don't like wasting time.

The once demure-looking judge frowns and tugs Miss Morrell out of the hall with her.

Kean gasps immediately they are out of earshot, "Why didn't you respond?!"

"Girl, why didn't you respond?"

"It's not as if we know Moon's whereabout or like her enough to lie," Dalia sighs.

Ya, what a relief she didn't come for rehearsals even. She's a freaking monster.

Surprisingly, we are like minded on that. Kean jumps off and crouches by the louvre blades.

"What are you doing?"

"I am reading their lips, Kat."

"Really? What are they saying?" She also descends.

Dalia and I watch their skirts bump each other until Kean's forearms push until they overpower Kat's afro to get a better view.

Kean chortles, "Miss Morrell is saying let's wait a bit, and the judge is ... not having it apparently ... Oh, now the judge is asking how many people are in the Anderson High band ... Miss Morrell just said seven -"

"Why do we always compare ourselves with them?" The smallest of us speaks.

Kat's head tilts back. "Because they are the next best private school in the district, and they suck, Dalia. I hope they lose the game on Tuesday."

"There's a game on Tuesday?"

She stands, facepalms, and then holds her hand out as if strangling someone. "No one appreciates my job," she says and claps.

"We. Literally. Just. Said. It. Again. "

"Oh, sorry," I have the decency to utter, albeit embarrassed. For the umpteenth time, I did not heed all the school announcements.

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