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*Charlie's P.O.V*

If Harry had met Autumn in St. Johns, he doubts they would have been in the same room, breathing the same air.

And he would have expected anyone else at his hostel. Heck, even his mother would have been better, not a teary-eyed ex.

"Autumn -"

She had hugged him. After two minutes, he couldn't get her off. He had thought of pushing her, but then she would make a ruckus. So he had to wait till his phone buzzed.

"Hey, hey, let me answer -" He had halted because of Kean's profile picture. Picking up, he had to remain stoic as Kean asked about his welfare.

Meanwhile, Autumn had had enough. Snatching the phone, she had to push Harry and make him retaliate.

Four hours after a scuffle had ensued, Harry had mumbled, "Oh, shit, what have I done?"

At that time, their clothes had been sprawled on the floor. Autumn had fallen asleep beside him.

His phone had to invade his trance. Sil had to call and ask him to send money.

"I think the guy I brought home stole some of my stuff," Sil had lamented.

Harry had facepalmed and bent over for his jeans, not wanting his ex to interrupt again. However, the jeans weren't his, and he had furled a leg out only for Autumn's burner to fall.

He quickly had to turn back and then mutter, "Sil, I'll call you back."

Trying his birthday as the password, the phone had unlocked. And that's what led Harry to find out where Autumn had been all that while.


When Leo got out, there were so many cheers. All, except Mia and Charlie, came.

Harry drove him with a scowl.

"What's the matter?"


Leo gasped, "She's been found?!"

"She came to me."

"Oh. Are you ok?"

"Ya, I messed up. Again." Harry scratched his head.

"How so?"

"Like... Okay, the point is, I found her burner, which had the number of the guy who hired your dad. I think?"

"Jawl?" Leo glared.

Harry nodded. "The guy left an angry voicemail, saying that he didn't rescue her from her batch so she could romp around. She should do her job."

"What job?"

"I don't know, but I found a plane ticket in her stuff so that it could be in... I saw Moscow."

Instantly, Leo bursts, "Did she have a gun or something?"


"What else was there?"

"She woke up, so I couldn't check further," Harry muses, "but there were scars all over her body, and when I asked about them, she cried. I woke up later, and she was gone."

There's a moment for Leo to reflect, and he yelps, "Please, tell me the camera is still with you!"

"Of course." Harry spun his wheels.

"And everything is in there?"

Again, his response was affirmative.

"Thanks, Harry. Let's call Mia."

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