Page 2- Lorenzo Romano

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Carmen's POV

As I got to my locker Brayden seemed to be in his own world and was not paying attention to me which I thought was odd because he always seems to be the only one who listens to me out of him, Hayley and Christina when I blabber on about uninteresting and pointless things.

"You okay? What's wrong with you?" I nudged him as I got my books out of my locker for first period 'which was unfortunately, maths'.

"Nothings wrong Carmen" he grunted. Refusing to make eye contact with me.

I am not going to let him try and shove me off, so I pressed on. "Well obviously somethings wrong Brayden your barley even looking at me" I stated waiting for an answer but instead I got something unexpected.

Brayden slammed my locker door and shoved passed me, making me stumble backwards and I vaguely heard him mutter "Ill just see you at lunch" then he stalked away as a trail of stares from other students followed him then, they turned their gaze towards me.

I ignored the constant whispers and stares as I stomped my way towards maths 'what the fuck is wrong with him? embarrassing me like that in front of everyone?', 'did I say something to piss him off?', 'he's never like this maybe he just needs sex' I paused in the middle of the hallway, wishing I did not just think of that last thought, when I realised I was outside my maths class which off course, I was now late for.

I slowly creaked open the door and all eyes turned on me, my cheeks went a shade of light pink as I tried to hide of my embarrassment, I looked over to Hayley and Christina who was both looking at me puzzled as I am never late for classes, when I soon realised there was no seats left except one. And that of course had to be next to one of the boys from this morning, more specifically, the one Hayley and Christina were drooling over.

I quickly took my seat next to him trying to stay as far away from him as possible by sitting on the edge of my seat and avoiding his gaze. A few minutes passed by and I was already bored and confused out of my mind 'who even created maths?', 'did it use to be a punishment in the olden days and thats why school uses it now?' as I zoned out of listening to the teacher babbling on about some sort of discombobulated sum, a gruff voice snapped me out of my thoughts. I jumped in my seat hitting my knee on the table "Ow, shit!" I grumbled 'great now I have another bruise.'

Turning my attention to whoever decided to cause my second injury of the day, I realised who it was, it was the boy sitting next to me. I turned and faced him which was the first good look I had at him and he looked even better close up, 'I've got to admit he was gorgeous, but, besides the point.'

"you were starting to snore" the gruff voice repeated.

I scowled at him before saying "I dont snore!"

"you do" he stated, now sounding agitated.

' I cant believe how rude he was being I do not snore! At least I dont think I do...'

Avoiding trying to make my mood worse than it already was, I ignored him and started clicking my pen trying to distract myself.

"Can you fucking stop!" he said, seething through his teeth.

I jumped my eyebrows at him shocked about the way he just spoke to me "do u have to be so fucking rude?" I questioned him. 'This boy was not going to get away with speaking to me like that.'

A few students who were obviously listening to our conversation, turned around to face us when the boy gave them a deathly glare causing some of them to squeal and turn back around.

"You shouldnt speak to me like that, do you even know who I am?" he continued.

"No am I supposed to?" I sassily spoke back.

"You really are as stupid as I thought, Im Lorenzo Romano, bet youve heard of that surname before." He smirked and turned his gaze back to his work.


Hey guys!

This is the start of Carmen let me know if you have any ideas for future chapters!

please vote and comment it's much appreciated! :)

hope you enjoyyyy :)

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