Page 10 - 'You nearly killed him!'

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Carmen's POV

The next day, I had more motivation to actually get out of bed and go to school, though, Christina still had to barge into my room at 7 in the morning to wake me up, which wasn't really necessary but besides the point.

However, I couldn't stop thinking about Lorenzo and why he wasn't at school, but I tried not to get myself to worked up about it as I knew he probably wasn't thinking about me so why should I think about him, right?

Once me and Christina pulled up to the school, I couldn't help but notice that Lorenzo's car was parked in the school car park,'he was back, but where was he?' I couldn't help but frantically look around for him, but when my eyes finally met his, the sight wasn't pretty.

He had a black eye, his lip was cut open and bruised and he was staring at me with judging eyes,' what the fuck happened to him?' I was tempted to go ask if he was okay, but I knew it wasn't my place to as we barely knew each other and it's not like he'd actually tell me what happened anyway.

"You okay?" Christina asked.

"Fine." I replied vaguely, averting my gaze back to the school, while Christina and I made our way towards the gates.

Christina and I parted ways as I made my way to my locker but someone was already waiting there for me, 'Nope, no its to early in the morning for this shit.' I grumbled to myself before turning my heel and started to walk in the opposite direction.

"Carmen, wait please!" Brayden called after me, which caused students around us to stop and stare nosily.

I stopped and sighed, before turning around to meet his stare.

"What do you want?" I asked, trying hard to show no emotion, but I'm sure he could see the hurt in my eyes.

"Can we just talk, please?" he begged, he grabbed my wrist and tried to pull me outside.

I hesitantly followed and we ended up at the back of the cafeteria, It's not like I had much of a choice though, since his hand was still grasped around my wrist.

I waited for him to start talking, but he didn't, I'm not sure if he knew what to say to be honest, but I didn't want to be here as we were in a tight space, bit to close for my liking.

"So?" I decided to say, I crossed my arms impatiently, while leaning on the wall waiting for him to answer.

He cleared his throat before rambling, "Listen, I know what I did was wrong, I miss you and I'm sorry, I was drunk and stupid can you please take me back? I promise I'll make it up to you, Hayley meant nothing to me!" he started to raise his voice which made me flinch and start to feel uncomfortable, but I still scoffed at his sad excuse of an apology.

I rolled my eyes before saying " You expect me to take you back? After cheating on me with my best friend? being drunk isn't an excuse Brayden, I thought I meant more to you than that but obviously not, we should just go our separate ways". I scowled at him before starting to make my way back to the school.

" What, No!" Brayden exclaimed, before grabbing my wrist again pulling me back to my previous position.

"Brayden let go of me, what the fuck?" I agitatedly said, I tried to wrench my wrist free from his grasp but he wouldn't let go.

"Please Carmen, I cant lose you, just let me show you how much you mean to me." Brayden replied, he started to become clingy, he grabbed my jaw and leant in, trying to kiss me, which made me jolt my head back as I tried to avoid his lips.

Brayden dropped his hand from my jaw and took at step back from my action, his body tensed up, like he was angry from my rejection, but what did he expect? Does he really think I'm that desperate to go running back to him after what he done to me?

Though, he obviously didn't get the message as he leant in again, this time more forcefully, he grabbed my hips, exactly where Jay did, the bruises where still there so I winced from Brayden's touch before pushing him back into the wall.

"What the fuck Brayden!" I screeched before turning my head to see that someone had just witnessed Brayden and I's quarrel.

'Of course he had to have seen this' I thought to myself. Lorenzo was leaning against the wall not to far away from both of us, his fists where clenched before he started to make his way over to us, he looked pissed.

Brayden followed my gaze, before turning back to me, barley taking any notice of Lorenzo approaching us.

"You've moved on already then? Always knew you where secretly a wh-" But before Brayden could finish his insult, Lorenzo's fist connected with his jaw, causing Brayden to stumble to the floor in agony.

Lorenzo straddled on top of Brayden, continuedly punching his face, I actually think he might kill him.

"Lorenzo stop!" I screamed, tears started to form in my eyes as I tried to pull him off of Brayden's now limp body, but when I grabbed Lorenzo's arm, he shot me a glare, but his eyes softened when he noticed how upset I was, He hesitantly got off Brayden and then he turned to face me.

"I don't need you to stick up for me and I certainly don't need you to beat up my ex-boyfriend, you nearly killed him!" I screeched with tears streaming down my face.

I slapped Lorenzo, before I continuedly tried to push him, he didn't move or flinch once, I must've looked like a hysterical mess and to be honest, I was.

I slapped Lorenzo, before I continuedly tried to push him, he didn't move or flinch once, I must've looked like a hysterical mess and to be honest, I was

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As I kept on trying to push him, he grabbed my wrists forcing me to stop, I looked up at his grey eyes, while my eyes where glistening with tears.

"You looked like you needed help, I'm sorry for trying to be a decent human being!" Lorenzo began to say, still staring deep into my eyes.

"Being a decent person means not hurting people, Lorenzo" I whispered, before turning my gaze towards Brayden who was still lying on the floor, his face was almost unrecognisable, his nose was bloody and both of his eyes where swollen, he looked like he was in so much pain and it was all my fault.

"Well hurting people is how I've been brought up, Carmen" Lorenzo grunted, dropping my wrists before turning around and stalked away in the opposite direction, leaving me alone in a mess and Brayden's limp body.

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