Page 14 - 'He acts different around you'

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Carmen's POV

As I screamed with excitement along with the crowd, Lorenzo punched the air and was grinning widely he then made his way back through the door that he came from to clean up, I presume.

The crowd died down and the music was able to be heard again, Jodie and I were smiling broadly at each other from Lorenzo's victory. I never thought that a place like this, a bar full of dodgy people, would bring me so much joy, it felt like the thing I was missing in my life was finally fitted.

"You know, I think you're going fit in well with Lorenzo's lifestyle." Jodie started to say, as we made our way back towards the bar with the group for the victory drinks.

"What?" I replied, a nervous smile was fixed onto my face, I found Lorenzo's life thrilling but, I don't think I could actually be part of it.

"I'm just saying." Jodie stated, a smirk on her lips as she let out a short chuckle from my reaction to her statement.

I rolled my eyes and pushed her playfully, however, her comment was still in the back of mind as I realised I'd have to be a part of Lorenzo's lifestyle, more specifically, the mafia, to know more about him.

We approached the bar and took the first line of shots, I downed the shot as if it was juice, though, I was already partially drunk so I suppose it didn't matter.

"So are you part of you know - The mafia?" I asked Jodie.

She let out a laugh before mockingly replying, "How'd you think I met Lorenzo? His father recruited me about three years ago, all of us are apart of 'The mafia' you don't need to say it as if we're all some secret society, I'm sure you know we're not."

"Right, so all of you are in the Mafia?" I repeated in shock.

"Yes!" Jodie replied, agitatedly shaking her head while pointing towards Beth, Jay, Ben and the other peers we were with.

I put my hands up in defence as I could tell she was getting aggravated by my constant questions before downing another shot.

As I went to reach for another shot, I heard Beth squeal in excitement and I then noticed that Lorenzo was approaching, his face was cleaned up but a bruise was forming around his eye and he seemed to be walking with a limp.

"Well done babyyy!" Beth screeched, while running up to Lorenzo in her high heels and jumping into his arms. Lorenzo just went with motion, catching Beth in his arms but he paid no real attention to her as his eyes were fixed on me.

I smiled sheepishly at his gaze, Jodie had seemed to notice Lorenzo and I's awkward staring as she nudged me causing me to turn my gaze towards her.

"He acts different around you." Jodie stated, keeping her eyes on Lorenzo who was now being congratulated by the other people around us.

"How do you mean?" I replied.

"He shows more emotion around you, he comes across as happy, you don't want his father to see that, he'll see that as Lorenzo being weak." Jodie warned, before walking towards Lorenzo to join the others.

I stood there baffled, rethinking of what Jodie had said, I didn't want to get in the way of Lorenzo life and get him in trouble with his father but then, I didn't want to stop seeing Lorenzo as I wanted to know more, It may come across as selfish but I enjoyed his company, as much of a dick he is, he can be sweet in his own sort of way.

Coming away from my thoughts, Lorenzo started to make his way over to me.

"Congrats Lorenzo." I simply said, half heartedly smiling at him unsure of what else to say or do.

He sighed before replying "Thank you, I hope everyone wasn't to harsh on you, I know they can be with the outsiders."

I raised my eyebrows at his comment "Outsiders hm?" before nudging him which make him chuckle.

"It's getting late, want me to take you home?" Lorenzo asked, changing the conversation.

"Are you sure? Don't you want to celebrate with the others?" I replied, looking over Lorenzo's shoulder towards the others.

"It's fine, wouldn't be the first time I've won." he winked before he placed his hand on my back signalling for me to make way towards the exit.

I scoffed at his cocky comment before quickly waving bye to the group and then making my way towards the iron door we came in from, Lorenzo's hand still placed on my back which made me shiver to his touch.

Once we had got out of the bar, the cold wind hit my face, which instantly sobered me up.

"So, what do you actually win for nearly killing a guy?" I joked, trying to start conversation.

"Money." Lorenzo bluntly replied, before opening the passenger car door for me.

I simply nodded, not pressing the conversation on any more as for some reason I got the indication he didn't want to talk much about it. Why though?

"I thought that guy was going to kill you tonight, it was dangerous" I murmured as we started to drive off.

"Yeh well, things that are dangerous are all part of my life Carmen" Lorenzo scolded, as if what I said was an insult.

"Sorry for actually caring" I grunted, before turning my attention towards the window.

Why did we always have to bicker? Why couldn't we just get along? I was starting to lose hope on this whole 'getting to know Lorenzo thing' I don't know whether I was just being immature or I had a right to be annoyed at him, but whatever Lorenzo and I were or are, I'm starting to give up on it.

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Debating whether to start writing another story, ideas?

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