Page 9 - 'Nice of you to show your face again Carmen'

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Carmen's POV

It had been a week since Max's house party and had also been a week since I had been at school. I practically lived in my bedroom, there where empty packets of food and plates all around my room, clothes scattered across the floor and I'm pretty sure I hadn't showered in a week either. My mum would keep trying to persuade me to go to school, try to take me out shopping or even just try to get out of my bedroom but I had little to no motivation left in me. Christina had been blowing up my phone for the past week, I ignored every one of her messages, I hadn't heard from Hayley or Brayden and I'm pretty relieved as I didn't ever want to speak to them again.

By the time Monday rolled around again, I was originally planning to do what I had done for the past week, lay in my bedroom and binge watch Netflix, occasionally get out of bed to go to the toilet or get food and then repeat the same thing over and over.

But my plans soon fell short as someone started to bang on my bedroom door before barging in, Christina stomped into my room but soon stopped to take in the scene of my bedroom and then me, sitting in bed stuffing my face in a bag of crisps.

She shook her head at the pig sty which was once my bedroom, before making eye contact with me.

" I've tried to text you all week! I know what happened with Brayden and Hayley, don't worry I haven't spoken to Hayley on your behalf, but you cant live in your bedroom forever, your coming to school." Christina huffed, she didn't even wait for my response before she started picking up my clothes and throwing them into the wash bin, she then dragged me by my greasy hair into the bathroom and turned on the shower, she then stormed out the bathroom and slammed the door shut.

'Little did she know Brayden and Hayley weren't the only reason I was like this.'

There was no point trying to argue with Christina as she would sooner or later get her own way. Therefore, I finally decided to get my depressed arse into gear and show my face at school again. Once, I got out of the shower I quickly dried my hair and plaited it, threw on a baggy jumper and joggers and threw on my converse before making my way downstairs where Christina was waiting for me, while having a conversation with my mum.

"Christina you finally managed to get her out of bed, I'm impressed." my mum said, throwing me a judging look before turning to Christina and smiled.

I rolled my eyes before grumbling "lets just go" to Christina while I grabbed some toast from the table and tried to force it down my throat.

"Have a good day, Carmen." I vaguely heard my mum say before I stomped out the door, dreading for what's about to happen when I reach the school.

"You know, Lorenzo hasn't been at school for a while either." Christina started to say, raising her eyebrow at me while keeping her eyes on the road.

I simply shrugged before turning my head and staring out the car window, although I was intrigued 'why hadn't he been at school?',' was he okay?', 'Did something happen?'

The rest of the journey was pretty quiet, Christina would occasionally try to crack a few jokes or tell me about the latest gossip that happened during the last week, for example, Max got so wasted at his party he threw up all over Hayley, which actually seemed to make me chuckle, what can I say? Karma's a bitch.

We arrived at the school and my stomach churned from the nerves, What if I see Brayden? or Hayley? or even Lorenzo? Christina snapped me out of my thoughts when I felt her hand on mine and she gave it a squeeze and then gave me a weak smile before nodding her head towards the school, signalling for us to get out the car.

I sighed and got out the car and we made our way towards the school, no sign of Brayden or Hayley yet, so that was a good start. Christina and I went our separate ways so I got to my locker, refusing to make eye contact with anyone as I just wanted to get this day over with and I got out my books ready for my first class, before someone cleared their throat from behind me. 'This bitch seriously has the nerve-'

I clenched my jaw and turned around to face Hayley, her face showed no sympathy, she was smirking and there were two other girls beside her holding the same facial expression, it was creepy.

" Nice of you to show your face again Carmen, Brayden and I missed you" Hayley started to say, sarcasm was laced with every word she spoke, it was like she was a different person and I did not have the patience for her attitude considering it had only been a week and she was supposed to be one of my best friends.

"Wish I could say the same Hayley." I sighed, not bothering to pick a fight, before shutting my locker door and barging past her which caused her to grumble as I presume she didn't get the reaction she wanted from me.

Apart from the incident this morning, the day actually went okay, though, I saw no sign of Lorenzo and his posy which made me wonder where they'd got off to but I didn't really think to much of them as I was to busy with Christina, she would try distract me the best she could, walking with me the other way if we saw Brayden and Hayley and would talk about anything apart from the party. Brayden didn't approach me throughout the day either but that was probably because I was avoiding him at all costs, I'd occasionally catch him staring at me from across the hallway, or shout my name from behind me, but I wasn't ready to face him and I don't think I ever would be.

Sorry this page is pretty boring

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