Page 6 - 'Part 2 of Max's house party'

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As I said in the previous chapter, this chapter will contain vague talks of assault.

It isn't very detailed but I just thought I would give a pre-warning for those who are sensitive towards this topic.

Again, please just bare with me with this story, it may seem boring at the moment, but this is my first time writing a wattpad story, not to mention I'm still trying to sort the plot out lol.


On with the story! :)

Carmen's POV

I stared in disbelief towards the pair, I didn't really know what to think, so to avoid the problem, the problem specifically being my so called best friend and boyfriend, I decided to get very, very, very drunk.

I snorted and shook my head towards the pair before I downed my first of many shots, the liquor trickled down my throat, making me grimace at the feeling.

"Carmen wait I didn't mean to look at her like that just let me explain-" Brayden spluttered, while grabbing my wrist as I went to walk away.

I shot him a glare which immediately made him drop my wrist and step back, which gave me the opportunity to quickly take another shot, before strutting away in my heels.

Hayley was just standing there, watching the scene unfold and I'm almost sure I saw her smirk, but I couldn't be to sure as the liquor started to kick in, making my head feel heavy, and giggle at anything that wasn't even remotely funny.

I picked up a random drink that was placed on a table, chugged it down, before making my way to the dancefloor, however, before I could even start to show off my drunken moves, a certain someone caught my eye.


He was wearing a plain white t-shirt that showed off his tattoos and his muscles, black jeans and a beer in hand. His hair was dishevelled, instead of usually slicked back and I don't know whether this was just the alcohol talking or the fact I just saw my boyfriend checking out my best friend, but I hate to admit that he looked good.

He hadn't seemed to notice me staring at him yet, but his blonde friend, who's name I'd found out through Christina was Jay, unfortunately did. He smirked and took a gulp of his beer, before slowly making his way towards me. I didn't really know how to react, so my drunk-self took over and just started dancing trying to avoid him through the crowd.

However, he managed to come up from behind me and grab my waist while moving to the beat of the music. I didn't have the energy to try and pry myself free, as I was starting to feel light-headed, which was weird, because I'm not usually a light weight and can handle my drinking pretty well. He spun me around and grabbed both my wrists to face him, I really fucking hope Brayden isn't seeing this, I gasped from his quick movement, now feeling slightly dizzy as I gulped back the sick forming at the back of my throat.

"Want to go upstairs, babe?" Jay asked, while still holding onto my wrists, trying to encourage me to follow him towards the stairs.

The new nickname he gave me immediately made my woozy self cringe. 'Babe? What the fuck?'

" No, I don't Jay, let go of me." I slurred, trying to keep my self conscious, but he obviously didn't hear me through the loud speakers, as he was now leading me up the stairs while I was weakly trying free myself from his grasp.

As I was drifting in and out of consciousness, I vaguely made out that Jay took me to one of the bathrooms in Max's house, empty red cups which where once filled with alcohol, were now empty, scattered all over the floor. Taking my attention off of the cups, I heard the bathroom lock click shut.


My eyes widened briefly from the sound of the door lock before Jay then grabbed my waist and lifted me up off of the floor, onto the bathroom countertop, he started to roughly kiss my neck, grabbing my waist tighter at every movement and an agonizing pain, shot through my body making me groan.

"Jay stop, please" I whimpered, trying to push him off weakly.

He ignored me and instead tightened the pressure of his hands onto my waist, this caused me to silently scream from the pain, as tears started streaming from my face and my vision becoming hazy, I gave up fighting against his grip and my body became slumped, as I started to drift out of consciousness...

Before I completely blacked out, a loud thud came from the bathroom door, causing it to swing open which made Jay let go of my waist and turn around to see who interrupted his fun, and that someone was someone I wasn't expecting to see.

"Hey, what the fuck are you doing?" Jay questioned defensively.

But before he could get his answer, a fist connected with his jaw, which caused him to groan in pain and fall to the floor instantly knocking him out while blood poured out from his nose.

As I watched the scene unfold, tears still streaming down my face, and my dress half way up my hip, I almost silently croaked,


my vision went black.

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hope you enjoyed! :)

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