Page 11 - 'You think you have me all figured out'

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Carmen's POV

After Lorenzo selfishly left me to sort out the mess he caused, Brayden refused to talk to me as I took him to the school nurse and to be honest, I understand why. But what I didn't understand is why Lorenzo always shows up at the times something bad is going on, does he stalk me or something?

I needed to confront him about his stupid little stunts and why he is always trying to look out for me in his own twisted way. At first I thought he was emotionless, but now I just think he's scared to show how he feels, maybe it's just the way he's been brought up? I mean he is part of the mafia.

The next morning, I got up early to make my own way to school seeing as Christina decided to be ill, so it would just be me, alone at school today. Which is the last thing I want, seeing as Hayley would probably be glaring at me at every chance she got and Brayden, wouldn't dare to look in my direction after Lorenzo's act yesterday.

But my attention wasn't on my ex-boyfriend or my ex-best friend today, it was on Lorenzo. I couldn't just let him get away from what he done to Brayden, as much as I know he may have tried to help me in his own sick way, I needed and explanation seeing as he gave the impression he didn't care about anyone but himself.

I drove to the school, in search for Lorenzo as I just wanted to get this conversation over with, but I couldn't seem to find him anywhere. Maybe he won't turn up? I thought to myself, I wouldn't be surprised if he didn't, considering his attendance is awful and most of the time he comes into school looking like he's just been through world war 3, with all his bruises and black eyes. But who am I to judge some ones life choices, right?

After looking in different classrooms and searching around every corner, I finally found him, but unfortunately he was with his little posy, including Jay, who I did not want to see as this was the first time I saw him since the party.

However, I took a deep breath and nervously made my way over to the group, fiddling with my hands and looking down at the ground, I looked like a nervous wreck, why am I so nervous? why does he make me feel like this?

"Carmen." Jay simply said, nodding his head towards me.

"Dickhead" I challenged, composing myself while turning my attention to Lorenzo, who seemed to smirk at my insult.

Jay simply winked at me and I just scoffed at him, he was talking to me as if he'd completely forgotten about what happened at the party he really was a dickhead.

The other boy who was standing with Jay and Lorenzo, who I recently found out was called Ben, simply glared at me, not in a menacing way, just in a way like he was trying to figure me out, which made me shuffle awkwardly.

"Can I help you?" Lorenzo asked impatiently, when he noticed I was staring at him.

I cleared my throat before replying "Can I talk to you quickly? Alone?" looking between the two boys who were beside him.

Lorenzo sighed before nodding his head at me, then towards the door, signalling me to follow him.

I followed him round to the back of the cafeteria, the exact same spot Brayden took me, Lorenzo did this on purpose, I saw a light smirk rise onto his face, I simply just rolled my eyes at his childishness.

"Okay listen," I began as Lorenzo leant on the wall looking bored.

"I wanted to talk to you about yesterday, what you did was wrong Lorenzo, I know you might've just been looking out for me in your own sick and twisted way, but I never asked you to beat up my ex-boyfriend-" I explained before Lorenzo cut my speech off with a scoff.

"You think I beat him up for you? No the kid is irritating he just got what he deserved-" Lorenzo responded defiantly before it was my turn to cut him off.

"Oh drop the whole 'I'm to heartless for my own good act' Lorenzo! You may have other people fooled but not me, I know you're not as emotionless as you let on, so just cut the crap!" I screeched causing him raise his eyebrows at my little outburst.

Lorenzo pushed himself off of the wall he was leaning on and made his way closer towards, breaking the gap between us before scolding.

"You think you have me all figured out don't you, Carmen?" He warned before continuing.

"You barely know me, you have no idea the shit I've been through, you're brave for even thinking for a second, you could speak to me like I'm just your typical teenage boy like your pathetic ex, you have no right to make assumptions about me or my life." He threatened

I looked into his eyes and all I saw was animosity and hatred. I gulped before anxiously wondering if I should say what I was thinking of replying to him with.

"Then let me know you Lorenzo, Let me figure you out, because I know, that behind this wall that you've built up, I know the real you is hiding there somewhere." I pleaded, I kept my stare on him, trying to search for what he might come out with next.

Instead of instantly replying, he softened his gaze and lifted his hand up to stroke my cheek, I leant my face into his hand, before he dropped his hand, almost immediately and then simply whispered-

"You don't know what I've been through" before he turned around and made his way back to the school, the same way he did yesterday, leaving me alone, again.

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