Page 8 - 'Your getting my leather seats wet' ;)

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Carmen's POV

I faced my whole body towards the window, trying not to make eye contact with Lorenzo as I didn't want him to see me like this, no one has seen me like this, I've never really come across as weak and Lorenzo wasn't going to be the first person to see me weak.

Lorenzo reached to the back of his car and pulled out a simple black jacket and threw it at me.

"What's this for?" I asked him, as my teeth where chattering from being outside in the cold for so long.

He scoffed before saying "Your getting my leather seats wet, put that on before you ruin my car." as he nodded towards the jacket in my hands.

'Of course, how stupid was I to think he was actually being a decent human being, although , he is giving me a ride home so that's an improvement.'

I rolled my eyes before doing as I was told and I put his jacket on. It was absolutely huge for me, the sleeves where twice as long as my arms and the length of the jacket went all the way down to above my knee. But it warmed me up quickly as I soon stopped shivering and my teeth stopped chattering.

"Has Jay always been a scumbag?" I hesitantly asked, referring to how he treated me at the party.

"Pretty much." Lorenzo bluntly replied, still keeping his eyes on the road as the rain started coming down heavier.

I gave a light hearted smile towards his direction, then looked down at my hands unsure of what to say next.

"Are you okay?" Lorenzo asked, almost whispered, like he'd never asked anyone that before.

"No" I quietly replied, I'm not even sure if he heard me but tears where starting to form again in my eyes as I looked at the window refusing to look at him. I'm surprised how I even had any tears left from how much I cried today.

There was silence in the car for a while, the only sound was the pattering of rain against the window, I bit my lip trying to hold in my tears as I didn't want to embarrass myself anymore than I already had.

'God I must look like a soppy mess' I thought to myself, but I had every reason to be sad, right? I'd practically gone through hell all in one night.

I snapped out my thoughts as Lorenzo's cold hand grabbed my jaw, making me turn my face to face his. I hadn't realised id started crying again, I felt the warm, salty tears fall down my cheeks and Lorenzo stroked my cheek while staring deeply into my eyes.

"Sadness is only temporary Carmen." Lorenzo stated, he let go of my jaw and broke our eye contact, now staring back at the road.

I lingered my stare at the side of his face for a moment longer, before I heard the rain crashing against the car heavier than before. Lorenzo's car started skidding across the wet road causing him to swerve unevenly in different lanes.

" We have to pull over, the rain is to heavy" Lorenzo almost shouted as the rain was getting louder.

I simply nodded as Lorenzo pulled out the motorway and down into a dingy road which lead to a small river, it was pretty, the sun was starting to rise which created a reflection off the water.

The rain started to quiet down and Lorenzo got out of the car, I was thinking of getting out as well but I thought better of it. 'I'll just wait for a bit'

A few minutes passed and I was already getting bored of sitting in the car by myself so I got out, the rain had stopped by this time and the clouds where soon replaced by the sun. It was beautiful.

Lorenzo was sitting on the edge of the dock, with his arms resting on his knees and staring off into the distance like he was thinking of something. I wondered over and hesitantly sat beside him, he simply ignored my presence, which just made me feel awkward.

"I never thanked you for what you done for me at the party, so thank you". I said, trying to make conversation but I also owed him, if he hadn't got there in that time, this would've been a completely different story.

He simply nodded, not even meeting my gaze, he continued to stare off into the distance.

Lorenzo was confusing, that moment we had in the car, it felt like he was actually caring for me, being a decent human being, but now he was cold, almost heartless and it was pissing me off.

"The rains stopped so we should get going" Lorenzo stated, getting up from the dock and making his way to the car, not even waiting for me.

I sighed and followed him to the car and he started the engine and we made our way to my house.

The car journey was in complete silence, he didn't say a word to me, the weird thing was that his phone kept going off, like someone was constantly trying to get his attention, I was tempted to snatch it and quickly see who was texting him, but I thought better of it as he would probably kill me.

We rolled up to my house and I stared at him, waiting for him to say something to me, but he just kept his gaze at the steering wheel waiting for me to get out.

When he realised I was still in his car, he finally decided to say something " I need to be somewhere, out" he was barking orders at me like I was his servant or something, the fuck?

I really didn't have the energy to fight with him so just scoffed, took off his jacket, threw it at him and slammed to door shut like a childish little girl throwing a tantrum.

I got to the front door, and my mum opened it for me, she probably presumed I stayed at Hayley's or Christina's for the night as she didn't seem to suspect anything when I didn't message or phone her, she also gullibly didn't suspect something happened to me, considering I was covered in love bites and bruises which just shows how little attention she pays to me.

There was no way I would be turning up to school today so when I got up the stairs, I run myself a shower, the hot water made my bruises sting, causing me to wince, I must've stayed in there for over an hour as my skin was bright red and there was probably steam coming of me from how hot the water was. However I didn't care, I felt so numb I just needed to sleep.

I finally decided to get out the shower and I threw my hair up into a low ponytail and put on an oversized jumper and I practically passed out onto my bed as my aching body fell into a deep sleep.

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I finally got out the shower, there was no way

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