Page 16 - ' I need you to attend a ball with me'

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Carmen's POV

The rest of the car journey was in silence and the air was tense. Lorenzo's mood swings were starting to piss me off as I was giving up hope in whatever sort of connection we had.

As we finally pulled up to my house, my mum was sure to be pissed off about my late arrival home, however, I wasn't really bothered about that, I was more bothered about what will happen between Lorenzo and I going forward, is this it? Is this going to be the end? Pulling me out of thoughts, Lorenzo cleared his throat, obviously signalling me to get out the car.

"I'll just see you at school then?" I asked, trying to play dumb.

I was expecting him to reply with words but instead he only grunted and rolled his eyes as he was clearly annoyed with my presence.

I scoffed at his childishness before getting out of the car to make my way to the front door. Lorenzo sped off and I didn't even bother to turn around to watch him drive off, I just unlocked the front door and tried to be as quiet as possible without waking my mum up but it was to late.

"Where have you been?" She asked, making her way down the stairs.

"Don't play the mother role now mum, I was out with Christina okay?" I replied, my mother never really cared what I was up to and I don't know why she's all of a sudden trying to be all motherly now, it was weird.

My mother didn't respond she just widened her eyes from my rudeness, I took this as an opportunity to make my way up the stairs and into my room.

I shut my bedroom door and finally let out the breathe I had been holding in since the silent car ride home with Lorenzo. I got changed into an oversized t-shirt and put my hair up into a high pony tail before making my way towards the bed and I attempted to try get some sleep.

Thoughts about todays events were running through my mind, I didn't know what to think about it all, I mean I knew Lorenzo's life was dangerous but I didn't know that he technically fought because of the danger, because of his father. The positive side of today was that I made a new friend, well acquaintance, I think. I liked Jodie, she was fierce and had confidence, something I wish I had. Beth on the other hand, when she was all over Lorenzo I couldn't help but feel jealousy but I knew that Beth and Lorenzo had history, so I guess I understood why they were so touchy towards each other, well Beth was anyway. These thoughts continued till I finally ended up falling asleep for a short period of time.

My alarm woke me up from the few hours of sleep I had, I groaned before shutting it off and I slowly made my way out of bed, I got ready for school and I met Christina outside of my house, I didn't tell Christina what happened or where I was last night as I knew she wouldn't agree with any of it. When we arrived at the school part of me hoped that I would see Lorenzo, however, the other part wished I never saw him again just to save me from the hurt that he will end up causing me. As Christina pulled into a parking spot I immediately noticed the car that she parked next to, great.

I didn't actually expect Lorenzo to turn up to school considering he doesn't turn up for at least two weeks after any inconvenience, but he did.

"I promise I didn't park next to him on purpose!" Christina said in defence, holding her hands up, when she noticed I was staring at Lorenzo's car, even though I have barely said anything about Lorenzo and I's relationship, she could still see that we had spent more time together or, she just knows me to well.

I gave a light hearted chuckle at her attempt of a joke, though, I couldn't help but think about what might happen today, if Lorenzo will speak to me or even look in my direction.

Christina and I got out of the car and made our way towards the school gates, like we do everyday, only this time I was more anxious than usual and Christina was looking at me sceptically.

"What's up with you?" she asked me as we made our way to my locker.

"Nothing, nothing at all." I quickly replied, probably too quickly as I don't think she actually heard what I said however, she didn't press on.

Christina then nudged me which caused me to scowl at her.

"Lorenzo's coming over." She stated, she drooled Lorenzo's name and raised her eyebrows towards me which caused me to role my eyes in reply, she was acting like a childish high school girl, which we both were, but anyway.

"Can we talk?" Lorenzo said swiftly.

I tried to act confident, to not give him the satisfaction of me following his orders or agreeing to everything he askes me to do by acting sassy, which most likely made me look like an idiot.

"About?" I replied bluntly, not even looking in his direction as I shut my locker door.

"I assume I deserve the cold shoulder for whatever reason your mind has come up with but, it wont take long." Lorenzo groaned, replying with the same attitude I gave him previously. Is he seriously that stupid? Does he not even realise how he's been treating me?

I rolled my eyes before nodding my head hesitantly. I waved Christina goodbye and she replied with a cocky smile before we parted ways.

Lorenzo and I made our way towards the car park to talk, I could tell he was tense as his shoulders were hunched and his jaw was clenched. I wonder what was wrong with him?

"Listen-" he started, he was shuffling awkwardly on his feet almost as if he was nervous? I've got to admit, nervousness didn't suite him.

He quickly composed himself before continuing,

"I know I haven't treated you the best recently but I need you to do me a favour."

I snorted sarcastically at his comment and replied, "You seriously think I'm going to do anything to help you in any sort of way after the way you've treated me? U must be delusional."

"What makes you think you have any right to speak to me like that- Why aren't you afraid of me, for fuck sake?!" Lorenzo agitatedly replied, he run his hands through his hair and slammed his hand down forcefully on the car next to us, out of anger. This actually caused me to flinch, Lorenzo was so on edge and I didn't know why, nor did I want to find out.

I tried to keep my confident front on and hesitantly replied "You have no power over me, what makes you think I shouldn't speak to you like that?"

"Are you sure about that?" Lorenzo threatened, he took at step closer towards me, now towering over me making me gulp as his breath was hot on my face.

He quickly took a step back and cleared his throat, "I need you to attend a ball with me this weekend, it happens every year with my family and other mafia's, the families usually form alliances with each other there and no harm will come to you, I'll make sure of that."

Before I could even reply, he walked away leaving me stranded in the car park, I stood there for a while before pulling myself together and making my way back towards the school, I turned around to see where Lorenzo headed off too and I saw that he got into a black car, that wasn't his, a tall man opened the door for him and when the man noticed I was staring, he smiled, examining me like a shark and it's prey, before shutting the door on Lorenzo and speeding off. What?

Good things to come in the next few pages ;)

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