Chapter 1

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The city was loud. Bright lights from various signs and phones shined across the sky. Thousands of innocent civilians minding their own business lived here. i , Raijin, lived on the bad side of town. Just a black teen trying to push forward in life. A sixteen year old who has seen far too much. I live with my mother and sister. My father is the CEO of the major corporation that runs this city. He believes he only needs money, he never supported us, once given the chance he left us and never to think of us again. On the outside, this corporation is like a bank and supports the budget to make sure the city doesn't get damaged and handles the electricity. I think there's more to it. No man could find themselves this deep in their work unless the work was just that serious. I plan on finding out the secrets and force my dad to see me. To see mom. He will see us as a family.

Rajin had been sitting in an alleyway. rain covered every inch of the air. His hand slowly rubbed across his white hair spiky hair. With the final decision to sneak into his fathers work, he stood up. Raijin looked into the dark clouds that hovered above the city. He then stepped out into the main street. People were walking on the side walks with cars in the middle of the road. The traffic was backed up several miles. The main corporation building sat in the middle of the city. The outside of the building's main doors were two guards. After several minutes of walking, raijin arrived at the main building. Without giving suspicion, he turned on his phone and plugged his ear phones into his ears. He then slowly walked around the skyscraper. His eyes were shifting from his phone that had the music playlist to the outside of the building. His eyes searched for an alternative to the entrance. The boy eventually made a lap around the building and decided on an vent that was on the side of the building. Raijin used the darkness of the night sky around him. He then slowly made his way to the vent. He glanced around him to ensure no security cameras were looking in that certain direction. Raijin placed his knees on the floor and crawled to the metal vent exterior. His fingers glided across the cold metal bolts holding the vent cover. Luckily he had found a small sharp broken metal screw on the ground prior. He shoved the nail into the bolt and twisted. Using all of his human strength he twisted the four bolts. The vent cover fell off. Raijin's moderately slender body entered the dusty vent. He crawled and crawled until his body entered a big enough space for him to stand up. The vent faced upwards. "I wonder how high i have to go?" he thought to himself. He placed his phone into this black jacket pocket. He placed each hand on opposite sides of the metal and leaped up. His feet planted on each side of the walls. He then leaped up further into the vent. It was six more feet before the first vent entrance to one of the building rooms. There was an open hole on the side of one of the walls. With enough pressure in his feet, he launched himself off the wall and placed his upper body into the vent tunnel leading into one of the rooms. "If anyone is hearing the vents, I hope they think that it's simply an animal," Raijin mumbled to himself. The bottom of the vent was exposed. He could look below him. The room was silent. He then cocked back his arm before punching the vent cover down. He crawled further and then fell onto the floor underneath the vent tunnel. He landed on his hands and then rolled across the floor. Raijin stood up and brushed the dust and debris off of his clothing. The room he was in was an empty office. Rajin observed his surroundings, he slowly made his way into the hallway. His eyes spotted one of the cameras. He dashed into the hallway and pressed his back against the wall, where the swiveling camera could not see him. The buildings layout was complex, the technology was much higher than the rest of the cities. The boy continued to maneuver around the hallways. Each time someone walked past, he would hide behind objects or hide in various rooms.

One of the guards was asleep at his desk. The door in the large room was very much different. In contrast with the white hallways, this door was black and made of sturdy metal. The guard's keys were placed on the desk. Raijin quietly grabbed the keys. Due to all the keys, it jingled. The guards right eye opened up. The piercing pressure of getting caught, shook Raijin to his core. The guard stood up and jumped across the desk. "You shouldn't be in here!" the guard yelled as he leaped onto the boy. He then grabbed and shoved Rajin to the ground. The back of his head smacked the hard flooring. Raijin punched the guards cheek. Blood dripped out of his nose. The guard who was above average weight was quite strong. With Raijin being pinned down, he then twisted his body and kicked the man's face. The force of the kick knocked the man out. Raijin stood up and made his way to the door. He had limited time before someone would discover the body. His fingers switched between different keys. There was a certain large key that had a black rubbed on it. He placed the key in the keyhole and twisted. The metal door opened up. Raijins eyes widened when he saw that there were multiple stairs cases spiraling downwards. He closed the door behind him. He continued down the stairs. Raijin was several feet below ground level. After what felt like an entire hour, he made it to the bottom. He opened the door at the bottom of the staircase. The new hallway he was in looked completely different from the upper levels of the building. Down here were multiple people and guards. It would be incredibly hard to dodge everyone that was moving around. These guards were not wearing simple police outfits but were in high tier military gear with assault rifles. Raijin tried to blend in as much as he could. When everyone walked into separate rooms, raijin dashed down the hallway before coming up to a turn. Raijin pressed his back against the wall and peaked around the corner. An army for at least fifteen soldiers had been marching down the hall. Raijin knew there would be no way to avoid contact. Raijin turned his head and saw that others were about to leave their respective rooms. The boy quickly opened the large door next to him. He pressed a red button that made it open. Raijin went through it. The room was incredibly dark. He heard the metal door shut on it's own automatically. Raijin took a few steps forward. The dark room smelled terrible as if it was a trash dump. After several steps, the floor stopped. Raijin fell several feet down.

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