Chaos filled the island. People were rushing onto planes and boatsand cruises. Fights broke out on who was getting out first. Tons of groupssurrounded various people who fought in the tournament and talked aboutsuperhumans and such. Raijin was slowly making his way to the exit. Raijinwas one of the last people to leave through the exit from the tournamentarea onto the island to take the paths to the airports and boat docks. Raijinwas thinking to himself. He was figuring out what to do with his money.Suddenly a chill ran down his spine multiple times. A presence filled thearea. Raijin looked up from the ground. A figure like no other was in front ofhim. The leader of the illuminati, a man who has been around since the firsthumans. A man who controls the world, inside and out. Apollo Wrath stoodin front of the open gate. Raijin felt the energy that radiated off of Wrath."Where are you going? Ghost?" Wrath said in a sarcastic tone. Raijin wasconfused. "Ghost? What are you talking about," Raijin said as he raisedone eyebrow. "Do you know how many times you were supposed to die?You should have died in that lab explosion. Died when Deion threw you offthe roof. Died when gluttony was sent after you. Died when I sent the entiregovernment to your house. Should have died when I threw an entire nukeat you. Died when gluttony and Sloth went to your school. But here you are,still existing. You should be gone. Nothing but atoms. A corpse in the gravebut here you are. Standing in front of me. Not only after surviving, you hadthe nerve to kill two of my elite men, defeat many of my soldiers and fellowmen. Injure my elite assassin," Wrath explained with a deepened tone.Raijin's expression became more serious. His senses were going wild.Everything in his body told him what was coming next. "If god won't take itupon himself to bring you up out of this world, then the devil shall drag youunder it, personally," Wrath said as his eyes twitched downwards. BeforeRaijin could even react, a huge amount of pressure and a shockwave wasreleased from Wrath's body. All the trees in the area blew away. All therocks flew in all directions. The ground underneath them cracked. Raijinwas in no condition to fight someone of this caliber. "Your most definitelyDeion's son. The brat who made us come out of hiding. Who knows thethings you have told people. All I ever wanted was to keep peace andorder. My people in that lab were minding their business. No one knowsnothing. The world wasn't ready to know all these things. Now look at it.Who will watch over these cattle now since they are out of the line. Theherd of sheep is scattered everywhere," Wrath said as he took stepsforward. His foot sunk into the ground with each step, with steam risingfrom the sides. Flames slowly grew through the cracks that now filled thearea. Raijin got onto his knees. He raised his body and released severalbolts of lightning. Wrath activated his barrier. The electricity was redirectedinto the sky. Dark clouds slowly formed over them. Raijin stood up andwiped the sweat from his face. Raijin couldn't speak a word. Raijin thenfused the electricity with his feet and dashed around Wrath. Raijin leapedoff the ground and raised his leg in the air for as much as he could. Heforced the lightning to shoot him downwards at highspeeds. Wrathreactivated his barrier. Raijin was immediately repealed from the impactand was sent flying. Raijin crashed into the ground. The moment Raijinraised his head, Wrath was already there and had kneeled down in front ofhim. Wrath placed his hand on Raijin's face. Wrath released his power andlaunched Raijin away with a shockwave. Raijin flew a hundred feet away.Raijin slammed into the ground. The rocky ground beneath them shattered."AHGH," Raijin blurted out. The boy rolled over and attempted to stand up.The moment Raijin stood up, Wrath was in front of him. Wrath pointed hisfinger at Raijin's forehead and flicked it. Raijin was pushed back evenfurther down the path. Wrath held out his arm. A bright orange energy ballformed outside the palm of his hand. Raijin looked up. He stood up andwas ready to embrace the attack. Raijin held out his arms. The wave ofenergy blasted into Raijin's chest. He attempted to resist. He used all hisbody strength to press against it. The heat of the golden attack was burningthrough Raijin's clothes and skin. Raijin gritted his teeth. Before he knew it,the attack got brighter, his vision became fully white. The attack explodedoutwards. Raijin was slung into the air, with smoke rising out of his chest.Raijin fell to the ground. He began to cough up blood. Raijin's body feltnumb. His eyes were slowly rolling to the back of his head. Raijin wasdying."Is this the end for me," Raijin thought to himself. "I don't want to die. Iwant to see mom again. I need to give her this money. That's why I did allof this, right? I did it for my family. I killed my dad to end our familiessuffering. I mean I'm sure my mom can go into the bank account and getthe money if she wanted to. I'm going to die young. I never wanted this life.I wanted to be normal. I wanted to go to school. I wanted to go to college. Iwanted to get married. I want a girlfriend. A wife. A family. I want children ofmy own. Being the father of my son and or daughter like my dad never wasfor me. Death will always follow me around. I need to kill it, kill death. But ican't. Death is consuming me. Darkness, sadness, loneliness. Why wasthis destiny chosen for me? What did I do wrong? I was already strugglingbefore. I can barely live in this world anymore without starving or beinghunted down, I want to continue life. I want to be saved. I want it. I need it.Someone please help me," Raijin being reflective on everything. Raijinraised out of the crater. Blood dripped down his face and seeped into hisright eye. Raijin looked at the man in front. Wrath rubbed his long brownhair that was blowing in the wind. Raijin held out his hand. He grabbed hiswrist. "I accomplished all I needed. Nothing to lose here. Raijin said as hefocused all his power into his hand. He was using up the last bit of energyfrom the meat he ate when he was in the recovery room after fighting rose.Purple flames engulfed Raijin's hand. The flames slowly wrapped aroundhis arm and was shooting outwards like a jet engine. Wrath began to payattention to what was going on in front of him. Raijin charged at Wrath atfull force. He used the lightning to boost his speed. The pressure and windbehind him was propelling him forward. Wrath stood still. Raijin's fire fistconnected with Wrath's cheek. Raijin stepped forward and put his bodyweight into the attack. The flames slowly faded out. Raijin took a step back.Wrath stood before him unaffected by his attack. The only emotion Raijincould feel in that moment was fear. "Who is he, how is he this strong,"Raijin thought to himself for a split second. Before Raijin could makeanother move, he was grabbed by the throat and slammed into the ground.The crater underneath them grew large. Rocks blew away and crashed intothe nearby trees and the gate behind them. Raijin was groaning in pain ashis body was tired and was crushed into the ground. Wrath stomped ontoRaijin;s stomach. Wrath glared down at him. Six small orbs formed behindWrath's shoulders. Suddenly a sword shot out of it and impaled Raijin'sright arm. Another sword shot out the orb and impaled his left leg. Anothershot out and stabbed through his left and the final one shot through Raijin'sright leg. The handle of another sword slowly popped through one of theorbs. Wrath reached behind him and pulled it out. He pointed the swordtowards Raijin's neck. "I have to think, I have to think," Raijin thought tohimself. Raijin began to heat up his body. The sword that was impaledthrough Raijin's right arm melted. Raijin then quickly grabbed the swordthat Wrath was pointing at him with and melted it with his fire. Wrath wascaught off guard. He had a small tone shift and was surprised. Raijin beganto rise up and pulled the blades from his limbs. Raijin grabbed one of theswords off the ground. He attempted to swing it but it broke into multiplepieces the moment Wrath held his arm to the side and blocked it. Raijingrabbed another and swung it. The sword broke on impact and the bladehad hit Wrath's shoulder. Raijin took a step forward with the final blade hepicked up. He lifted it over head and swung as hard as he could withelectricity surrounding it. Wrath immediately catches the blade with onehand. Before Raijin could release the handle, he was smacked forty feetaway. Raijin rolled over across the ground. Blood and foam leaked from hismouth. His nose was bloody, his stab wounds were filled with blood. Theground leading up to Raijin's body was broken up and had a burn streakfrom how fast his body was sent flying. Wrath crushed the final sword hehad made and began to walk over to Raijin. Raijin looked up at the manwalking closer to him. His ears were ringing, teeth and cheeks were aching.His body was twitching every few seconds. Wrath was still several feetaway. Raijin managed to lift his body up with his arms and knees. Helooked up. Wrath extended his hand out. A huge ball of orange energy thatresembled that of the sun warped around the palms of his hand. Then theorange energy slowly became red. Raijin was blinded by the bright lightemitting from the attack. "You were annoying. Goodbye," Wrath said with astern voice. The energy ball was sent out. It was going in Raijin's direction.The ground melted away as the energy ball was flying over it. Raijin grittedhis teeth and lowered his head. Accepting death.The energy ball crashed and a huge explosion raised in the air. Raijinwas wondering if died yet. But the loud sound of the explosion still enteredhis ears. Raijin understood he was still alive. The flames from the explosionbegan to wrap around Raijin. A figure stood before Raijin and had blockedthe final attack. It was a young boy with similar hair to Wrath with a darkershade of brown. He had pale skin with dark golden eyes. He wore a blacklong sleeve leather like suit with golden accents on it. The boy held agolden sword with a red ball in the middle of the sword. Raijin crawledaround the boy to get a better look at him. "I knew you were here son,hiding from your dad I see," Wrath said loudly. The boy was silent. He hadan expression of determination. "I don't need you calling me your son, Irather have nothing to do with the pure evil that's standing in front of me,"the boy replied as he got into a battle stance. "Genesai, i have a job to do,move out of the way," Wrath said as his sarcastic tone turned serious.Raijin could see the family resemblance between the two. "You're still outhere hurting people, after years and years and generation after generation,you refuse to understand, hurting people just because you're strong, it'swrong," Genosai said with a cold expression. Raijin was suddenly lifted offthe ground. He gained his balance. A smaller girl was holding his arm. Thegirl also had pale skin and red colored eyes. She had short black hair thatwent to the base of her neck. She wore a black belly shirt and pants. Shehad a long stripe of red highlights as a bang of hair. She smiled at Raijin."Your injuries seem bad," the girl said lightly. "I'm fine, I'm just a bit tired. Ican recover. Our enemy is very strong," Raijin stated as he shifted hisattention. "That is no average guy. That is Apollo Wrath, the leader of theilluminati. He is not normal. He has lived for a very very long time. Forcenturies, he's been gathering energy. Most events in human history havebeen due to him. If this fight lasts much longer, we will all die, or eveneveryone on the entire island dying," the girl explained. "My name is Rasel,I'm that boy's girlfriend. The boy in front of you is Wrath's son, Genesai butas you can see they don't get along. We run a crime fighting organization.We have been trying to stop Wrath for years but it failed," Rasel explains asshe takes out two small blades. Raijin looked over and was reminded of theweapons that Apollo Gluttony used. Genasai charged at wrath. He held hislarge sword to the side. He used an overhead swing. Wrath blocked theattack with his forearm. Wrath's feet sunk into the ground from the impact.The shockwave caused both Raijin and Rasel to take a step back. Wrathslapped the sword out of Genesai's hands. Wrath then placed the palm ofhis hand on Genesai's chest and blasted him away with pressure. Genesaislid onto the ground before immediately getting up. Genesai and Wrathpunched each other at the same time. Wrath was pushed back by the forceby a few feet. Genesai was launched into the ground. The boy got up andshoulder charged Wrath. The two interlocked their hands together. The twoused an equal amount of force. The ground beneath them was crackingmore and more. Genesai managed to grab Wrath's arm and slam him tothe ground. Wrath immediately jumped back up and punched Genesaiaway. Before Genesai could recover he was blasted by a wave of energy.The boy rolled over on the ground. "Still the same," Wrath mumbled underhis breath. Genesai's began to glow. The boy got one knee and looked up.A golden glow surrounded Genesai's hand. A ball of golden energy thatlooked nearly the same as Wrath's was forming. Genesai stood up andreleased the energy beam. Wrath stepped to the side and fired anotherbeam at Genesai. The beam clashed with the boy's stomach. Genesai'sbeam blasted behind them into the airport and blew up one of them planes."I'll always win, no matter what," Wrath said proudly as he moved forward.Suddenly, bolts of lightning were blasted into Wrath's back, launching himaway. As soon as Wrath stood up, a boy kicked him in the face, sendinghim back a few more feet. It was two boys now standing side by side. Oneboy wore a black hoodie. He had dark skin with crisp black hair with a fadeon the side. He wore normal clothing. His name was Devontae. The otherboy next to him also had a brown skin color with brownish blonde dreads.He wore a black shirt and unzipped jacket. He had slight facial hair with afew scars on his neck and face. He was bigger than Devontae. His namewas Solace. "This needs to stop," Devontae said with a serious expression.Wrath stood up from the crater. "More pests," Wrath said as heshowed anger in his emotion. The two boys both used a variation ofelectricity. A golden aura surrounded Wrath's body. Wrath took a step. Theentire ground shook as if an earthquake had just happened. Everyone wastrying to keep their balance. Wrath stomped on the ground. Lava burstthrough the cracks of the ground. Devontae and Solace both dodged to theside to avoid the lava. Rasel leaped into the air and swung her blades atWrath from behind. One of her daggers shattered the moment it madecontact with Wrath's aura. He turned around and swung backwards. Sheflipped out the way. She began to swing her sword rapidly. Wrath swiftlytwirled around her. She flipped over him and sliced his back. Wrath thenheld out his hand and blew her away with air pressure. Genesai grabbedhis sword. Wrath took notice and blasted a beam of energy. Genesai heldout his sword. The blast connected with the sword and then began to beabsorbed into the red ball in the blade. "Quite the sword he has," Wraththought to himself. Genesai was being pushed back by the beam buteventually it stopped. Genesai then pointed the sword at Wrath. Genesaiused an overhead slice and slammed the sword downwards. A wave ofgolden flames erupted in the air. Wrath dodged the flames. Both Solaceand Devantae blasted lightning towards Wrath. He held out his hand andabsorbed their lightning. Raijin jumped above Wrath. He quickly grabbedRaijin's leg before slamming him into the ground. He then grabbed his legonce more and threw Raijin into Devontae. The two tumbled into thedented gate. "Who would have thought that you have light energy in you,"Wrath said to Genesai. Genesai stayed silent and prepared another attack."Hey you, i don't know what's going on, but you're causing too muchdamage!," an unknown voice said from a distance. Two more people werestanding from the sidelines. A man with tall spiky hair in martial arts robesstood there next to another man. The one in Martial arts robes was namedYoto Sai. the other man was Yasai Nashi. He looked similar to yoto sai buthe wore a long sleeve black robe. He had curlyish tall hair with a longearring hanging down. The two surrounded Wrath. Yoto sai has the specialability to control the earth and use the rocks around him and bend andmove them to whatever shape he wanted. Yasai Nashi has the ability toslow someone down as they are touched and use his expert martial arts toattack. Yoto sai pressed his hands against the ground. Several jaggedrocks broke through the surface causing Wrath to dodge. Wrath wouldquickly tap on the rocks and broke them. Suddenly a huge fist made ofrocks slammed into Wrath's back and sent him flying forward. Wrathtumbled over. Several more arms with fists moved across the ground tosurround Wrath's position. Wrath stood up and held out his hands. Smallenergy blasts shot out of his hands in all directions. Each of the rocksexploded, and some blasts hit Raijin and Genesai. The two were hitbackwards. Wrath took a foot forward. As his foot stomped on the ground,an energy wave was sent underneath the ground. The cracks through theground were glowing. Yoto Sai looked down and took notice. He thenpressed his hand on the ground and a large rock wall formed around him. Ahuge beam of energy shot upwards into the sky. The beam was so large itmade a hole in the sky, and the rest of the beam had shot out into space.Before Yoto Sai could make the next move, a large foot broke through thewall. Wrath kicked Yoto Sai away through the other side of the wall. Wrathlanded back on his feet. Yasai Nashi began to rush Wrath. Wrath tilted hishead and dodged Yasai's first punch. Yasai lowered his body for a low kickand then a high kick. Wrath leaped back and blocked the second kick withthe side of his arm that he lifted up. Yasai then twirled his body and kickedWrath's side. Yasai opened his eyes wide as he had never seen someoneunaffected by such attacks. Wrath grabbed Yasai's leg that was still in theair. He lifted Yasai up and jumped off the ground. He then swung Yasaidownwards. Rocks shot up into the air from the impact that Yasai had withthe ground. Yasai's back was in incredible pain. A long jagged rock theshape of a sword launched towards Wrath from behind at full force. Wrathquickly spun around and sliced the rock in half with his hand. Wrath heldout his hand and shot an energy blast at Yoto. he held his arms together toblock but he was still pushed back by the force. Yoto was blasted back andsplit a tree in half off in the distance. Raijin attempted to tackle Wrath to theground but Wrath had noticed Raijin's presence. Wrath quickly elbowedRaijin and launched him into a nearby forest. Devantae used his electricityto make himself faster, like Raijin did in the tournament. He dashed atWrath and kicked him. As Wrath blocked the attack, he was sent flyingback several feet. As Wrath was still being propelled by the force, Solacehad already leaped into the air and hovered over Wrath. Solace quicklypunched Wrath into the ground. Devantae used all his speed to get over toWrath's position quickly and grab Wrath's leg and twirled him around andthrew him down the island pathway. Wrath rolled on his back and then usedhis hands to dig into the ground to catch himself. The moment Wrath gotback on his feet, Solace dashed towards him and headbutted Wrath. Hewas pushed back slightly since he blocked the attack with both arms.Devante flew past Wrath and managed to get behind him. Devantae thenhit Wrath's back with his knee. The moment Wrath turned around to hitDevontae, he had already disappeared and Solace had replaced him.Solace managed to land a punch on Wrath's face. He slowly pushed hishead and cheek and resisted Solace's fist. Wrath grabbed Solace andDevantae's arms and pulled the two together and forced their heads toslam into one another. Wrath then held out his arms and blasted the twoaway with air pressure, sending them both in opposite directions.Suddenly a new figure crash landed onto Wrath. The old man wasdoing an overhead kick. Wrath blocked the attack with his forearm. Theground beneath Wrath was cracking. The old man was another contestantfor the World Martial Arts Tournament. His name was Mon Jou Yu. He wasa world martial arts champion. The old man had an old robe on with anecklace medal from a previous victory he had. He was skilled at martialarts. He has a super ability to make his body lighter or heavier. Mon Jouhad made his body heavier. He then switched his body to light and flippedover Wrath. Wrath was confused by his sudden speed switch. Heunderstood that he could not play around. Wrath turned around and swunghis fist. Mon jou made his arm heavier and blocked the attack. He thenrapidly punched Wrath multiple times in the chest and upper cutted him.Wrath's body was off balance. "You know better than to mess with theyounger generation!" Mon Jou said as he made his body lighter then flippedonto Wrath's arm and made his body heavier. Wrath was suddenly pulled tothe ground. Mon Jou had Wrath in an arm lock. "What is going on!" Wrathsaid to himself. He knew something was going on but didn't notice what itwas. But he noticed that Mon Jou was far heavier than what the outside ofhis body shows. "Gotta be a form of gravity manipulation," Wrathwhispered. He began to drag Mon Jou through the ground, lifting him upand slamming him to the ground. Mon Jou grunted in pain. As wrath stoodup, a circle of large flames began to surround him. "Move out the way oldman!" Yasai Nashi yelled. Mon Jou fully woke up and rolled away. Helightened his body and flipped onto his feet. He began to back up. Raijinhad his hand on the ground forming the flames. Solace and Devontae bothhad a form of electricity. The two fired bolts of lightning at Wrath. Theflames spun around Wrath faster and faster as it was becoming a flametornado. The surrounding rocks and trees began to get sucked into it. Thelightning wrapped around the tornado. Wrath was being pushed around inall directions by the force. Yoto sai brought up several rocks from theground. All the rocks got sucked into the tornado. Wrath got knocked in thehead with one rock and hit in the arm with another. The tornado had raised100 feet into the sky and was expanding. Raijin fell on one knee as hisinjuries were taking a toll on him. Blood was leaking out of all the stabwounds. Raijin was fighting to stay conscious. A huge gust of wind blewthrough the island. The tornado immediately dissipated. Wrath wiped itaway with a swing of his hand. All the tournament contestants stood next toeach other across from Wrath. Wrath's eyebrows frowned. His eyes wereglowing yellow. Golden visible aura was surrounding his body like flames.With each step, the ground would shake. Wrath gritted his teeth. Wrathheld out his hand. A large golden sun formed in the palm of his hand in asecond. He pointed his hand towards the group. Everyone was stunned.Raijin had mere moments left to think. He could fire one more attack usingthe flames he had left. After this he would need to stock up on food andeat. He was going to use the same attack that he used when he, Allen,Katawaki and kayle were fighting the illuminati after the nuke attack.Raijin cocked back his arm. The liquid continued to pour out of thepalms of his hand. The liquid caught flames. The flames circled into asphere. The two were facing off. Both Wrath and Raijin fired their beams ateach other. The beam clash was immense. The heat of an entire nukeradiated off that beam. The ground was melting. The trees and grassaround the island was catching fire. The other Tournament contestantswere being pushed back. Solace and Devontae were forced to close theireyes. The ball in the middle was bright. Raijin was trying to hold the beam.His hands were burning up. His skin was vaporizing down to the bone.Raijin's jacket sleeves were starting to burn as well. Devontae reopened hiseyes and stepped forward. "We have to help," Devantae said in a sternvoice as he held his hands out. Solace was preparing the same attack.Lightning shot out of their hands. The electricity wrapped around Raijin'sbeam and clashed against Wrath's. Genesai stood next two the boys. Hepointed his sword. At the tip of his golden sword, a beam of light shot outthat look similar to Raijin's beam. That beam slowly fused into Raijin's.The three were using all of their might. Wrath's beam slowly becomeswider and larger. The beam was overshadowing Raijin's. His instincts toldhim to move. The beam became too much. The energy force was unstable.Without thinking, Raijin released his hand. Raijin quickly boosted his speedwith electricity. He pushed Devontae and Solace off to the side. Everyoneelse felt what was coming. Everyone turned to the side. Wrath's beamcrashed into the ground far away from them. A golden light shined acrossthe sky. Everyone around the world could see the sky become golden likethe sun for just a second. The large boom and shockwave, blew everyoneaway. After moments passed, Raijin raised his head to look around. Hisvision was no longer filled with seeing lush green grass, a few buildings inthe distance. The path was gone. The only thing that Raijin could see wasthe ocean. Raijin stood up and took a step. In front of him was pure water.Half of the Tournament island was vaporized. Everyone was confused as towhat happened. "I'll give it to y'all, you're not as weak as them two boyswho had all four elements in their hands. Raijin knew who he was referringto. Raijin knew it was Katawaki and Kayle. At some point, they were killedby Wrath. Everyone could feel the tension and energy that Wrathpresented. Everyone recovered from the shockwave. They began tosurround Wrath once more. "We won't win this," Solace remarked. Genesaistood up and pointed his sword towards Wrath. "The airport is still there,"Devontae noted. In order to get there, they would need to get behindWrath. Wrath glanced at everyone. Suddenly he felt a tight tug. A personhad wrapped his arms around Wrath and held him in place. "I DON'TKNOW WHAT'S GOING ON HERE BUT GET AWAY!" a man wearing aconstruction uniform on. The man's name was Bob Miller. He was acontestant for the tournament as well. His special ability was that he could .shapeshift any object to whatever he needed. Wrath elbowed him in thestomach. Raijin fell to the ground. His wounds were too much. "Pick himup, we gotta escape now," Devontae said as he pointed over to Raijin.Solace lifted Raijin onto his back. The construction worker was not lettinggo of Wrath. Another figure leaped out of a nearby forest. It was a largerman in a tank top and jeans. He was oddly carrying around a bed. He rantowards Wrath and smacked him with it. In the tournament this man wascalled bedman. He had a cursed bed that made people fall asleep on YotoSai and Yasai Nashi. They began rapidly hitting him while he was beingheld down. Devontae and Solace made their way past the fight going on.They snuck through the gate and ran through the airport. They ran towardsthe nearest plane. They still had the staircase open. "Hello, we need to geton, we need to, this plane needs to leave now!" Devantae says with apanic. The flight attendant was confused. "Sir, we need your passport," thewoman said as she was scared. "Does it matter, we gotta go, here is mine!"Devontae said loudly as he grabbed his passport out of his pocket. "Whatabout him," the woman said as she pointed to Raijin. "Why does it matter,look at him, he needs medical attention, if we don't leave we will die!"Solace yells. The two rushed past the flight attendant and moved towardsthe back of the plane. The plane engines turned on. Wrath was knocked tothe ground. His eyes were glowing. Yellow markings began to form alonghis skin. "ENOUGH IS ENOUGH," Wrath shouted. A huge amount ofenergy pulsed out of Wrath's body. The pulse pushed Bob miller. Wrathstood up and swiftly turned around and decapitated the man with his hand.The others were stunned. The movements were so quick. He glanced overto Yoto Sai. His instincts told him that Wrath was after him. Yoto began tobend his body to place his hand on the ground to change the earth. Beforethe palm of his hand could touch the ground, Yoto Sai was lifted into the air.Before a word came out, Wrath held him horizontally. Wrath began to pulland ripped Yoto Sai in half. All of his insides splattered everywhere and fellto the ground. Wrath then threw the torso and legs in opposite directions.Bedman ran towards Wrath. Before he attacked, Wrath twisted his bodyand punched his stomach. With the amount of force, Wrath's fist impaledthrough him and forced all of his organs to blow out of his back. His ribsand intestines, lungs and such went in all different directions. The man fellover with no life still. The plane took off down the runway and lifted up intothe air. Wrath's body had begun to be much bigger and bulky. Yasai Nashiblinked. Wrath had disappeared from Bedman's corpse and reappearedmere inches in front of him. "Huh!" Yasai said as he blocked an incomingpunch. Yasai was launched backwards by several feet. Wrath continuedwalking towards him. Yasai was trying to stand up. Wrath stood before himand raised his leg. Wrath then stomped on the upper half of Yasai's head.His brain splattered across the pathway to the airport. Hey, are you okaybro, Devontae said as he wiped away some of Raijin's blood that wasleaking out of the holes of his body. Mon Jou got in his battle stance. Themoment he did, Wrath immediately kicked the old man far into the distance.Mon Jou's body flew into one of the airplanes and sliced it in half. Theairplane's fuel caught fire with the speed of the body lightning it up. Theplane exploded. The shockwave blew back the last plane leaving theTournament Island. Wrath looked up and saw the final plane that was in theair. He assumed Raijin and the others took it as he was distracted. Wrathclapped his hands together. A huge golden energy ball with electricitywrapped around it. Wrath was preparing his strongest attack. An attack thatwas a pulse to wipe out all life within a certain range. Before he could closehis hands and to activate his ultimate move. He dodged out of the way.Genesai was swiping at him with his golden sword. Wrath then elbowedGenesai to the ground and then grabbed the golden sword that had fallento the ground. He lifted it up and pointed it downwards. He then stabbedthe sword through Genesai's stomach. The boy was gasping for air asblood and foam spurted out of his mouth. Genesai's girlfriend- Rasel leapedtowards Wrath. She was pushed away by Wrath's aura. She was sent flyingacross the path and crashed into a nearby Tree stump. Wrath looked backinto the air. The plane was far above the island in the sky and would havebeen out of range. Wrath took a deep breath. He thought for a moment. Hebecame calm. A purplish black portal opened behind him. He opened agateway back to the illuminati mansion.Wrath teleported in one of the rooms. He laid his back against thewall and showed an annoyed expression. A boy with long black hair andblack tracksuit walked up to him. It was a boy named Liam Snead Jr. "Hey,there's a scientist here that wants to talk to you," he said calmly. "Bring himhere," Wrath said with a faint smile before rubbing his hair for a momentand letting the boy go into the mansion. Wrath stood still. "Once again, youlive," Wrath thought to himself. A man with short brown hair with chin hairwalked in. He had a lab coat on. The man held an odd looking tablet."What's going on," Wrath said as he glanced over. "I'd like to talk to youabout something you would be interested in," the man said. Wrath took adeep sigh and sat on the couch. He then patted the seat next to him. "Whatyou got for me, been a while since i saw you," Wrath said with a chuckle."Well sir, we have discovered something. It may have been mentioned toyou before but we have discovered a power source. Something on thisisland far out here, it's barely readable but once you do, it's crazy howmuch radiation is pouring out of this thing. Not only that but thousands ofsmaller energy sources are surrounding it, throughout the island," thescientist explained. "The island is far in the North Atlantic, it's not on themap. It has a disturbance to all satellites to where it can't be seen. We onlydiscovered it because a few jets flew over it by accident. They reportedback that they were above land and that island did not register on the map.With this much energy, I have no idea how many things we can get into.We can create more gateways to dimensions, power more cities and useless nuclear power. We can experiment on this," the scientist said happily.Wrath glanced over to the tablet and was reading the numbers. "I'llorganize a team to go there and see what's going on. Judging off the tabletyou got there, you detected life forms. I assume humans," Wrath mumbled."Yeah you're right. I just wanted to let you know. Congress and thepresident have already been informed on this. The United Nations will beworking with us. I assume they want you to get on the phone and see whatyour orders are," The scientist said as he stood up and kneeled down toWrath. Wrath stood up and looked downwards. Wrath smiled. "You neverfail me. I'll let everyone else know what's going on. I'll take over from here,"Wrath said loudly. The scientist stood up and walked out the room. Wrathgot on the phone and called a special person. Liam Snead. A dark manwho has outlived most of humanity. A man who worked with Wrath forthousands of years. They were close friends that eventually grew like closebrothers. Liam Snead was also a leader of the illuminati and a member ofthe Emperors of the Black Table. The Emperors of the black Table is agroup of people such as Wrath that work together to run the world frombehind the shadows. The people who are on top of the food chain. Therewere a few other members to run their Organizations and their side of theIlluminati differently than Wrath. Some are more nice, some are moresavage. "I'm surprised you picked up, some stuff is going on. Meet me atthat place. Our normal meeting place," Wrath said. "Liam Snead respondedwith okay. Before anyone took notice, Wrath took a gateway to their spot.Wrath was transported to the side of a mountain.Wrath sat on a rock and began to play on his phone. Another figureappeared after a few moments. It was a man with black top hair, long blackhair and earrings. Black outfit with a dark green cloak. He also had a canein one hand. Liam Snead smiled. He had small chin hair and was a littleabove average height. Wrath looked back. "What's going on with ya," Wrathsaid loudly. "," Barely see you around the place anymore. Wrath said with asmirk. Liam walked past Wrath. He looked out to the ocean in front of them."Just doing my thing really," Liam responded. "What made you come outhere, this place we found a long time ago when we were... well kids," Liamsaid as he looked back. "Just to chill and take my mind off of things.Wanted to let you know what was going on," Wrath said as he looked at thegrass around him. "You take your mind off things? Since when was the lasttime you were ever stressed. What, like three hundred years ago," Liamsaid confused. "Thing's happened. I've lost a few sins, lost tons of servants.I went against my ways and killed millions for pretty much nothing," Wrathsaid as sighed at the end of his speech. "Is it about that boy that youmentioned before," Liam said as he fully turned around. "I keep losing him.He needs to die. Even killing my second in command, Deion," Wrath said ina depressed voice. "I worked for so long on our plans, i don't want them tofall apart now, i can't even control the media anymore due to that stupidtournament. People are going wild. Questions that should have never beenquestions are popping up. We are being pressed. I'm not sure where to goto move forward," Wrath said as his voice was getting lower and lower.Liam Snead moved closer. The moment Wrath looked up, he wasbackhanded. The impact made him fall over off the rock he was sitting on."What the!?" Wrath said as he was rubbing his cheek. Liam Snead thenstepped over the rock and placed his cane on Wrath's chest. "Look atyourself. Being this hard guy for years and years and a kid breaks a .200,000 year old man. Get your act together. We are heading towards theend game," Liam blurted out with an expression of disappointment. Liamturned away and sat on another large rock that was just a foot away. Wrathstood up and sat back on the rock. The two overlooked the ocean. "I guessI needed that. I have to get back on track," Wrath said as he continued torub his cheek. "Are you regretting what we started," Liam said in a sternvoice. "No way, no, it's just after a while, seeing things be in my control forso long, but now that's disappearing. I guess I'm not used to not havingcontrol of everything. I've just been around for so long. Generation aftergeneration. Finding love, having a family, watching your child grow,watching your love and son get old and die, then watching your son's sonor daughter grow and have a family of their own and then watch them die.The cycle repeats. Over and over. Just how many children have I had. Howmany deaths of humans with my blood and genetics in them. I've juststopped caring after so long," Wrath explained. Liam was silent and waslistening. "That reminds me, after so long, i think i found someone, ima trylove again," Liam said abruptly. The word's caught Wrath off guard. "Again,you barely mess with your kid as is," Wrath remarked. "It's whatever, notlike your kid likes you ethier," Liam responded. "You're right, in fact, my kidtries to find any possible way to kill me," Wrath says with a light chucklebehind it. Liam had a quick laugh. "At least, they are growing up better thanwhat we did. "Yeah," Wrath replied. "I'm not sure how things would havegone when i was kid, if you were never there," Liam says as he looks up tothe sky and kicks his legs up and down. Liam thought about his past.The sky was cloudy. The year was 1345 A.D. a young boy with longhair was pushed into the ground. Several kids were surrounding him. "Whycan't we get some money too huh, since you have it all." a boy said as hekicked a young Liam Snead to the ground. "It's not my fault that I wasn'tborn the same way as yall," the young boy said while coughing. The youngboy stood up. Blood ran down his nose. "It's stupid, way to lucky," a little girlsaid with an angry voice. Liam was backing up. He had been getting hit byseveral kids in the last five minutes. A few boys in the back of the groupgrabbed a bunch of rocks and began throwing them. Young Liam attemptedto dodge but then was hit in the arm and head with a few. "I need to gethim," Liam thought to himself. The young boy immediately turned aroundand ran. He tried to run as fast as he could across the village. He wasbeing chased by the other children. He ran to a house and started bangingon the door. Tears repeatedly dripped out of his eyes. Snot rolled down hismouth. "They're trying to kill me, help me, help, please, they're doing itagain!" Liam says as hits the wooden door to the point where blood oozesout of the bottom of his hand. The door swung open. A young teenager withlong brown hair and golden eyes walks out. He was wearing a light browntunic. He was a bit taller than the other teens at the time. The boy was aYoung Wrath. Although he was already several thousands of years old atthat point, his body was aging so slow that he still looked like he wasfourteen. Liam ran past Wrath and entered the house. "You guys are still onthis," Wrath said with a strong tone. The smaller kids that were surroundingthe house began to take steps back. The larger kids took a step forward.One boy charged at Wrath. He was immediately flipped over on his back.The young Wrath grabbed his arm and pulled it in the other direction, til hisarm broke. Another kid tried to kick Wrath. He blocked the incoming attackand backhanded the boy. He flew several feet away and rolled over in frontof the smaller kids. The kids of the village began crying. They started to runaway. The young Wrath turned and patted Liam's head. "It's alright now,let's get some food," Wrath smiled as the two sat at the wooden kitchentable..In the present day, Liam Snead fixated his eyes back on Wrath."Hmm," Wrath mumbled. "What's the real reason you got us out here, I'mnot your therapist," Liam said with a blank look. "Well, things gotdiscovered. I'll be taking the military to a remote lost island. Supposedlythere's strong power sources that we can benefit from. I wanted to know ifyou would like to join. "Um, nah, not me, I got other things I'm doing forright now," Liam said as he stood up from the rock. "That's fine then, iguess if things go south, i'll bring back whatever good bodies for you touse," Wrath said with a smirk. Liam Snead laughed and pulled out a smallteleportation device. "By the way, how is that project of yours going," Liamsaid before pressing the button. "It's going well, his body is about to form.He is in the process of organizing everyone's memories so he can usethem to understand the world. It should be done soon," Wrath explained."Got a name for em?," Liam questioned.'' No not really, it depended onwhat he looked like after he was done," Wrath said as he placed his fingerson his chin and was thinking. "What about, Negative," Liam said loudly."That works, I'll remember that," Wrath responded. After a moment, LiamSnead disappeared in thin air. Wrath took his Warpgate back to themansion. He walked into the room with everyone else. "What's going on?"Liam Snead jr questioned. "Listen up everyone, tomorrow we have amission. An energy source has been found on a recently discovered islandthat was off the grid. It seems people are there as well. We will cleareveryone out and get the energy. Everyone better prepare for battle. TheUnited Nations military will be coming along. And no jack, they are aware ofyou, you will not be escaping. Everyone gets some rest now, everyoneneeds to be at their peak then. Everyone understood. The evening andnight had passed. It was the next day. Everyone gathered in the meetingroom. "We will be going to area 51," Wrath explained. After a moment,Wrath opened a warpgate and teleported everyone. After a second theymade it to nevada. They were within the walls of the military facility.Everyone looked around. "Nice to see you again," a man with short darkbrown hair and glasses. He had facial hair and was in a black suit. It wasTerrance Johnson, the President of the United States. The man kneeleddown to Wrath. "It's been long a while," President Johnson remarked. Theman stood up. Around them were a bunch of soldiers boarding varioushelicopters and tanks. "I take it this is your squad," President Johnson sayslooking over to the group. "Yeah I'm watching over these little kids for themeantime until Vincen stops being lazy and shows himself. "I hope none ofyou say anything you see to anyone," Johnson said with a serious face.Everyone nodded their heads. Area 51 was a secret military facility thatcaptured aliens and tested new tech that wasn't available to the public. " sixthousand men is all I can get for such a mission like this right now. Othercountries are sending more if need be. I hope you can work with this,"Johnson said with a smile. "Yeah I can, thank you," Wrath said with a lightsmile. "Before I can forget, I know you always like your battle suit, so I haveit," Johnson said as he looked back at his two bodyguards. One of thesoldiers had a briefcase. The man laid it on the floor and opened it up. Thesoldier handed Wrath a black hardened suit. Wrath immediately discardedhis black business suit and put on his new outfit. The suit was black withgolden markings on it. "And just like you asked for, i brung your GallionArmor prototypes that were made in a few days. They haven't been testedand were made quickly but we did what we could," John said as he wavedto the other soldiers carrying three silver briefcases. "Shall we begin,"Wrath said with a stern voice before looking over. President Johnson liftedhis arm in the air and clenched his fist. All the soldiers knew what it ment.Someone pressed a button on a device. The runway across from thembegan to open up. A large plane was on a platform being lifted up. It wasthe P.O.W.A.V.G (Planetary Orbital Weapons Assault Vehicle Gunship)- Alarge 350 meter Gunship that Semi - resembles. that of an AC-130gunship. It has 8 wings and several thrusters. It has 40 cannons and 50machine guns. It has seven rail-guns. and a hyper sonic red laser calledD.P.L.E (Devastating piercing laser eraser) with a pinpoint targeting systemusing drones and various cameras. There are also three nuclear warheadsand four M.O.A.B's loaded on board. Several bombs for bombing runs. andseveral extra bunker buster bombs. it also contains a laser drill and aphysical drill. It has a plasma shield that covers it to prevent incomingdamage from attackers. This large gunship was created and tested in area51 and requires 70 people to run it. 50 people at bare minimum. Thegunship is incredibly slow but heavily resistant. it is unclear but indocuments it is rumored that it can take a nuclear warhead to it and itwould take little to no damage. Everyone was in shock. The ship wasmassive. This was Wrath's personal ship. The platform opened up to allowpeople in. Wrath signaled the group to follow him as many other soldiersand people entered the ship. On board were two special men who weregoing to help out on the mission. Noah- a mechanical enhanced human(cyborg) that was created by organization x. He was nearly killed by thenuke in Waterbridge City. he was then saved. He was placed undercareand was given a new mechanical eye and mechanical arm. Noah has darkgrey hair with red highlights and red tips. he wears a black and red leathersuit. he also wears a black and red cloak. he has peach skin with variousscars under his clothing. he has a light blue left eye and red right eye withmetal red plating on the side of his face. part of his brain is connected witha computer. He can hack into any piece of technology with a look of an. hasenhanced strength. He is intelligent and highly strategic. He doesn't likeworking with others. He can be overconfident and cocky at times. Othertimes he can be serious and outspoken. He has combat experience butwas just now released from being a test subject. He carries around a largegreat sword. Another guy on board was a hidden child and son of DeionKiji and the Brother of Raijin and Calista Kiji. he has long dark purple hairwith near white highlights dark white skin. one white eye with black sclera.his other eye is a dark purple. he has black markings all on the side of hisface with a a few under his left eye. He is well built. He wears samurairobes with a cape. He wields a long katana that can change size to a greatiron sword. He has the ability to phase through objects and touch objectsand cause them to phase through matter. His mother is a witch. He usesdark energy. He tends to be savage and uncaring. He is a skilledswordsman with experience in hand to hand combat. He has extremespeed. He works in the illuminati but barely cares for any of the othermembers. Very few know he's related to Deion. Wrath and PresidentJohnson entered the front of the ship. The people began to pilot thegunship. Everyone was close together and watched over jack. The shipbegan to take off. Wrath's face changed to determination. A war was aboutto begin.
Cage of the Shattered
ActionRaijin, the son of a dark corporate overlord finds himself with new powers after being forced to devour experimental creatures to survive. In this world there is many others who are discovering there powers. Anything can happen.