Chapter 22

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Negative and AkuNegative was standing on his land. He had taken clothing off of oneof the bodies of the people he killed. The black markings disappeared. Hewas rejoicing in what he had done. The world was collapsing. All accordingto what Wrath wanted. Negative wanted to make Wrath proud. Negative ashe still had a childish mindset with that of the body of a teen, he still neededmore power to get stronger. He had one more evolution. An adult form. Thefinal transformation that would put his power near Wrath's. Suddenlysomeone had landed on his conteinant. An external with the name Aku. AMan with pink and purple hair, who wears a black shirt and pants along withwearing a pink and purple cloak with darkened skin. he was born in theblight dimension, no one know his true age except he was in the blightdimension as a kid and trained and survive there until he fuse with a blightcreature and got more powerful. he then began to live in the DarkDimension. He tends to hunt down threats on earth and kill them. Mostlybeing other Externals. Negative took notice of the man in front of him."Who are you?" Aku said as he started up a black energy blast whilewalking up to Negative. "Hm, the first life form other than jets and planes tocome to me, impressive," Negative says with a smirk. Negative then lookscloser at Aku. "You're quite strong," Negative says as he senses Aku's highenergy levels and darkness. "Quite invading my land there, I'd prefer if youleft me alone," Negative says loudly. "This needs to stop, you aredestroying the world!" Aku yelled out as they were about to begin to fight."I'm supposed to, it's in my design, besides who said I can't. I don't thinkthere's a rule book on not being able to do such a thing. Isn't that what youhumans call free will," Negative says with a cocky attitude. Negative's eyesrefocused on Aku. His tone shifted. Flames began to emit from Negative'shand. Negative placed his hands in front of him, releasing a huge wave offlames. Aku dodged to the side as the surrounding hills and rock structureswere incarcerated from the blast. "That much strength!" Aku thought tohimself. Before Aku could make another step, Negative was already in frontof aku. He grabbed him by the face and slammed Aku into the ground. "Itold you to stay away but you chose this," Negative whispered as he leanedto Aku's ear. Negative smiles. Aku then kicks Negative in the stomach andlaunches him into the air. Negative flipped on to his feet and kicked Akufurther away. Blue liquid began to pour out of the palms of Negative'shands. Aku's eyes opened up further. He had seen an ability much like thatas he fought someone in the dark nesis dimension. Negative slammed hishand onto the ground. Multiple rows of rows of blue flames shot out theground. Aku levitated in the air. The flames on the ground began to swirlinto a blue flame tornado. Aku was being sucked into it. The tornado beganto expand. It absorbed everything on the land. Aku yelled and unleashedhis dark energy. The pressure dissipated the flames. Aku looked down andfired an energy ball towards the boy. Negatives created an energy barrier.The land exploded. Smoke debris filled the area. "Where is he?" Akuthought. Giant tree branches and roots shot out from the smoke andattempted to grab Aku out the sky. Aku pointed his hands downwards andannihilated the roots and vines with dark beams. Negative teleported aboveAku and kicked him straight into the ground. Negative then teleported infront of Aku and lifted him up by the collar of his shirt. Negative placed hishand on Aku's chest and blasted him away across the continent. Aku sooncrashed into a nearby rock. "To think this kid had so many abilities, how didhe get all this," Aku thought as he stood up. Negative teleported in front ofAku. Aku pressed his hand onto the floor until green gas emitted from hishands. Negative was confused until his body was consumed by the clouds.Negative began to cough. His lungs were burning. Negatives flew into theair. Aku then flew out of the poisonous gas clouds and tackled Negative tothe ground. Negative looked over and blasted Aku in the chest with his eyelaser. Aku flew across the ocean and crashed into a building in florida.Negative stood up and smirked. He then leaped into the air and flewstraight at high speeds. Blood leaked from Aku's mouth. Negative thencrashed into Aku and slammed him through multiple more buildings.Negative then fired his eye laser once more. Aku was blasted into theground.Negative descended in front of Aku. Negative then looked up andsliced the skyscraper above Aku in half with another eye beam. The piecescrumbled. Aku looked up and fired several blasts and destroyed all theconcrete. Negative then dashes forward as Aku is distracted and puncheshim in the stomach. Aku grunts in pain as his body is pushed backwards.Aku's feet crushed into the ground. Aku then hit Negative in the stomachand then kneed the boy in the face. As negative was knocked back, Akublasted a beam into Negative's chest and sent him flying into a buildingbehind him. Dust clouds filled the streets. A huge red beam shot into thesky from the dust clouds and swung downwards. Aku ran to the side. Thelaser beam sliced the state in half. Aku fired multiple beams of dark energy.Negative walked out of the dust clouds. The blasts deflected off ofNegative's energy barrier. Aku charged at Negative at full speed. Negativethen dashed back. The two pulled back and connected their fists. The clashcreated a shockwave that was felt around the entire United states. The twobegan punching one another. Negative then dropped kicked Aku down thestreet. The boy then launched off the ground and aimed downwards.Negative slammed into aku. The ground underneath them caused anearthquake and shattered the ground. A large sinkhole. Buildings began tofall over along with cars and street poles. Aku blasted Negative off of himand then grabbed Negative by the throat. Aku formed his dark aura aroundhim and flew off. He slammed Negative through several buildings. He thenkicked Negative across the city. Aku then raised his hand in the air andcreated a large meteor encased in dark energy. Negative stood up andlooked into the sky. He then wiped his blood from his forehead. Negative'sarm muscles began to bulk up. He then fired a beam of dark energy in thesky. The beam clashed with the meteor. The meteor's speed was slowingdown but still moving towards Negative. Negative then released his handand started using his nuclear fission ability. He flew into the sky. Bluenuclear flames swirled around his hand and arm. Negative then punchedthe meteor and then burned through it. He flew through the meteor andpunched Aku higher into the atmosphere. Negative then stabbed Aku bythe face and flew downwards. The two of them dived straight into theground at full speed. A huge wave of light shined across the earth. Anexplosion erupted that engulfed multiple cities of florida. A large crater wasleft on the earth. The shockwaves of the crash caused tsunamis across theplanet. Africa, and Asia was hit with tsunamis that would floor half of theircontinent. Negative then grabbed the bloody Aku and threw him thousandsand thousands of miles away. Aku landed in wisconsin.Several buildings and streets caught flame due to the speed akumoved at. Negative's leg muscles bulked up. He became taller. Negative'shair became a bit longer. Negative then teleported and reappeared in frontof Aku. Aku's clothes were ripped apart. Negative then punched Aku in thechest. Blood spilled from his nose and mouth and splattered ontoNegative's clothing. Small portals formed above Aku. hundreds of Bat-likecreatures flew out. The bats swarmed around Negative. The small claws onthe creatures began to scatach and tear through Negative's flesh. Moreportals formed around Negative. Red dog-like creatures leaped from theportal and bit through Negative's shoulder. Negative slammed one dog intothe ground and blasted another one with his laser. Aku pointed his hand outand fired an energy beam. The beam split apart as it was deflected byNegative's energy shield. Negative released a pulse wave of heat andenergy that incertated the creatures all at once. Negative's hand grewbigger along with veins popping around his body. Negative's T-shirt rippedaround the collar. Red circular markings started forming along his chest.Negative then slammed Aku's head into a wall of concrete. Negative placedthe palm of his hand on his arm. A green glow appeared as it seepedthrough his body. His cuts and bruises began to heal. Negative then stareddown at the man before him.Aku then knew the challenge before him and wasn't prepared todefeat Negative. Aku then decided to fly away quickly as he quickly formeda portal and went through it. Negative was confused as to what happened.The man was gone. Negative turned around and noticed all the damage hecaused. Negative started to laugh. As Negative was absorbing the energyfrom the atmosphere, he was still getting stronger. Negative was preparingto evolve once more.

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