Meeting his friends.

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November 20th 2017 12:36 PM

"Ouma and Komaeda are foster siblings." Rantaro said rather nonchalantly, walking awkwardly beside Saihara. It was after Ms. Yukizome's class, and both boys had a free period. Saihara's eyes hardened at the news. Komaeda was a year older then him and Ouma, a third year, but he had basically grown up with the white haired male. Wherever Ouma was, he was too. So he could understand how they could be related. What he didn't understand was why they both didn't have the same last name, so he asked. "Dunno, maybe Ouma just wanted a memory of his biological parents."

Saihara took that into mind. In the back of his head, he knew this new found information had something to do with the clue in the letter he found the previous day.

"Anyway. I've known Ouma since we were in diapers, he's always been a little shit yeah, but..he's... special." Amami hummed fondly, tightly gripping onto the books in his arms. His eyes stared longingly in front of him, not daring to make eye contact with Saihara. "I know where he is, I visit him every two weeks with Komaeda. So that's your hint from me, good luck." Amami suddenly dismissed himself, leaving quickly from the middle of the hallway to a staircase off to the right.

That didn't exactly sit right with Saihara.

He had to find Ouma.


November 20th 2017 5:32 PM

Saihara looked over the riddle once more, standing up from the fountain as his eyes searched for a building that matched the description. He was in the center of town, and had finally found a building that matched.

The Orphanage.

Saihara didn't know where Ouma was. A mental physicality? Wouldn't be impossible. Prison? Would he an overachievement for the boy.

A hospital..?

Saihara didn't know what to think but his mind was racing. Maybe Ouma got sent back to the Orphanage and went to different schools! Yea, maybe that. Maybe he was so mad at Saihara for slapping him that he just never told him. Maybe Ouma was fine, in another foster home at least. Maybe Ouma held a grudge, maybe he just didn't want anything to do with his past life with the exception of his old foster brother and childhood friend. Maybe that was it!

Saihara tried to convince himself, but it wasn't working.

Taking long strides to the building, he stopped at the entrance, his hand hovering over the door. He didn't know what was stopping him. Before he could actually knock, a child his age came up beside him. The girl had golden brown hair, the highlights were very obvious, she had yellow eyes and fair skin, she was wearing overalls and...a checkered scarf around her wrist. A race of deja vu washed over Saihara, before he could ask questions, the slightly shorter girl spoke.

"Your Saihara, aren't you? My names Chisa, Ouma's right-hand-woman!" The blond said rather energetically. Saihara knew of Ouma's prank group called; D.I.C.E. It was rather nefarious in Hopes Peak Academy. Saihara nodded at Chisa's deduction on who he was, the slightly shorter girl pulled off a huge smile, grabbing onto Saihara's wrist and pulling him to the side of the Orphanage building. From there, the ponytailed girl and the Ultimate Detective climbed up the fire escape connected to the orange bricked building, they climbed through a window, later ending up in a bedroom, with a few other children.

"This is DICE. That's Yuni, Nagisa,Yuki, Akemi and Itsuki." Chisa introduced the rest of the members. Saihara scanned over everyone's faces, one stuck out to him.


He was Iruma's twin brother, he went to there school. He was basically a copy of Ouma, he was known as The Ultimate Manipulator. He was cunning, and always pranking others, like his twin sister, Iruma-Kun also cowarded in conformation. He wondered what happened to make the Iruma twins like this. Iruma-Kun wore overalls, a pastel rainbow hoodie, and had bluish grayish eyes and blond hair with knee high socks, he was a copy and paste of Iruma-San.

A question in the back of his mind lingered: Did the Iruma twins live in the Orphanage?

Yuki had bright red curly hair and blue eyes, he was slightly rounder then everyone else, he was wearing a similar outfit to a high school uniform. Saihara only guessed they had been recently released from school, whichever one the ones beside Iruma-Kun went too.

Nagisa had blue hair and matching blue eyes, he seemed to be the youngest of the group, maybe a secondary school student. He had elfin ears and wore a similar outfit to Ouma's DICE uniform. Saihara assumed most of them wore this through the day.

Akemi had green hair and red eyes, with very prominent freckles, she was slim and smaller then everyone else besides Iruma-Kun. Her hair was pulled back into two pigtail braids behind her shoulders, and she was also wearing a simular outfit to Yuki, only it had a skirt.

And finally, Yuni. Yuni was a short person, Saihara couldn't tell there gender, and he didn't want to assume, so he labeled them as They/Them. Yuni had pretty, innocent green eyes and short black hair, the child had to be the oldest of them all, they looked so mature. Yuni wear a pink crop top hoodie, that barely covered they're belly button, they also wore a white pleated skirt and cat ears. Saihara couldn't tell there gender because they presented both masculine and feminine quality's. From the sharp jawline to the curves on there body.

Ouma's friend group seemed nice.

Considering the all caused havoc in there own way.

"Koki—Ouma told us we should get to know you. So sit down Saihara." Iruma told him, Saihara's eye brows farrowed in confusion. Why the hostile attitude? Saihara was very confused with this group. Nonetheless, he took a seat on one of the beds. And so began there talk. "So it's pretty obvious Ouma-Kun had a crush on you. I mean, Amami-Kun told you right?" Akemi cheerfully stated, poking her blushed cheeks with her fingers as she twirled them. Saihara hesitantly nodded in response.

"Great, he's not as dumb as Komeada made him out to bed." Came the response from the quite-until-now-Yuni. The child walked over to the sole desk in the room, bending over, they ripped an envelope from underneath the brown, wooden surface.

"You've met us. Task complete. Now take it and leave, before Mr. Fujisaki finds out your here."

Letter eight; Found
Four letters left.

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