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November 15th 2017 2:11 PM

Saihara knew about the Nanami arcade in the town he lived in, he knew it was a family business, and that the Ultimate Gamer worked at the arcade, he knew Nanami, and met her on separate occasions when she wondered around the world, some type of game in hand as she tuned everyone out.

The arcade wasn't that far a walk, but Saihara wasn't convinced that Ouma had another person helping him out in this game. First it was the lady at the daycare, then Ms. Yukizome, Harukawa and now a member at the arcade? It was weird how much power he had to convince others to do something like this for him.

Nonetheless, it didn't matter how Saihara felt about the matter. He pulled his hoodie over his arms, pulling it down so it fit over him. "Yashi, I'm going out, I'll be back later.." Saihara exclaimed into the house. Wherever his uncle was, he could hear him. "Be safe out there kiddo!" Was the response he got, smiling softly, he opened the front door and left the house.

The walk to the arcade was short, the scenery was beautiful, something that Saihara appreciated in his home town was that the scenery was beautiful. Fresh air, beautiful flowers, and green grass.

It was about ten minutes when he finally arrived at the arcade. Hands reaching for the glass door, before he could open it, a voice called out to him. "Oh! Saihara, good morning." Saihara turned around to see Nanami, it was a Saturday so he could see how the girl could be working this morning. "Oh, good morning Nanami-Chan," Saihara smiled. "Working this Saturday?" He continued.

"You bet, my parents are out of town this weekend, so the stores all mine. You wanted to play something?" Nanami asked, pulling a key out of her work uniform. She pushed the key into the knob, opening the door and allowing Saihara access into the small time arcade in the center of town. "Something like that, yeah." Saihara chuckled, following Nanami into the store. He knew it was pretty early, but he didn't know the arcade wasn't open yet. "Okay, let's see...two hundred coins for five thousand yen (48 US$)?" Nanami questioned, heading into the back room and flipping on all the light switches.

Saihara grabbed his wallet out of his pocket, pulling out enough money for Nanami's offer. He placed the money on the counter, waiting for the mauve haired girl to come back. When she did, she handed Saihara his coins, a chipper, tired smile on her face. "Have fun Saihara." Nanami cheerfully stated, yawning slightly as she started making coffee. "Good luck."

Saihara knew what that meant, but at the same time he was confused. Nonetheless, he collected his coins, and went to find something to play. Saihara wasn't the best at games, he knew that. So he would have a hard time earning coins. First was Wreck-It-Wralph. It was an America game, that was recently put into the little arcade, so it would be hard for Saihara to understand how to play it.

Several hours later and Saihara had enough coins to by Ouma a gift.

He had played his five games hours ago, but he was failing miserably at the game in earning coins. Nanami on separate occasions had to teach him how to play the game. In the end, he had enough to buy Ouma a teddy bear, and Nanami gave him his envelope.

Dear Saihara

Look at you! Being a little gamer, good job buddy!

Now that you've had your share of fun. I have another riddle for youuuu

Wheels over me roll, water under me flows. When I close I open, when I open I close.

Good luck Saihara.

(PS. Keep those gifts you got me, I'll tell you what to do with them soon.)

Saihara could tell something was off with this litter. The emoticon was once again gone, and their were less and less exclamation points, like Ouma had just given up on writing this letter. It was starting to worry him.

He thanked Nanami and quickly left the small arcade. It took him a little bit longer to figure out this riddle. It was around three in the afternoon, he had time. Before he knew it, he had figured out what Ouma was talking about.

The bridge where they had they're fight.

Saihara cringed at the name of the bridge. Fuyusaki bridge. He said some terrible things to Ouma that day, he regretted it deeply. It wasn't even completely Ouma's fault he was upset, he just so happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.

He examined every inch of the bridge and found nothing.

Saihara pulled out the letter and examined it again. He saw the flaw in his thinking. Knowing he was gonna get dirty, he rolled his arms and pants sleeves up, slowly but surely making his way down the small cliff to get underneath the bridge. Of course Ouma would have to hide it underneath or it would get blown in the wind, or someone else would take it. Just his luck, he found the note tapped underneath the bridge. A smile found its way on his lips when he found a white envelope tapped to the underside of the bridge. Being carful to not fall into the water, he reached for the enveloped, snatching it from its hiding place. When he examined the envelope.

He suddenly frowned. Worry taking over his features.

There was a swipe of...blood on the envelope. It was a slight swipe, you wouldn't even be able to actually acknowledge the blood stain if you weren't intentionally looking over the white envelope. He quickly opened the item, pulling out the letter quickly. His features softened at the words written down.

Dear Saihara-Chan...

Dots. There were dots.

Remember when we argued up here. Man, that was so hostile! Thank god Amami-Kun and smelly Momota pulled us apart before we could actually hurt each other, haha!

I could torture you with trauma but doing that wouldn't be very nice.

And I'm nice, right!


Okay, one time.

Remember how you told me I was alone?

"Your alone Kokichi...and no matter what, you always will be."

You told me that, and I believed it. I thought that the only person I really cared about hated me, you did that. Yeah! I'm aloud to act vulnerable, you broke my itty bitty heart >:(

I tried to jump from this bridge a few days after you yelled at me.

I don't want to guilt trip you but meh, it's in the past now buddy!

Anyway, time for a new riddle.

Unlike you, I actually have really good friends. I need you to go visit them, I can't right now so I need you too.

And since your so kind and ruined my self esteem that day, you'll do it for me cause you feel bad, right?

Okay okay!

There names are Chisa, Yuki, Nagisa, Yuni, Akemi, and Itsuki.

I'll give you a hint to where they are

They sleep in beds with tens of others
They eat with everyone
They have one caretaker
There in the center of town
They all treat each other like family
They live in a big building

If you don't get this right, then your not the brightest crayon in the box

                                                       Kokichi Ouma >:)

They were playing a game of hide and seek now?

Why did Ouma try to jump.

The bridge was high, he would've died from drowning or....the fall.

What stopped him from jumping.

Where was he now.

What was Saihara supposed to do now.

Letter six and seven; Found
Five letters left.

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