An Amami Encounter.

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September 23rd 2015 1:32 PM

"It wasn't even my fault!" Ouma shouted, stomping his foot on the hard wooden bridge as he stared Saihara down in his fit of anger. Amami and Momota watched carefully, both there for different people but the same reason. Saihara's eyes hardened at Ouma's terrible attempt to defend himself. He clenched and unclenched his fists, refraining from actually hitting the lying purplette. "You know damn well it's completely your fault. You were the one who created that explosion." He calmly explained, closing his eyes tightly as he imagined attacking Kokichi out of blind rage, and how terrible that would look.

"That was Komeada-Kun, not me. Ever wonder why he got suspended for two months  and I only got a week!" Saihara's face softened, but he was still angry. Ouma continued when he saw he was slowly but surely getting through to him. "Even if I did set off that explosion, it's not my fault you lost your memory of our friendship! It was two years ago for crying out loud." He persisted, purple eyes lingering to Amami for any kind of backup the greenette could give him. "We're friends Shuichi..Why can't we go back to the way we used to be." Ouma had calmed himself down by now. One thing about him was that his soft spot was Saihara. Only he knew the way Ouma ticked, and only he was the one Ouma could be real with. Where he wasn't a lying asshole. Where he actually seemed like a human instead of a monster that antagonized others for his own benefit.

Now wasn't one of those times.

"Look around Kokichi," Saihara started, using a forceful tone on the boys first name, Kokichi's eyes blinked rapidly at the boys sudden shift in mood. "Now one actually likes you. Amami's only here because he's in charge of you because of your suspension. No one cares for you." He spat, almost like venom had layed on his tongue. The wind suddenly picked up, the Sakura leaves suddenly dancing playfully around the verbal fight between the two. It was almost teasing.

"You little shit-"

A slap resonated into the air, causing Momota and Amami's eyes to drag back to the petty cat fight, except it had gotten more physical. Ouma held his cheek in pain, trying—Praying— That the tears wouldn't threaten to spill. God he felt like shit for caring so much about a slap to the cheek from a lame-ass such as Saihara. But damn did it hurt.

It hurt, but not as much as the words that spat from Saihara's mouth.

"Your alone Kokichi—And no matter what, you always will be."


November 17th 2017 1:56 PM

Saihara remembered it like it was yesterday. He sighed, the guilty memory resonating in his mind as he slung his backpack over his chair, letting his exhausted body slump onto his seat. He was tired. He had spent the night thinking of ways to apologize to Kokichi. In the end, he came up with none. What he said and did was terrible.

He had to find Ouma.

At least make it up to him.

"Hey Saihara, do you have the answers for last nights homework?" Saihara turned his head to the voice of Amami, a hint of urgency laced in his words. Sighing, the bluette took out his English homework, passing it to the greenette subtly. Amami quickly copied the answers in silence. When he finished, he pushed the book to the left of him. Seeing as he sat in the back row, along with Gokuhara, Ouma, and Saihara.

"Do you know what happened to Ouma?"

The question was completely unexpected on Amami's part. There were only a few students in the classroom, Harukawa, Momota, Gokuhara, Yonaga, and Iruma. They were always the early birds. Amami knew the majority of them knew about Ouma's disappearance, heaving a sigh, he closed his homework binder, his face turning completely serious now. "Why do you care so much about him now?" He questioned, Saihara's eyes hardened at the boys tone. Amami was a happy go lucky guy, The Ultimate Adventurer had no business to be in any kind of sour mood. And that's exactly what you expected from the avocado colored male. But his held a hint of malice.

Saihara heaves a sigh, his breath could be visible because it was rather cold, inside and out. Obviously Amami knew something, or he wouldn't be so hostile. Ouma told him not to tell anyone...His teacher did as well. But if Amami was like Harukawa and Yukizome, then it shouldn't be wrong, since he already knew. "I found a series of letters. I want to know if he's okay-" Saihara cautiously explained. He was close to ending his sentence when Amami abruptly cut him off.

"After all those horrible things you said to him, all the bullying you let him deal with alone? Now that you realize he actually liked you, you feel sorry?" He scoffed, keeping his voice to a whisper as more students started to fill in the cold classroom. What Amami had said had thrown Saihara off, the amount of force into those whispered words made it seem like Amami really cared for Ouma.

Then it clicked for Saihara.

Ouma was a very subtle person, but he made obvious hints on what Amami was implying. Did Ouma have a crush on him? Was that it? "What are you talking about Amami?-" Saihara continued to play dumb, tapping his foot against the metal part that held up his desk. His breath turning a bitter white when he breathed in the almost freezing classroom. He took notice that Yonaga finally slammed the window in the classroom shut, annoyed with Yumeno's inaudible complaints due to the fact she was basically suffocated in Chabshira's side.

Amami scoffed in disappointment. This was supposed to be the Ultimate Detective, but man was he oblivious. "Ouma-Kun had a crush on you, idiot. He basically worshipped the ground you walked on. He would tell me and Komaeda about how much he wanted to confess but after that accident in eighth grade, how could he?" Saihara's jaw fell open at the news, but before he could question it any further, the rest of the class, including Ms. Yukizome filed into the classroom, and all the chatter was put to a stop as she took attendance.

"Talk to me after class." Amami said in a whisper when the teacher finished, turning back to take notes so he could actually do his homework himself this night.

Zero letters found.
Five letters left.

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