Letter Three & Four.

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November 12th 2017 3:07 PM

Saihara opened the first book. It was from Ouma's first year of grade school, when grade school officially started. He soon found the letter with the big number three on it. He opened it, frowning as he realized that the drawings were less frequent on this letter, nonetheless, he read over it, his frown deepening at what had been written.

Dear Saihara

Kids are so mean..don't you think?
Like that smelly idiot Momota-Chan!
But there are worser people then him, like people in our grade school, for instance.

As you could probably tell, elementary students had a lot of very colorful language. It's a sign of bad parenting! Their parents need to do better! >:(

I know I wasn't the most likable person but I don't think I deserved such a mean group of icky little elementary kids? Do you?

Saihara's eyes lingered to the harsh comments underneath the letter in the front page.

It was terrible to even read. It was Ouma's first grade book, but the little six year olds really did have colorful language, they insulted him, told him to change schools, called him names..

He knew Ouma was bad, but he didn't deserve anything like that.

Your a little baby, so I'm pretty sure you think that's bad. But wait till you get to our eighth year, and then the first two years of high school! Those are where the worst notes are!

Now, I know that little voice in the back of your head is nagging; "He's doing this for attention, blah blah blah" I know this because I know you! And trust me, if this was for attention, I would've pulled the bully card ages ago!

Anyway, I want you to go through all these books (Or go to the tenth year book, where your clue is) and look for the clue! Take your time, and of course, you don't have to if you don't want too! Where I am, I can't exactly force you to do anything.

But I can find someone else too!!

Anyway, happy reading, your clue is at the back of the tenth book, just a remainder Shumai! Byeeeeee!!

                                                             Kokichi Ouma

Saihara frowned, the little emoticon was gone. The entire mood had shifted with this letter, it left Saihara concerned. Ouma was right, at first that little voice in the back of his head was saying that Ouma was making things up. That was until he read through the first page of Ouma's first year book.

He couldn't believe how rude and mean elementary kids could be, he didn't even notice this going on. He knew Ouma was a little annoying and kinda mean, he thought that he would be a bully to others, not the uno reverse.

Still speechless, he grabbed Ouma's eighth grade book, curiosity getting the better of him. He was immediately disgusted by the horrible words written on the front cover.



Go die in a hole somewhere!

Kill yourself!!

No one likes you.

Talentless loser.

Who knew eighth graders could be so immature.

Saihara's eyes scanned over every hate comment, flipped through every page as he read every insult. How did he not notice the amount of bullying that was happening to his childhood friend. Then it clicked in Saihara, eighth year was when he lost his memory's, seventh year was when he and Ouma disregarded their past friendship. He probably knew that Ouma was being bullied, but he didn't care.

They weren't friends anymore.

Saihara's hands brushed over the ninth grade yearbook, Ouma's face was crossed out with a big X, they scribbled all through his year book, continuing with writing ways for The Ultimate Supreme Leader to commit suicide.

Losers finally got a talent, too bad it's shitty, fits his entire asshole personality.

Ninth year was the year that Saihara finally stopped writing reassuring notes in the corner of Ouma's year books before the other students could get to them. So Ouma didn't even have that sense of hope that everything would be okay anymore, Saihara had forgotten about him, he didn't care about him anymore.

Saihara was ashamed. Reading over every single note his previous classmates had written for Ouma, he felt rage bubbling in him, nonetheless he grabbed the last book, and flipped to the last page. Their was a paragraph, obviously written by Ouma. But it was a lot...neater.

Kids can be cruel huh?
Well anyways, here's the next riddle,

This is somewhere in the school
Where a mirror can be seen
It's where you can go potty
Also where you can get clean

If you don't get this right, I think I picked the wrong person >:(

Good luck Saihara!

(Ps: Take these year books and destroy them, I don't care how you do it, just make sure they never see the light of day again)

Kokichi Ouma

Once again, the little emoticon had been missing. Saihara wasn't an idiot, he knew where the next letter could be. But he was too busy trying to decipher what he just read.

Kids were exceptionally cruel.

He could see that now, Ouma had been a target of bullying, and somehow, to Saihara, it honestly made sense. Ouma bullied because he was bullied. It was the unfortunate, cruel circle of life. It wasn't Ouma's fault he got bullied, he was just at the wrong place at the wrong time, that developed into a constant cycle of despair for the purple eyed boy. It wasn't his fault.

Saihara had been despising Ouma for years, he honestly regretted it. Deep down, Ouma was a good kid. He wasn't the nicest, most sweetest person ever. He caused havoc left and right, but they were just harmless pranks, that would wash over by the next day. At least most of them. But he didn't deserve all the bullying, all the pain he went through.

He was just misunderstood.

So Saihara was off to find him, he wanted to apologize to Ouma. He grabbed the year books, stuffing them into his already half full bag, which was a lot heavier now. He made his way out of the school, saying his farewells to Ms. Yukizome when he passed the cafeteria.

He would have to search for Ouma in the morning.

Like Yukizome had said, he had pounds of homework to do.

Letter three and four; Found
Eight letters left.

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