Texting a Stranger

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Hello! How the fuck did I not know that Tony Stark owned area 51??? The fuck?Anyway on with the story!

Peter: Hey MJ, can you cover for me? I won't be able to make it in time.

???: Who is this and why do I have to cover for you? Last time I checked that wasn't my job.

Peter: Okay, rude. You could have just told me you weren't MJ.

???: Whatever kid. Why do you have my phone number? And how.

Peter: I was bored and decided to give my phone some updates, you know add a little bit of this add a little bit of that and boom! Better connecting and functioning phone. As to how I got your number well, my updates were successful but, I may have messed up some of my contacts in the process.

???: How are you updating your phone? You don't even have the right materials. And aren't you a bit too young to be doing that? Wait how old are you even?

Peter: Rude I'm not that young. And uh nice try, I'm not giving my info to someone I just met. I mean for all I know you're a pedo or some guy or gal who wants to cut me into little pieces and sell me on the black market. Nice try Mr. Pedo, but I ain't that stupid. Tell me your name AND age first then I'll think about telling you my info.

???: Okay first off that's a crap ton to read, I am a dude so that means I'm male. I'm not a pedo, children are a pain and I don't really like them. Some of them are stuck up and think that everyone is below themselves. And they are freakishly dirty and loud... and stupid. Why the fuck would I want to sell you on the black market that's a waste of my time and energy, I don't want to cut you into little pieces just ew. Last but not least, my name Anthony. I'm 42 years old.

Peter: WOW and you said I had a lot. Alright then I'm Peter and I'm 15. Nice to meet you. Sorry about all of that. You always have to be suspicious of strangers that text you, you know?

???: Nice to meet you too Peter, and YOU TEXTED FIRST!

Peter: Oh right. Anyway I have to go Mr. Anthony, I have school.

???: Don't call me Mr. Anthony it makes me feel old.

Peter: Okay Mr. Anthony. Bye-bye.

??? Was changed to: Mr. Anthony.

Mr. Anthony: I said not to call me- *sigh* Bye kid.

Read 8:07

Peter is offline

Mr. Anthony is offline.

(437 words)

Have a nice day!

- Author-san

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