Nothing like stressing out a few hours before dawn.

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Lol. I legit didn't know what to put for the song. Also I like to think that the cape is kind of like Dark Shadow, (From BNHA/MHA ) were it has it's own personality but also knows their owners emotions? Lmao, I don't know what I'm trying to say here. Oh. Also Sorry for not updating. My insomnia and angsty have been so bad these past couple of months, I just wanted to read and not do anything. Sorry about that.

Tony POV:

I sighed in relief. The kid texted me outta the blue a few hours ago saying he got jumped. After finding out that he met Steph, I talked to Steph about it and looked a little deeper into it and the Peter Parker Steph met, was in fact the same one I was texting. He was sorta fluffy looking, he went to Midtown, lived with his aunt and had two friends. His application for SI had his photo and why he wanted to go to SI.

And let me tell you after I saw his photo I liked the kid even more. His face matched his kind cinnamon roll personality. And his IQ was crazy. So I did the thing that you must do and made him my personal assistant. Cause I can and also because I wanted to. Also I'm Tony Stark, I can do what ever the fuck I want.

I told Steph about Peter's injury as I was freaking out and Steph told me to give the phone to him, thankfully Steph knew what to do and instructed him well. Me being the worry wart I was, gave him another set of instructions to follow. I haven't felt that freaked out in a long time. This kid has some sort of power.

Stephen: "Tones you okay? You look a bit pale."

Tony: "I'm alright it's just...."

Stephen: "You're worried about Peter?"

Tony: "Yeah. I mean he should be okay but what if?"

Stephen: "Tony. You said yourself he's a smart kid. He was awake when you last texted him right? And he said he was alright. Trust him a little bit. He went to you to help him and you did"

Tony: "Yeah. Your right. He'll be okay. And in a few weeks he'll be here."

Stephen: "Yep. So think about the good things. In a few weeks we get to meet Peter. He likes you Tones. He really does."

Tony: "I know."

Stephen: "Your lucky Tones."

Tony: "Huh? How?"

Stephen: "Not everyone gets to text an angel in their life. Let alone meet one. People can say what they want but I think that Peter really is an angel. He's a blessing in disguise."

Tony: "Hmm. You might be right."

Stephen: "Anyway off topic question. Don't you wanna just ruffle his hair?? When I walked with him and in the photo it looked so fluffy. Like, gah! I just wanna pet his head all day and run my fingers through his hair!"

Tony: "I agree with you bu-"

Stephen: Right?"

Tony: "But I thought you liked my hair"

Stephen: *pfft* "Oh hush. Your hair is fine, Tones he ain't replacing you, calm down. Gosh"

Third person POV:

Tony and Stephen turned to look at each other and bust out laughing at their childish conversation. Wiping tears from their eyes they laid down next to each other, thinking about how Peter was doing before slowly drifting off into dreamland.

(573 words)

See you next time you emos and edge lords.

Have a nice day/afternoon/night!

- Author-san

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