It's okay, everyone loses their way sometimes.

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Fair warning this chapter is going to be a bit of an angsty one. Basically Peter and Shuri talk. Little bit of hurt but don't worry there is comfort at the end.

Peter's POV:

Peter looked over at Shuri in confusion as she dragged him out of the building. She looked rather serious and Peter was unsure if it was a funny serious or a serious serious. So he followed along silently. He was quiet in the car and he was quiet until they got to Shuri's apartment. Finally she turned to face Peter with a pensive expression on her face, and that face meant businesses. So Peter was a little bit concerned.

Third Person POV:

Peter: *Tense* "Sooooo, What did I do now??"

Shuri: "Do they know?"

Finally Peter lets out a breath in relief. She isn't mad at him just worried. Which is much preferred considering how Shuri can get when she is mad.

Peter: "No they don't know. I highly doubt they would be able to figure out I was spider-man from our interactions. I've been very careful too. No changing in alleyways with cameras and no befriending weird people and trusting them with my identity."

Shuri: "Okay good. Covering up Mysterio was easy but I would prefer that didn't happen again. That guy was a creep from the start. Who goes undercover as a professor at a high school to recruit kids to make him weapons? And then threatens them. Not cool."

Peter: "True, but he never found out about my secret identity. He just went after aunt May. And that was a big no, no."

Shuri: *Looks at Peter nervously* "Speaking of Aunt May. How are you holding up Peter? Those past couple months were rather...stressful. You had me make paperwork and everything so you wouldn't end up in the foster system. And I was happy to do it for you. I don't want you to have to go through the stress of moving after all of that. Mysterio, Aunt May, the Vulture..."

Peter: *Sighs and shoulders slump* " I know, I know. I just. I'm doing better I swear. Hanging out with you, Ned, MJ. It helps to have people who know. But sometimes I wish she was here. I really love Aunt May I do, but sometimes... Sometimes I wish I had an actual..."

Shuri: "An actual family of your own?"

Peter: *Tearing up* "Yeah. I do. That's why I didn't want to be put in the foster system. Not only would I be ripped away from all of you I wouldn't find a family who would... want me that way. I just don't know what to do."

Shuri: "Oh Peter. I know buddy I know." *Hugs Peter* "We're here for you. Me, Ned, MJ. We're all here for you no matter what. You're stuck with us. Like legit we have zero directional sense."

Peter: *Hugs Shuri and laughs while crying* "I know Shuri. I know all of you are defiantly apart my family, always were."

Shuri: "And who knows. Maybe Tony will adopt you if Clint doesn't first."

Peter: *busts out laughing* "Oh yes the avengers adopting me. That sounds like something out of a fever dream."

*They sit in silence.*

Shuri: "Hey Peter?"

Peter: "Yeah?"

Shuri: "You're gonna be okay. Everyone loses their way sometimes. But you have people around you who will make sure you stay on track. So drift as much as you want, we'll come and get you. We maybe cruddy at directions but we always know how to find you. We stick together alright? That's what family does."

Peter: *Smiles* "Yeah we stick together no matter what. Thank you Shuri, I needed that."

Shuri: "Your welcome. Anytime buddy. Now pick a funny movie none of the sappy shit you're into. I'm gonna order take out and invite Ned and MJ."

Peter: "Aww come on you loved the Titanic."

Shuri: "Like hell I did. That thing was 3 hours long and Rose couldn't move her skinny ass for Jack. 2/10. It was meh."

Peter: "So Legally Blond?"

Shuri: "Duh, Elle Woods is a queen."

Ned and MJ arrive the same time the take out does. They all enjoy an afternoon of Chinese food, Elle Woods and Cher Horowitz. All of them piled on the different furniture around Shuri's living room. Happy and content to be around their loved ones.

Hi everyone, I figured I'd do a chapter were Peter talks about how he's feeling and in general what happened. This is sorta my way of documenting the time line. There is no Civil war arc. I took that out because it seems very unlikely that Steve wouldn't talk it out with Tony that's just how I feel personally. I needed to get the whole "Peter identity reveal" out of the way. 

To do so I had to have gone the endgame timeline meaning I add endgame. So between removing Mysterio or Tony..... Mysterio it was, I had to find a way to incorporate him properly so I came up with the whole professor weapons thing. And I already said no to doing endgame. The Vulture Homecoming arc is the same but no Tony.

Anyway this is so y'all can get more background info and whatnot. That's all.

Have a wonderful day/afternoon/night wherever you are spider people.

(Words: 873)

- Author- san

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