Wow! New friends! Wait, who are you?

353 14 4

Peter was added to: Adult stands for Adolescent Dummy's Using Life sTupidly.

???: So this is who you were texting?

Mr. Anthony: I told you to wait you stupid fuc-

Peter: LaNgUaGe Mr. Anthony. No Swearing in my Minecraft server.

Also Adult ends with a T. So your acronym makes no sense. Like at all.

???: Did he just Language him?

??? Changed group chat name to: Yes we are Adults.

???: Kid has a point.


Peter: Whoa, whoa, whoa! Hold on I don't know any of you so your names are just a bunch of ??? On my end. I am Guessing your Mr. Anthony's friends? Could you tell me your name, age, and your gender though the last two are up to you. I'll go first.

I'm Peter and I'm 16, I am male.

???: You can call me Nat. My age is classified. I identify as female.

Peter changed ??? To: Ms. Nat.

Ms. Nat: oh thank you Peter.

???: Hi! You can call me Bird. I am a dude.

Peter changed ??? To: Mr. Bird.

???: You can call me Wanda. I am Female.

Peter changed ??? To: Ms. Wanda

???: Sam. I'm a dude.

Peter changed ??? To: Mr. Sam

???: You can call me Mr. metal arm.

Peter: You sure?

???: Yep.

Peter changed ??? To: Mr. Metal arm

???: Hello young man you can call me Cap.

Peter changed ??? To: Mr. Cap.

???: You can call me Snake, I am gender fluid but Male is fine.

Peter changed ??? To: Mr. Snake

Mr.Anthony: And I'm awesome, but nobody cares.

Peter: Very funny Mr. Anthony. And I care. I want to make sure I get it right. If not it's rude.

Mr. Snake: Thank you Peter.

Peter: Np.

???: Thunder. You can call me Thunder.

Peter changed ??? To: Mr. Thunder

???: Oh! Call me Silver!!! I am Male BTW.

Peter changed ??? To: Mr. Silver.

???: You can call me Mr. Wizard.

Peter changed ??? To: Mr. Wizard

???: Mr. Yellow gem is fine.

Peter changed ??? To: Mr. Yellow Gem.

???: You can call me Bruce.


Peter changed ??? To: Mr. Bruce

???: Yes, like Bruce Banner. Sadly I am not the Hulk.

Peter: Huh? Oh yeah. The Hulk is cool and all but I like Bruce Banner. The Hulk didn't write books on Gamma radiation. ( I know he didn't write 5 but I have read 5 so, I put 5.)


Peter: Yes? More than once actually. I read it for fun in my free time.

Mr. Bruce: So you've read the extra book that only sold 2 copy's???

Peter: Yep!! I bought those two copies! Hardback and paperback! I didn't get any of my books signed tho, so I was kinda sad. But I got them! People are sad now because they aren't selling them or releasing any more and you can't find them in the library, so people are bummed. Not me though!! I was smart and bought them.

Mr. Anthony: Dang. No wonder you're in Midtown.

Everyone: MIDTOWN!!

Peter: Yep that's me. Oop. I gotta go to my aunts calling bye guys!! Nice meeting y'all!

Everyone : Bye Peter!

Read 6:17

Peter is offline.

Everyone is offline.

Again I am sorry....

Hope you enjoy this one though!

(544 Words)

Have a nice day/afternoon/night you little spiders!

- Author-san

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