Please tell me you're not bleeding out somewhere. Kid?

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The photo was cute. The fact that he has avengers Lego's is awesome.

Peter: Hey, Mr. Anthony? Question.

Mr. Anthony is online.

Mr. Anthony: Hi Peter, what's up?

Peter: How do you take care of a long and deep stab wound?

Mr. Anthony: First tell me why the fuck you need to know that? If you don't mind me asking.

Peter: First off language, second I don't mind, and I may or may not have gotten jumped while walking home, and got stabbed in the side. I don't want my aunt to worry.

Mr. Anthony: YOU GOT JUMPED!!

Peter: LOL. Sorry no, I was just joking. Bye!

Peter is offline.

Mr. Anthony: LIES. Fucking lies. Peter if you don't get your ass back here I swear to god.

(Author: Boy, stop giving this poor man a heart attack!)

Peter is online.

Peter: Okay maybe I lied but when you flipped out I felt bad, for worrying you with my problems.

Mr. Anthony: I'm worried yes but I genuinely care about you kid. And just cause we never met in person doesn't mean I'm gonna let some random kid bleed out in his house. You have your reasons for not wanting to go to a hospital. I get it, but I care about you, I'm not gonna let you die.

Peter: Thanks so... how do I?

Mr. Anthony: Alright Peter strap in. This will be a long and painful thing to do so be ready. So you need a needle and tread, medical thread would be better but work with what you got. Disinfectant like rubbing alcohol, cotton pads, gauze, and a wrap like the kind you use to wrap around your arm, to hold the gauze in place. Also get some Advil if you have some, it will hurt after trust me. Let me know when you got the stuff.

Peter: I got it, my aunt had the needle and medical thread in our first aid kit, along with the disinfectant and other things.

Mr. Anthony: Okay first take an Advil this will help with the pain, then thread the needle,

Peter: Go on.

Mr. Anthony: You disinfected the needle and thread right??

Peter: Yep.

Mr. Anthony: Okay, good. This part will sting. Put some rubbing alcohol on a cotton pad and clean the wound.

Peter: I'm done, it kinda burns.

Mr. Anthony: This part will hurt like a lot so be ready. Now, start at the bottom of wound and go up, stitch it up in a zigzag motion up the slice

Peter: K done. Kinda dizzy, and in a lot of pain. That's good or bad.

Mr. Anthony: Hold on Peter where almost done. Tie the thread in a knot as close to your skin as you can, then cut off the extra thread.

Peter: Done.

Mr. Anthony: Now, get a piece of gauze and put it on the newly stitched up area. Then as best as you can wrap the gauze around the gauze you placed on the wound. Then put the wrap around the gauze, then clip it with a fastener. Then you're done.Take another Advil if you can and drink water.

Peter: Done. I took another Advil. Wow, I made a huge mess... Sorry to ask this but how do I clean this up?

Mr. Anthony: I suggest that you wait a bit before doing that.

Peter: Okay.

*50 minutes later*

Mr. Anthony: How are you feeling kid? You alright? Please tell me you're not bleeding out somewhere. Kid?

Peter: Nope, I'm okay.

Mr. Anthony: Okay. I'm gonna tell you how to clean up but try not to move your wound too much. Don't push yourself Peter.

Disinfect anything you used on you like the needle. Throw away the extra thread on the needle as well

Put everything nicely back in the first aid kit.

Put the first aid kit away.

Get wipes preferably Clorox wipes and wipe the floor.

If there are stains or you don't have wipes, get a rag, and a bucket. If you have a mop even better.

Fill the bucket halfway with water, then add half a cap full of bleach in the bucket.

Clean the floor.

Dump out dirty water in the tub. And rinse bucket, mop/rag, and tub.

If clothes are bloody, get a bucket, laundry detergent, and bleach.

Fill the bucket halfway with water, pour half a cup of laundry detergent, and a quarter cup of bleach. Mix.

Put clothes in a bucket.

Let sit for 6 minutes.

Dump out in the tub.

Rinse everything. Hang clothes up or just throw it in the drier.

Then you're done.

*An hour later*

Peter: Done, I also took a bath and changed the bandages. So I kinda wasted bandages. But not really they were kinda bloody in some places... that's okay right?

Mr. Anthony: If it was only a tiny bit it's fine. So you should be okay.

Peter: Oh okay.

Mr. Anthony: Kid.... I have some more steps I want you to do now okay?

Peter: Okay.

Mr. Anthony:

Change into something comfortable if you haven't already.

Get something light to eat, also get water.

Go to your room if you can, cause you said you didn't want your aunt to worry. If not then that's fine.

Put something you like to watch on, a series or something. So you don't have to get up constantly and move around.

Get a few pillows, a blanket, snacks, Advil, and a water bottle.

Put pillows in a way that is comfortable for your body, make sure to put one by your side. And put the blanket over yourself. Place the water bottle, Advil, and snacks in arms reach.

Relax it you pass out.

*20 minutes later*

Peter: Okay I got set up. Thanks Mr. Anthony. Sorry for worrying you, I'm gonna go now.

Mr. Anthony: Alright kid bye. Take it easy yeah?

Peter: 👌😊

Read 9:50pm

Peter is offline

Mr. Anthony is offline

(973 words)

Last update for today. See ya little demons later!

Have a nice day/afternoon/night!

- Author-san

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